Metroid Dread (Switch)

How to Beat Experiment No. Z-57: Cataris Boss Fight Guide

Metroid Dread - How to Beat Experiment No Z-57.png
This is a guide on the spider-like boss Experiment No. Z-57, the creature responsible for draining the heat in the Cataris Power Plant from the game Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn more about Experiment No. Z-57, how to beat it, and its attack patterns!

Experiment No. Z-57 Location and Rewards

Experiment No. Z-57 Basic Information
Metroid Dread Experiment No. Z-57  Boss
Location Cataris
Rewards No Rewards

Experiment No. Z-57 Map Location

Boss Location Map

After discovering the frozen state of Artaria, ADAM will suggest for you to investigate the power plant in Cataris. Head to the marked spot to face against this monstrosity.

Frozen Artaria Walkthrough

How to Beat Experiment No. Z-57

Key Strategies

Experiment No. Z-57 Boss Tips
Use Storm Missile attacks on its head

Space Jump to avoid the slashes

Use Flash Shift to jump to the safe area when Z-57 shoots its laser

Counter Z-57 when it goes in for the bite and then spam missiles during the cutscene

Run against the wind and time your Space Jumps to avoid the laser shockwaves
Pro Tip: Use Shinespark to deal a fatal blow.

Unleash a Barrage of Storm Missiles

When you have the chance to be on steady footing, lock on as many Storm Missiles as you can onto Z-57's head. This gives you the chance to deal the most damage and still allows Samus to dodge around.

Space Jump to Avoid the Sweeping Slashes

Dread - Z-57 - Sweep Slash.gif
As one of the biggest enemies Samus has had to face in ZDR, Experiment No. Z-57 can do a sweeping slash that takes up a third of the screen. Watch its arms reel back in preparation for a strike, and space jump towards the opposite corner to avoid a direct hit.

In the latter phase of the battle, it will also attempt slashes with two arms at a time. In these cases, jump towards the upper middle part of the screen to evade its attack.

Jump to Dodge Laser Blasts

Dread - Z-57 - Two-part Laser.gif
Experiment No. Z-57 fires a laser from its mouth that sweeps across the screen in two bursts. Time a Jump or Flash Shift after the first burst to avoid the second. The area of the floor hit by the laser leaves an acid-like lava, so using Flash Shift here to land on the safe area is more accurate than jumping.

Melee Counter When It Goes In For A Chomp

Dread - Z-57 - Forward Chomp Melee Counter Opportunity.gif
Occasionally, Z-57 will move in closer, staying on one side of the screen while trying to blast the other half of the screen with its laser. Stand just underneath its head preparing to Melee Counter. As soon as it finishes blasting its laser, it will attempt to chomp at you.

Dread - Z-57 - Dynamic Camera.gif
Hit him back in retaliation right from under its chin. A successful melee counter also gives you a chance to recover energy and ammo. Spam for the entire cutscene to take out a large chunk of Z-57's health.

Shoot Its Arms Away With Storm Missiles

Dread - Z-57 - Grabbing the Room Storm Missiles.gif
In agitation, Z-57 will attempt to charge a larger than usual laser blast. You'll notice its four arms grab the walls and ceiling of the room you're in as it wells up its energy. Quickly lock on to these appendages and shoot your Storm Missiles to stop him from charging up. Continue moving while aiming for these to ensure that you are not hit by the larger laser blast if Z-57 manages to unleash it.

Time Your Space Jumps to Avoid the Energy Shockwaves While Running

Dread - Z-57 - Run Against the Wind.gif
No. Z-57 will activate turbulence fans that blow you into an acid covered wall, dealing constant damage. In order to avoid this and the oncoming attacks, run in the opposite direction while also carefully avoiding the energy shockwaves by using your Space Jump.

This move will be tricky at first, but with proper timing you will be able to dodge all the shockwaves. It's good to keep in mind that Samus can leap over up to two beams in a single jump. Three or four beams will require a Spin Boost!

Pro Tip: Use Shinespark to Deal a Fatal Blow

Dread - Shinespark vs Z-57.gif
Running against the wind, you will always have to run and dodge through 11 waves of energy. It's important to note that you never have to jump for the 9th wave. With this in mind, you can start a Speed Boost after the 8th wave, and store a Shinespark before the 10th wave.

You will have to take the hit from the 10th wave afterward, but after dodging or getting hit by the 11th wave, jump up and release your shinespark towards Z-57's head for an instant win.

Speedrun Guide: Sequence Breaks and Fastest Route

Experiment No. Z-57 Attack Patterns

Melee Attacks

Sweep Slash

Dread - Z-57 - Sweep Slash.gif
Z-57 will lash out across the room, one arm after the other. These swipes have a rather large range. Jump to the opposite corner to dodge them.

Forward Chomp - Melee Counter Sequence

Dread - Z-57 - Dynamic Camera.gif
After staying clear of Z-57's Sideway Laser Blast, it will rear it's head in an attempt to bite Samus. This offers a chance for you to land a Melee Counter to stun the enemy.

Succesfully doing so recovers Missiles and Energy while also offering a sequence for you to continuously blast Z-57 with Missiles.

Double Sweep Slash

Dread - Z-57 - Double Sweep Slash.gif
Z-57 may ocassionally add a third lash after his Sweep Slash by lashing both arms at once. Jump towards the upper center of the screen to avoid getting hit.

Laser Attacks

Two-Part Laser

Dread - Z-57 - Two-part Laser.gif
Experiment No. Z-57 fires a laser from its mouth that sweeps across the screen in two bursts. Time a Flash Shift after the first burst to avoid the second.

Sideway Laser Blast

Dread - Z-57 - Forward Chomp Melee Counter Opportunity.gif
Z-57 will move into one side of the room before attempting to blast the other side with lasers. Prepare for an upcoming Forward Chomp while standing underneath his head for safety.

Targeted Laser Blast

Dread - Z-57 - Grabbing the Room Ice Missiles.gif
Ice Missiles
Dread - Z-57 - Grabbing the Room Storm Missiles.gif
Storm Missiles

Four of Z-57's arms will grab onto different sides of the room while he charges a large laser. Keep moving to avoid the laser locking onto your position. You can then use the Storm Missile or the Ice Missiles to lock onto all the arms to shoot his grip off.

Laser Waves

Dread - Z-57 - Run Against the Wind.gif
No. Z-57 will activate turbulence fans that blow you into an acid covered wall, dealing constant damage. In order to avoid this and the oncoming attacks, run in the opposite direction while also carefully avoiding the energy shockwaves by using your Space Jump.

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4 Anonymousover 2 years

Double jumps don’t work half of the time even thou times right, , think I’m quitting this game now not fun

3 Fränckover 3 years

You haven't got Screw Attack at this point? I have. It is pretty useable at the point where you use Storm Missiles against its five arms.


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