Metroid Dread (Switch)

How to Shoot Through Walls Using A Pseudo Wave Beam

Metroid Dread Pseudo Wave Beam
This is a guide on the Pseudo Wave Beam. Read on to learn how to shoot through walls even before getting the Wave Beam Upgrade and what areas you can use it in for speedrunning!

How to Perform a Pseudo Wave Beam

Early Phantom Cloak

To perform a Pseudo Wave Beam, you must execute a slide-jump and shoot at the targeted wall. You can use both the Power Beam or the Charge Beam for this. This must be timed correctly to succeed.

Where to Use the Pseudo Wave Beam

Aim at around the area of this tile
Using the Pseudo Wave Beam can help shave off time when you are speedrunning the game by opening up new areas, allowing you to skip some major boss battles, and grab some upgrades earlier than intended.

Speedrun Guide

Skipping the Damaged EMMI and Drogyga Boss Fight

The Damaged EMMI and Drogyga are the two major enemies that you can skip by using a Pseudo Wave Beam.

Damaged EMMI

Skip the First Broken EMMI

To skip the Damaged EMMI, you will need to perform a Pseudo Wave Beam to detonate the alien block without sliding to the other side. While it is easier to hit the block by jumping in the corner and shooting, you will need to be careful on the last hit, as a large boulder will fall on Samus and one-shot her. For the last hit, you will need to jump to the left of the boulder that will fall in order to not be crushed.


Drygoga Skip

To skip Drogyga, fire a well-angled Charge Beam just below the crack in the wall outside the boss room to detonate the alien block beside the Energy Recharge Station. This trick is optional as the shot requires a lot of practice and skipping Drogyga won't save you that much time since it's a relatively short boss fight.

Gaining Upgrades Earlier

Some upgrades can be obtained earlier if you are able to open up new areas using the Pseudo Wave Beam.

Early Phantom Cloak

Early Phantom Cloak

You can engage in battle with Corpious earlier to obtain the Phantom Cloak by detonating the alien block above the save station.

However, this skips the White EMMI and the Spider Magnet upgrade, making the boss fight more difficult.

Early Speed Booster

Early Speed Booster

You can destroy the Dairon Central Unit and defeat the Yellow EMMI earlier and gain the Speed Booster upgrade by detonating the alien block near the lower elevator in Burenia. This can be tricky to pull of given the small sliding space, but it is possible with the correct timing.

After successfully clipping exploding the alien block, travel to Dairon and continue to the lower area to locate the Central Unit and defeat the Yellow EMMI.

Early Space Jump

An alternative way to get Space Jump early is by hitting the enemy under the floor to detonate the alien block near the Space Jump upgrade.

As this is a sequence break, you can only attempt to obtain the Space Jump using the Pseudo Wave Beam if you already have Diffusion Beam, Ice Missile, Grapple Beam and Morph Ball upgrades.

Perform a Lunging Melee against the wall and charge up a Diffusion Beam. Samus' leg must be against the wall at this point. Aim down and quickly turn into a Morph Ball using LR to shoot automatically. This will hit the enemy beyond the floor and will cause it to attack and hit the Alien Block.

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