Metroid Dread (Switch)

Burenia Area Map and 100% Items Guide

Metroid Dread Burenia.png

This is a 100% items guide to Burenia, one of the areas found in planet ZDR in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about all the enemies, bosses, and upgrades found in Burenia and find out how to navigate the Burenia map in order to locate all the stations, teleportals, elevators, missile tanks, and energy tanks!

Burenia Map

Complete Burenia Map

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Icon Description
Samus Icon.png Samus
The Samus icon on the map shows Samus' current location.
Save Station Save Station
Save stations allow you to save the current progress of your game and are found in yellow zones.
Network Station Icon.png Network Station
You can use Network Stations found in yellow zones to contact your ship and save your progress.
Map Station Icon.png Network Station
You can visit a Map Station to download the map data of certain area and save your progress.
Ammo Recharge Station Icon.pngEnergy Recharge Station Icon.pngTotal Recharge Station Icon.png Recharge Station
Recharge Stations can replenish Samus' energy and missiles. There are three types of Recharge Stations: Ammo (Red), Energy (Pink) and Total Recharge Stations (Yellow).
Teleportal Icon.png Teleportal
Teleportals are found in specific sections of the map and can be used to warp to a different area. There are different colors of teleportals that link to each other.
Missile Tank Icon.png Missile Tank
Missile Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase your missile capacity.
Energy Tank Icon.png Energy Tank
Energy Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase Samus' maximum health.
Elevator Icon.png Elevator
Elevators can bring Samus to another area in planet ZDR.
Interactable Icon.png Interactables
Interactables are buttons, switches, or other devices that Samus can interact with to manipulate the environment.

Burenia Objectives

Burenia Story Walkthrough.jpg

Burenia Objectives
Learn about Dairon from Adam
Obtain the Bomb Upgrade
Head to Burenia and Talk to Adam
Obtain Flash Shift
Defeat the Yellow EMMI in Dairon and Obtain Speed Booster
Return to Artaria to Obtain the Grapple Beam
Head to Ferenia
Encounter the Purple EMMI
Meet Quiet Robe (Chozo Scientist)
Defeat the Robot Chozo Soldier
Defeat Drogyga in Burenia

Burenia Walkthrough

All Items in Burenia

Missile Tanks

All Burenia Missile Tank Locations

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Missile Tank No. How to Get

Missile Tank 01
Shoot the blocks and use the Morph Ball to grab the item.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Missile Tank 02
Shoot the hidden block with a Missle to reveal the upgrade.

Missile Tank 03 (Missile+ Tank)
In the underwater section of Burenia, drop down and hold left to fall directly onto this Missile+ Tank.

Missile Tank 04 (Missile+ Tank)
Use Spider Magnet to grab the wall, then use Flash Shift to cling on to the side of the block that the Shutter would close on. Shoot the top block on the other side and hop over to get this Missile Tank+.
Required Ability:
Spider Magnet
Flash Shift

Missile Tank 05
Use the Grapple Beam to reach the magnetic strip on the ceiling and hop over to the item.
Required Ability:
Grapple Beam

Missile Tank 06
After the path leading upwards is opened in Burenia, on the top right side of the object in the middle is a block hiding a Missile Tank.

Missile Tank 07 (Missile+ Tank)
This is a Shinespark Puzzle. From the room with the energy part, run through the door and store a Shinespark. Head down to the next room and shoot the beam block as you're falling. Activate the Shinespark midair to hit the wall, and continue running. Charge your Shinespark before you fall, and then activate it again to hit the ramp. Store your Shinespark when you get over the ramp and activate it again against the Speed Booster Blocks.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 08
Use the Gravity Suit to jump high enough out of the water to get this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 09
With the Gravity Suit, go to the underwater section and run until you can store a Shinespark by tilting the stick down. Reposition to the middle and unleash the Shinespark to get this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 10
Use the Screw Attack to break the blocks.
Required Ability:
Screw Attack

Missile Tank 11 (Missile+ Tank)
Use the Screw Attack to break the blocks.
Required Ability:
Screw Attack

Missile Tank 12
Use Screw Attack with the Gravity Suit to get this Missile Tank
Required Ability:
Gravity Suit
Screw Attack

Speed Booster and Shinespark Puzzle Solutions

Missile Tank 07 (Missile+ Tank)

How to Solve
Burenia Missile Tank 07
Map Location

Run through the door in the upper room and store a Shinespark. Head down to the next room and shoot the Beam Blocks as you are falling. Activate the Shinespark midair to hit the slope and continue running. Charge your Shinespark again before you fall, and then activate it and hit the ramp. Store your Shinespark when you get over the ramp and activate it again against the Speed Booster Blocks.

Energy Tanks

All Burenia Energy Tank Locations

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Energy Tank No. How to Get

Energy Tank 01 (Energy Part)
Use the Speed Booster to run through the wind.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Energy Tank 02
Use the Grapple Beam or Flash Shift to reach the magnetic strip and jump to the ledge, going through the Morph Ball-sized opening.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Flash Shift

Energy Tank 03
Use Storm Missile to open the way, then use the Grapple Beam to grab the wall to the right and use Space Jump to reach the item.
Required Ability:
Grapple Beam
Storm Missile
Space Jump

Energy Tank 04 (Energy Part)
Open the hidden blocks next to the Green Teleporter. Then use Ice Missiles to destroy the Enkis and get to the end of the hallway.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Ice Missile

Power Bombs

All Burenia Power Bomb Tank Locations

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Power Bomb Tank No. How to Get

Power Bomb Tank 01
Use a Powerbomb on the Powerbomb Block toward the bottom of the map. Charge up a Shinespark starting from the bottom left corner of Burenia and store it before sliding and dropping down. Release the Shinespark aiming right to get this Power Bomb Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster
Gravity Suit
Power Bomb

Speed Booster and Shinespark Puzzle Solutions

Power Bomb Tank 01

How to Solve
Burenia Power Bomb Shinespark Puzzle.gif
Map Location

This Power Bomb Tank is at the very bottom of Burenia, hidden behind a wall. Slide into the small cave at the south of the map and use your Pulse Radar to find the hidden block. Place a Power Bomb on the hidden block to destroy it. Head back to the previous room to get a running start and ready your Shinespark before entering the small cave. Use your Morph Ball to enter the small crevice and activate your Shinespark to break the blocks and obtain the Power Bomb.

Burenia Bosses

Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers

Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers
Dread - Twin Robot Chozo Soldier.png
1st Encounter Ferenia
2st Encounter Burenia
Robot Chozo Soldier Boss Tips
✔ Use the Flash Shift to keep your distance from both of their attacks.
✔ Use your Ice Missiles to slow the Soldiers down.
✔ Focus on one soldier at a time.
✔ Lock on with multiple Storm Missiles to blast them to pieces.

How to Beat Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers


Metroid Dread Drogyga Boss
Rewards No Rewards
Drogyga Boss Tips
✔ Shoot at Grogyga's top tentacle until it retracts.

✔ Shoot Charge Beams at the buttons on either side of the room to drain water out.

✔ Attack the core of the dehydrated Grogyga until it shrivels up.

How to Beat Drogyga

Burenia EMMI

There are no EMMI located in Burenia.

Upgrades and Power-Ups in Burenia

Flash Shift

Flash Shift Location
Description Use Flash Shift to travel a set distance forward or backwards in an instant. You can also use it to quickly traverse areas or dodge enemy attacks.
Upgrade Type Aeion

How to Obtain the Flash Shift

Gravity Suit

Gravity Suit Location
Description Greatly reduces damage taken from enemy attacks and insulates Samus from extreme cold and lava. It also allows Samus to move freely in water. In addition, the gravity suit slightly increases the dash's melee damage.
Upgrade Type Suit

How to Obtain the Gravity Suit

Burenia Stations

Station Locations

Map Icon Legends
Red Arrow.jpgSave Station Blue Arrow.jpgNetwork Station Green Arrow.jpgMap Station
Orange Arrow.jpgAmmo Recharge Station Pink Arrow.jpgEnergy Recharge Station Yellow Arrow.jpgTotal Recharge Station

Burenia Transportation

Elevator, Tram, and Teleportal Locations

Map Icon Legends
Pink Arrow.jpgElevator or Shuttle Blue Arrow.jpgTeleportal

Shuttle to Dairon

Burenia - Dairon Shuttle.jpg

There are two shuttles to Dairon located on the east side of the map. Samus uses both shuttles on her first trip to Burenia to obtain Flash Shift.

Elevator to Ghavaron

Burenia - Ghavaron Elevator.jpg

An elevator to Ghavaron can be found on the north side of the map. Samus first uses this elevator on her first trip to Ghavaron.

Elevator to Artaria

Burenia - Artaria Elevator.jpg

The elevator to Artaria can be found on the southeast side of the map. After Samus finds out about the dropping temperature in planet ZDR, she uses this elevator to travel to Artaria.

Green Teleportal

Burenia Green Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Green Teleportal is found in the middle area of the map and leads to Ghavoran.

Cyan Teleportal

Burenia Cyan Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Cyan Teleportal is located on the east side of the map and leads to Ferenia. It requires both the Storm Missile and Bomb upgrades to access.

Burenia Interactables


Buttons Drogyga Room.jpg

The two buttons found in the room containing Drogyga are used to control the water level of the area during the boss fight.

Enemies in Burenia

List of Enemies
BatalloonBatalloon DizzeanDizzean SlaagaSlaaga
UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown
UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown

List of Enemies

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Locations and Maps Partial Banner.png
Locations and Maps Top Page

Metroid Dread Artaria.jpgArtaria Metroid Dread Cataris.jpgCataris
Metroid Dread Dairon.jpgDairon Metroid Dread Burenia.jpgBurenia
Metroid Dread Ghavoran.jpgGhavoran Metroid Dread Ferenia.jpgFerenia
Metroid Dread Elun.jpgElun Metroid Dread Hanubia.jpgHanubia
Metroid Dread Itorash.jpgItorash -


3 Anonymousabout 3 years

THANK YOU! Missile tank 7 was going to be the death of me

2 Anonymousover 3 years

Help I have soft locked myself at the very bottom of the map I do not have gravity suit and I only just got space jump


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