Metroid Dread (Switch)

How to Unlock the Omega Cannon Upgrade

Metroid Dread - Omega Cannon.png

This is a guide on the Omega Cannon, a temporary beam upgrade in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about how to unlock the Omega Cannon Upgrade and how to use the Omega Cannon against enemies and obstacles.

Omega Cannon Overview

Basic Information

Omega Cannon
Omega Cannon
Description A weapon strong enough to take down an EMMI, the Omega Cannon is a temporary upgrade received after absorbing energy from Central Units.
Upgrade Type Beam

How to Unlock the Omega Cannon

Omega Cannon Location

Several Central Units can be found scattered throughout Planet ZDR. These brain-like organic supercomputers hold the key to wielding the Omega Cannon—a weapon strong enough to take down an E.M.M.I.

Steps to Unlock the Omega Cannon

EMMI - Decomission Central Unit.gif
The Omega Cannon is a temporary upgrade received after absorbing energy from Central Units.

Outwit the Central Unit's defenses to destroy it. Recover its energy to temporarily wield the Omega Cannon.

How to Use the Omega Cannon

Omega Cannon Controls

Omega Stream EMMI - Omega Stream.gif
Hold Nintendo Switch - L button to use Aim Mode. Tilt Nintendo Switch - Left Analog Stick to aim.

If a target is nearby, Samus will automatically face that direction.

Hold Y button.png to fire the Omega Stream and heat up the shielding.

It will shatter upon overheating, leaving the core exposed.
Omega Blaster EMMI - Omega Blaster.gif
Hold Nintendo Switch - L button to use Aim Mode. Tilt Nintendo Switch - Left Analog Stick to aim.

If a target is nearby, Samus will automatically face that direction.

Hold Nintendo Switch - R button to charge the Omega Blaster.

Once charged, press Nintendo Switch - Y button.png while still holding Nintendo Switch - R button to fire. Aim at the core.

Defeating EMMIs

Metroid Dread - Omega Stream EMMI.jpg
As described above, the Omega Blaster is the only weapon strong enough to take down the persistent EMMIs. Use the Omega Stream to melt away the EMMIs protective plating.
Metroid Dread - Omega Blaster EMMI.jpg
With their core exposed, stand your ground to charge your Omega Blaster before firing a direct hit. Be careful not to miss, or else the EMMI will still overpower you.

Opening Central Unit Doors

After recovering the energy from Central Units, Samus will need to use the Omega Blaster to exit the Central Unit's room. Shoot the core with a fully-charged Omega Blaster to open the door.

Metroid Dread Related Guides

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List of All Ability Upgrades

All Abilities & Upgrades

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Wide Beam Grapple Beam
Omega Cannon Diffusion Beam
Plasma Beam Wave Beam
Hyper Beam --
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Storm Missile -
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Shinespark Screw Attack
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Morph Ball Bomb
Cross Bomb Power Bomb
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Phantom Cloak Flash Shift
Pulse Radar -


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