Metroid Dread (Switch)

Is Metroid Dread the Last Metroid Game?

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This page is about how Metroid Dread marks the last story of the relationship between Samus and the Metroids. Read on to learn more about the latest installment of the Metroid series and what the future may hold for Samus Aran.

Is Metroid Dread the Last Metroid Game?

Metroid Dread Concludes the Story Between Samus and the Metroids

Back in June 16, 2021. Metroid Series producer Yoshio Sakamoto talks about Metroid Dread's significance in the story of the franchise.

Despite being the first 2D Metroid Game in 19 years, Metroid Dread concludes a 35-year long story-arc that started with the 1987 Metroid on the NES.

We're hoping fans of the series will wonder "what does 'mark an end to the story arc' mean?” as they play the game.
Yoshio Sakamoto, Producer

See You In the Next Mission

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The word Metroid is the Chozo word for Ultimate Warrior. After the climactic ending of Metroid Dread, it's safe to say that Samus Aran has lived up to being an ultimate warrior and will carry on the meaning of the word Metroid going forward.

While Metroid Dread concluded the story from the original saga, this does not mark the end of the series. As indicated by the end screen for Metroid Dread, Samus Aran will see you in the next mission! Let's hope it won't take another 19 years for the next 2D Metroid game to release!

Metroid Dread - Ending Explained

Metroid Prime 4

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Although a different type of game compared to the 2D Metroid games, fans can continue to look forward to Metroid Prime 4, a game currently under development for the Nintendo Switch.

Initially announced in June 14, 2017, Metroid Prime 4 has restarted development as of January 25, 2019. There is no current release date announced.

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