Metroid Dread (Switch)

Quiet Robe Character Profile

Quiet Robe Character Profile

This is an article about Quiet Robe in the game Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can get an overview of Quiet Robe's backstory and role in Metroid Dread!

Quiet Robe Overview

Who is Quiet Robe?

Meeting Quiet Robe.jpg

Warning: This character profile may contain spoilers for Metroid Dread and other games in the Metroid Series.

Quiet Robe is a Chozo scientist and a member of the Thoha tribe. The Thoha created the Metroids to combat the X parasite when they attempted to colonize planet SR388, an event Quiet Robe witnessed and contributed to firsthand.

The plan to colonize SR388 backfired when the Metroids proved to be too powerful and were rapidly becoming a greater threat than the X parasite they were intended to destroy. Now instead of colonizing SR388, the planet was to be destroyed. However, this plan would also fail as Raven Beak decided to slaughter the Thoha tribe, attempting to capitalize on the power of the Metroid.

Quiet Robe In Metroid Dread

Chozo Archive 03 (Dairon 100%).png

Quiet Robe has been kept alive by Raven Beak as Quiet Robe is a member of the Thoha Tribe who have DNA that can control the Metroids. Being forced to work for Raven Beak, Quiet Robe is tasked with preparing an army of Metroids. He can also be seen working on Experiment No. Z-57, a boss that must be defeated to melt the ice in Artaria.

Upon encountering Samus in Ferenia, he assists her by stopping the Purple EMMI and opens a path in Burenia leading to Ghavoran. After assisting Samus, Quiet Robe is shot by a Robot Chozo Soldier and is taken over by one of the X parasites.

When Samus is escaping ZDR, the X parasite version of Quiet Robe appears before Samus and removes the Metroid Suit so that Samus won't drain the ship of its energy. Quiet Robe then bows and disappears as Samus makes her escape, implying that his personality somehow remained intact even after being taken over by the X parasite.

Quiet Robe in Previous Games

Metroid Samus Returns
Quiet Robe appears in the Chozo Memories in Metroid: Samus Returns. Through these memories, Samus, as well as the player, learn about the backstory of the Chozo, the Metroid, the X parasite, and the events on SR388.

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Metroid Dread - Characters 1.png
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samus.pngSamus Aran emmi.pngEMMI chozo.pngThe Chozo
x-parasite.pngX Parasite metroid.pngMetroid adam.pngADAM
Metroid Dread Quiet Robe Character IconQuiet Robe


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