Metroid Dread (Switch)

Can you Softlock in Metroid Dread?

Dread - Softlock.png
It is almost impossible to be softlocked when playing through the game regularly. However, performing sequence breaks may lead to situations where players are softlocked. Learn how to avoid getting softlocked as you progress through Metroid Dread on the Nintendo Switch.

Can You Get Softlocked in Metroid Dread?

Normally, No

Softlock Jaffe Room.png
As players progress through the game as intended, there is little to no chance for a softlock to occur. Some areas may be trickier to get out of than others, but Samus will almost always be equipped with the necessary tools to progress.

If you get stuck in a certain area, check out our What To Do When Stuck guide to get a clue where to head next. Alternatively, you can follow our Story Walkthrough to progress through the game as intended.
What To Do When Stuck

Be Careful When Sequence Breaking

Word of caution to speedrunners and sequence breakers, since you may be required to perform movements that are not as the developers intended, you may find yourself stuck at certain points. Be sure to follow sequence break tips carefully to avoid softlocks!

Speedrun Guide: How to Sequence Break and Fastest Route

Softlocked in the White EMMI Zone

For players who go for an early Phantom Cloak, you may get stuck at this spot if you weren't able to clear the debris in an earlier visit to the EMMI Zone. You will not be able to clear the path since there are objects on top blocking you from shooting it.

Normally you break through it going up and it triggers a chase scene with the White EMMI. But after activating the thermal door in Cataris and following the pipe, you are supposed to go back down this way.

Our team is on the lookout for more softlocks. Check back for more.

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