Metroid Dread (Switch)

How to Unlock the Phantom Cloak | Where to Go After Getting

Metroid Dread Phantom Cloak.png
This page covers the Phantom Cloak Aeion Ability in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn more about the Phantom Cloak Aeion Ability including how to unlock it, how to get it early, how to use it, and where to go after getting the Phantom Cloak ability!

Phantom Cloak Overview

Basic Information

Phantom Cloak
Phantom Cloak
Description An Aeion ability that renders Samus invisible to enemies by refracting light. She can also move silently, albeit at lower speed.
Upgrade Type Aeion

How to Unlock the Phantom Cloak Aeion Ability

Phantom Cloak Location

Phantom Cloak Map Location

View Full Map Image
Location Artaria

Steps to Unlock the Phantom Cloak Aeion Ability

1 Metroid Dread - Corpious (Phase 3).pngDefeat Corpious.
Corpious is the first boss you'll encounter in the game.
2 Metroid Dread - Obtain Phantom CloakGain the upgrade.
You will automatically gain the ability after defeating Corpious.

How to Get the Phantom Cloak Early

You can skip the White EMMI and fight Corpious immediately to get the Phantom Cloak early, but this is not recommended as the Spider Magnet (which is dropped by the White EMMI) is a helpful upgrade for the boss battle with Corpious.

1 Early Phantom CloakPerform the Pseudo Wave Beam.
From the save station near the White EMMI Zone, shoot a Pseudo Wave Beam (a slide followed by a jump) to the alien remains just above the area outside the save station. There is a chance that the beam will clip through the wall and make an opening.
2 Beat Corpious.jpgFollow the path to Corpious' boss room.
Climb up the path and travel right to Corpious's boss room. Defeat it to obtain the upgrade.

How to Use the Phantom Cloak

Press the R Stick with Full Aeion

Phantom Cloak.jpg

While your Aeion is full, press Nintendo Switch R stick to activate Phantom Cloak. Press Nintendo Switch R stick once again to deactivate Phantom Cloak.

Hide from the EMMI

Metroid Dread Phantom Cloak.gif
While this ability is active, Samus can move without causing any sound and she will go undetected by the E.M.M.I.’s optical sensor.

Pass Through Sensor-Lock Door

Phantom Cloak Sensor-Lock Door.gif
This door will automatically close when Samus tries to pass. Use Phantom Cloak to pass through.

Be Careful of Aeion Energy Levels

Phantom Cloak Walk.gif
Samus can activate this ability by consuming a special type of energy called Aeion. However, if Samus walks or otherwise engages while the ability is active, she will more quickly burn through Aeion.

If all of her Aeion is depleted, Samus may continue using Phantom Cloak at the cost of her Energy. Manage these resources carefully.

Where to Go After Phantom Cloak

Use Phantom Cloak on Sensor-Lock Doors

Phantom Cloak on Sensor-Lock Doors.gif

Once you defeat the first boss, Corpius, you will gain the Phantom Cloak ability, which allows Samus to sneak past Sensor-Lock Doors.

Before approaching a Sensor-Lock Door, activate your Phantom Cloak and walk through. Do not deactivate your Phantom Cloak until you make it safely across the door.

Head to the Cataris Elevator

Stuck on Artaria Guide

After obtaining the Phantom Cloak, travel to the top right section of the map and reach the Sensor-Lock Door underneath a heat-room, as shown on the image above. This will let you travel on to the next map, Cataris.

Artaria Walkthrough

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Ability Upgrades Partial Banner.png

List of All Ability Upgrades

All Abilities & Upgrades

Suit Upgrades Partial Image.pngSuits and Suit Upgrades
Power Suit Varia Suit
Gravity Suit Metroid Suit
Beam Upgrades Partial Image.pngBeam Upgrades
Power Beam Charge Beam
Wide Beam Grapple Beam
Omega Cannon Diffusion Beam
Plasma Beam Wave Beam
Hyper Beam --
Missile Upgrades Partial Image.pngMissile Upgrades
Super Missile Ice Missile
Storm Missile -
Misc. Upgrades Partial Image.pngMisc. Upgrades
Spider Magnet Speed Booster
Shinespark Screw Attack
Space Jump Spin Boost
Morph Ball Upgrades Partial Image.pngMorph Ball Upgrades
Morph Ball Bomb
Cross Bomb Power Bomb
Aeion Abilities Partial Image.pngAeion Abilities
Phantom Cloak Flash Shift
Pulse Radar -


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