Metroid Dread (Switch)

Artaria Area Map and 100% Items Guide

Metroid Dread Artaria Guide.png

This is a 100% items guide to Artaria, one of the areas found in planet ZDR in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about all the enemies, bosses, and upgrades found in Artaria and find out how to navigate the Artaria map in order to locate all the stations, teleportals, elevators, missile tanks, and energy tanks!

Artaria Map

Complete Artaria Map

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Icon Description
Samus Icon.png Samus
The Samus icon on the map shows Samus' current location.
Save Station Save Station
Save stations allow you to save the current progress of your game and are found in yellow zones.
Network Station Icon.png Network Station
You can use Network Stations found in yellow zones to contact your ship and save your progress.
Map Station Icon.png Network Station
You can visit a Map Station to download the map data of certain area and save your progress.
Ammo Recharge Station Icon.pngEnergy Recharge Station Icon.pngTotal Recharge Station Icon.png Recharge Station
Recharge Stations can replenish Samus' energy and missiles. There are three types of Recharge Stations: Ammo (Red), Energy (Pink) and Total Recharge Stations (Yellow.
Teleportal Icon.png Teleportal
Teleportals are found in specific sections of the map and can be used to warp to a different area. There are different colors of teleportals that link to each other.
Missile Tank Icon.png Missile Tank
Missile Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase your missile capacity.
Energy Tank Icon.png Energy Tank
Energy Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase Samus' maximum health.
Elevator Icon.png Elevator
Elevators can bring Samus to another area in planet ZDR.
Interactable Icon.png Interactables
Interactables are buttons, switches, or other devices that Samus can interact with to manipulate the environment.

Artaria Objectives

Artaria Story Walkthrough.png

Artaria Objectives
Talk to Adam
Defeat Damaged EMMI
Encounter the White EMMI
Download Artaria Map Data
Obtain the Charge Beam
Find and Destroy the Central Unit
Defeat the White EMMI
Defeat Corpious and Obtain Phantom Cloak

Artaria Walkthrough

All Items in Artaria

Missile Tanks

All Artaria Missile Tank Locations

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Missile Tank No. How to Get

Missile Tank 01
Destroy the fake block hidden in the corner.

Missile Tank 02
Walk near the Sensor-Lock Door

Missile Tank 03
Destroy the fake blocks blocking the way to the item.

Missile Tank 04
Fire a missile at the alcove in the wall to reveal a Missile Tank.

Missile Tank 05
Use the Charge Beam to open the door and slide to get this item
Required Ability:
Charge Beam

Missile Tank 06
Travel through the pool of water to reach the item.
Required Ability:
Spider Magnet

Missile Tank 07
Use the Spider Magnet to climb the wall and shoot the blocks to get this item.
Required Ability:
Spider Magnet

Missile Tank 08
Walk near the power beam door.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Missile Tank 09
After obtaining the Morph ball, roll underwater to get the item.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Missile Tank 10 (Missile+ Tank)
With the Varia Suit, use the Morph Ball to go into the lava and get the item and back out. Note that lava will still do damage.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Varia Suit

Missile Tank 11
Grab onto the moving magnetic strip and counter the enemies along the way.
Required Ability:
Spider Magnet
Varia Suit

Missile Tank 12
Jump and grab onto the magnetic ceiling. Counter the enemies to avoid falling into the lava.
Required Ability:
Charge Beam
Spider Magnet
Varia Suit

Missile Tank 13
After melting frozen Artaria, go back to the room that had frozen over. Bomb the floor, and use the Diffusion Beam on the wall to find this item.
Required Ability:
Diffusion Beam

Missile Tank 14
Use the Speed Booster to break the blocks, then shoot the floor blocks to get this item.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 15 (Missile+ Tank)
Charge your Shinespark at the hallway below. Once charged, jump up and turn into a morph ball. Activate your Shinespark going to the right to access the Missile+ Tank.
Required Ability:
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 16
Use Speed booster in the hallway and run to the right with the Speed Booster. Store a Shinespark, shoot the Beam Block and crawl in the hole. Release the Shinespark while aiming left and keep holding left until you break all the blocks.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 17
Start in the room to the left of the ramp-like room and run down. Just before the missile blocks, store your Shinespark, turn into a Morph Ball and release your Shinespark in the direction of the block. Bomb the far right wall of the next room and continue to get this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Speed Booster

Missile Tank 18
Available after getting the Grapple Beam and returning to Artaria. Pull the platform up, slide down the slope slightly before jumping to reach it.
Required Ability:
Grapple Beam

Missile Tank 19
Use Space Jump to reach the ledge and bomb the block to find this Missile Tank.
Required Ability:
Space Jump

Missile Tank 20
Get this Missile Tank by using Space Jump after returning from Ferenia.
Required Ability:
Space Jump

Missile Tank 21
Open the Super Missile Cover and use Bombs on the two blocks above, then go throught the opening with Morph Ball.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Super Missile

Missile Tank 22
After returning to Artaria with the Gravity Suit, follow the path straight and jump to the platform.
Required Ability:
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 23
Found in the room after the Chozo Soldier after Artaria is frozen.
Required Ability:
Gravity Suit

Missile Tank 24
Use the Screw Attack to break the blocks.
Required Ability:
Screw Attack

Speed Booster and Shinespark Puzzle Solutions

Missile Tank 15 (Missile+ Tank)

How to Solve
Map Location

You can find this Missile tank near the bottom center of the Map. You will get access to this zone once Artaria freezes. Use the Speed Booster below to charge up and store your Shinespark. Once stored, jump up onto the ledge above and then use the Shinespark while in the Morph Ball mode. This will break the Speed Booster Block and bring you right underneath the Missile+ Tank.

Missile Tank 16

How to Solve
Map Location

This Missile Tank can be found at the center of the map, inside the big open room the in EMMI zone. Use the Speed Booster and store your Shinespark just before you hit the wall. Climb in the small gap and use Shinespark while in Morph Ball mode and travel to the left. As you're flying, make sure to hold the left analog stick to the left. You will need to do this to keep your momentum going to the left and break the remaining blocks leading to the Missile Tank.

Energy Tanks

All Artaria Energy Tank Locations

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Energy Tank No. How to Get

Energy Tank 01
Travel to the top of the ledge and slide into the chamber.

Energy Tank 02 (Energy Part)
Use the Morph Ball to reach this area.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball

Energy Tank 03 (Energy Part)
Found in the room to the right of the Chozo Soldier fight in frozen Artaria.
Required Ability:
Gravity Suit

Energy Tank 04
Charge up your Shinespark inside the room of the Energy Tank. Just before you hit the wall that has the Bomb Block, store your Shinespark and use Flash Shift as you make your way under the Speed Booster Blocks.
Required Ability:
Morph Ball
Flash Shift
Speed Booster

Speed Booster and Shinespark Puzzle Solutions

Energy Tank 04

How to Solve
Map Location

This Energy Tank can be found at the top left corner of the map. Inside the room, you will want to use your Speed Booster just past the upper ledge. Before you hit the wall with the Bomb Blocks, store your Shinespark. Once stored, use Flash Shift to get past the Shutter Platform and to get inside.

Power Bombs

All Artaria Power Bomb Tank Locations

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Power Bomb Tank No. How to Get

Power Bomb Tank 01
Use Spider Magnet to climb the wall and Grapple Beam to reach the ceiling to get this power up.
Required Ability:
Spider Magnet
Morph Ball
Grapple Beam

Artaria Bosses


Metroid Dread Corpious Boss
Rewards Phantom Cloak
Corpious Boss Tips
✔ Focus on shooting its face.
✔ Shoot the glowing orb when it turns invisible.
✔ Shoot the projectiles it spits out for ammo and energy orbs.
✔ Cling to the blue magnetic strip to avoid its charge and breath attack.
✔ Dont cling on the magnetic strip for too long.

How to Beat Corpious

Chozo Soldier

Chozo Soldier
Dread - Chozo Soldier.png
1st Encounter Elun
2nd Encounter Ghavoran
3rd Encounter Artaria
4th Encounter Hanubia
Elite Chozo Soldier Encounter - Gold Chozo Soldier Hanubia
Chozo Soldier Boss Tips
✔ Wall Jump and use Flash Shift to keep your distance and avoid its attacks

✔ Use Missiles for maximum damage

✔ Shoot shield variants after they move

✔ Disarm shielded variants with a Melee Counter
✔ Avoid the Black Sludge Attacks by jumping

How to Beat Chozo Soldiers

Artaria EMMI

Damaged EMMI

Damaged EMMI
Metroid Dread Damaged EMMI
Rewards No Rewards
Abilities • Instant kill attack

Damaged EMMI Map Location

EMMI Zone Map

How to Beat the Damaged EMMI

White EMMI

White EMMI
Metroid Dread White EMMI
Rewards Spider Magnet
Abilities • Able to climb walls
• Instant kill attack

White EMMI Map Location

EMMI Zone Map

How to Beat the White EMMI

Upgrades and Power-Ups in Artaria

Charge Beam

Charge Beam Location
Description Focuses beam energy to unleash a powerful shot.
Upgrade Type Beam

How to Obtain the Charge Beam

Varia Suit

Varia Suit Location
Description Samus' first suit upgrade. The Varia suit gives Samus increased protection from attacks and insulates Samus from extreme heat, but she remains vulnerable to extreme cold and lava.
Upgrade Type Suit

How to Obtain the Varia Suit

Grapple Beam

Grapple Beam Location
Description This beam can attach to certain points like a rope, allowing Samus to swing across certain gaps.
Upgrade Type Beam

How to Obtain the Grapple Beam

Screw Attack

Screw Attack Location
Description During a space jump, Samus surrounds herself with a powerful energy that can damage enemies and shatter certain obstacles she leaps into.
Upgrade Type Misc.

How to Obtain the Screw Attack

Artaria Stations

Station Locations

Map Icon Legends
Red Arrow.jpgSave Station Blue Arrow.jpgNetwork Station Green Arrow.jpgMap Station
Orange Arrow.jpgAmmo Recharge Station Pink Arrow.jpgEnergy Recharge Station Yellow Arrow.jpgTotal Recharge Station

How to Access the Map Station

Artaria Map Station - Inaccessible.jpg

To access the map station, you first need to solve the water puzzle. If you try to enter the map room before solving the puzzle, the water will prevent you from jumping high enough to reach the ledge.

Take the underwater path to the right and continue along the path until you reach the second room, defeating the enemies along the way.
Once you reach the second room, you will find a fake block. Destroy the fake block to let the water flow over to the other room.
After destroying the fake block, the water should now be low enough for you to be able make the jump to the map station.

Artaria Transportation

Elevator, Shuttle, and Teleportal Locations

Map Icon Legends
Pink Arrow.jpgElevator or Shuttle Blue Arrow.jpgTeleportal

Elevator to Cataris

Artaria - Cataris Elevator.jpg

The east elevator of Altaria leads to Cataris, the second area Samus will need to traverse in planet ZDR. Before you can access the elevator to Cataris, you will first need to obtain Phatom Cloak by defeating Corpious.

Elevator to Dairon

Artaria - Dairon Elevator.jpg

The elevator to the north leads to Dairon. To access the elevator, you must first obtain the Grapple Beam from a nearby room.

Elevator to Burenia

Artaria - Burenia Elevator.jpg

The elevator to Burenia is located to the far east section of Artaria. After Adam warns Samus of the dropping temperatures, Samus uses this elevator to travel back to Artaria.

Red Teleportal

Arataria Red Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Red Teleportal to the West of the map leads to a matching Teleportal in Cataris. This portal is only accessible after obtaining the Morph Ball or by travelling to it from Cataris.

Yellow Teleportal

Artaria Yellow Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Yellow Teleportal can be found in an inaccessible room within the EMMI Zone. Samus can only access this room after first using its matching Teleportal in Dairon.

Blue Teleportal

Artaria Blue Teleportal Connection.jpg

The Blue Teleportal is located in an inaccessible room in the eastern most area of Artaria. To access this teleportal, Samus must first use its matching Teleportal in Cataris.

Artaria Interactables

Thermal Fuel Switch

Switch and Door Locations

Thermal Fuel Switch 1
Artaria Thermal Fuel Switch.jpg
Thermal Doors Controlled
Door 1 Door 2 Door 3
Door 4 Door 5 -

The Second Thermal Fuel Switch in Artaria does not control any Thermal Doors. Instead, this thermal switch opens up the northwest section of Artaria and allows Samus to obtain the Varia Suit.

How to Solve the Water Puzzle

Water Puzzle Location

Step on the Button to Make Water Flow

Artaria Water Puzzle Button.jpg

By stepping on the button, you can activate the water valve to allow the water to flow. The water fills up the pool beside Samus and makes the plaform float.

Slide Into the Vent

Artaria Water Puzzle Slide.jpg

Once the platform is at a high enough level, the water valve will automatically stop working. Once this happens, you can slide into the vent to the right.

Enemies in Artaria

List of Enemies
KlaidaKlaida PlyPly MuzbyMuzby
DizzeanDizzean UnknownUnknown UnknownUnknown

List of Enemies

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Locations and Maps Partial Banner.png
Locations and Maps Top Page

Metroid Dread Artaria.jpgArtaria Metroid Dread Cataris.jpgCataris
Metroid Dread Dairon.jpgDairon Metroid Dread Burenia.jpgBurenia
Metroid Dread Ghavoran.jpgGhavoran Metroid Dread Ferenia.jpgFerenia
Metroid Dread Elun.jpgElun Metroid Dread Hanubia.jpgHanubia
Metroid Dread Itorash.jpgItorash -


3 Anonymousabout 3 years

Replying to myself again for anyone else coming here and not finding this item: the hallway directly across the tall room from where the red marker is in my first image post. Speed boost and change shine spark. Shoot this block, morph ball hop in and ball-spark to the left.

2 Anonymousabout 3 years

Lol I just posted a comment about an upgrade that wasn't listed here that I was having trouble with, then figured it out immediately afterward. Even so, you need to add it to your walkthrough!


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