Metroid Dread (Switch)

Red EMMI Enemy Guide: Location and Abilities

Red EMMI enemy guide for metroid dread.png
This is a guide on the Red EMMI, an enemy in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn more about the location and abilities of this EMMI!

Red EMMI Location & Abilities

Metroid Dread Red EMMI
Location Hanubia
Rewards Power Bomb
Abilities • Power Bomb Abilities

Red EMMI Map Location

EMMI Zone Map

Red EMMI Tips and Tricks

Counter the EMMI and Absorb Its Power

Red EMMI tips and tricks for Metroid Dread.png
With Samus' Metroid powers now awakening, after countering this EMMI, she will absorb it, rendering it offline. However, a Chozo Soldier will appear to try and stop you.

How to Beat Chozo Soldiers: Boss Fight Guide

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Metroid Dread List of Bosses Partial Banner

List of All Bosses

All Bosses in Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread - CorpiousCorpious Metroid Dread - KraidKraid
Dread - Robot Chozo Soldier Banner.pngRobot Chozo Soldier Dread - Drogyga Banner.pngDrogyga
Dread - Chozo Soldier Banner.pngChozo Soldier Metroid Dread - How to Beat Escue.pngEscue
Dread - Twin Robot Chozo Soldier Banner.pngTwin Robot Chozo Soldier Dread - Experiment No. Z-57 Banner.pngExperiment No. Z-57
Dread - Golzuna Banner.pngGolzuna Dread - Raven Beak Banner.pngRaven Beak
Central Units and EMMIs
How to Beat EMMI
Damaged EMMI.jpgDamaged Central Units.pngCentral Units
White EMMI.jpgWhite Green EMMI.pngGreen
Yellow EMMI.jpgYellow Blue EMMI.pngBlue
Purple EMMI.pngPurple Red EMMIRed


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