Metroid Dread (Switch)

Itorash Area Map and 100% Items Guide

Metroid Dread Itorash Guide.png

This is a 100% items guide to Itorash, one of the areas found in planet ZDR in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about all the enemies, bosses, and upgrades found in Itorash and find out how to navigate the Itorash map in order to locate all the stations, teleportals, elevators, missile tanks, and energy tanks!

Itorash Map

Complete Itorash Map

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Icon Description
Samus Icon.png Samus
The Samus icon on the map shows Samus' current location.
Save Station Save Station
Save stations allow you to save the current progress of your game and are found in yellow zones.
Network Station Icon.png Network Station
You can use Network Stations found in yellow zones to contact your ship and save your progress.
Map Station Icon.png Network Station
You can visit a Map Station to download the map data of certain area and save your progress.
Ammo Recharge Station Icon.pngEnergy Recharge Station Icon.pngTotal Recharge Station Icon.png Recharge Station
Recharge Stations can replenish Samus' energy and missiles. There are three types of Recharge Stations: Ammo (Red), Energy (Pink) and Total Recharge Stations (Yellow).
Teleportal Icon.png Teleportal
Teleportals are found in specific sections of the map and can be used to warp to a different area. There are different colors of teleportals that link to each other.
Missile Tank Icon.png Missile Tank
Missile Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase your missile capacity.
Energy Tank Icon.png Energy Tank
Energy Tanks are found in hidden areas around the map and can increase Samus' maximum health.
Elevator Icon.png Elevator
Elevators can bring Samus to another area in planet ZDR.
Interactable Icon.png Interactables
Interactables are buttons, switches, or other devices that Samus can interact with to manipulate the environment.

Itorash Objectives

Itorash Story Walkthrough.jpg

Itorash Objectives
Head to Itorash after defeating the Elite Chozo Soldier
Take the Elevator and Talk to Adam
Defeat Raven Beak to Obtain the Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam
Defeat Raven Beak X in Hanubia
Escape Planet ZDR

All Items in Itorash

There are no items found on Itorash.

Itorash Bosses

Raven Beak

Raven Beak
Metroid Dread Raven Beak Boss
Rewards Metroid Suit and Hyper Beam
Raven Beak Boss Tips
✔ Shoot Raven Beak with Missiles
✔ Dodge until you can Melee Counter
✔ Use Flash Shift and Space Jump to Avoid Beam Attacks
✔ Focus on Dodging Charges while Firing Missiles
✔ Power Bomb the Yellow Orb in Phase 3

How to Beat Raven Beak

Itorash EMMI

There are no EMMI located in Itorash.

Upgrades and Power-Ups in Itorash

There are no upgrades or power-ups found on Itorash.

Itorash Stations

Station Locations

Map Icon Legends
Red Arrow.jpgSave Station Blue Arrow.jpgNetwork Station Green Arrow.jpgMap Station
Orange Arrow.jpgAmmo Recharge Station Pink Arrow.jpgEnergy Recharge Station Yellow Arrow.jpgTotal Recharge Station

Itorash Transportation

Elevator, Shuttle, and Teleportal Locations

Map Icon Legends
Pink Arrow.jpgElevator or Shuttle Blue Arrow.jpgTeleportal

Transport Capsule to Hanubia

Itorash Hanubia Transport Capsule.jpg

On the west side of a map is the Transport Capsule that leads back to Hanubia. The Transport Capsule is the only way in and out of Itorash before battling the final boss.

Elevator to Final Boss

Itorash Elevator to Final Boss.jpg

The elevator on the east side of the map leads to the final boss. Once Samus enters the elevator, she will have to battle the final boss of the game.

Enemies in Itorash

There are no enemies found on Itorash.

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Locations and Maps Partial Banner.png
Locations and Maps Top Page

Metroid Dread Artaria.jpgArtaria Metroid Dread Cataris.jpgCataris
Metroid Dread Dairon.jpgDairon Metroid Dread Burenia.jpgBurenia
Metroid Dread Ghavoran.jpgGhavoran Metroid Dread Ferenia.jpgFerenia
Metroid Dread Elun.jpgElun Metroid Dread Hanubia.jpgHanubia
Metroid Dread Itorash.jpgItorash -


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