Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Iceproof Mantle

★ Monster Hunter Rise and its expansion MHRise: Sunbreak is out now for the Nintendo Switch & PC, then for PlayStation, XBox, & Game Pass on January 20, 2023!

Head on over to our MHRise Wiki for the latest guides and strategies about all things MHRise!

Mantles are a vital part of any hunter's kit. Read on to learn more about the Iceproof Mantle and where to get it!

Iceproof Mantle Basic Information

Iceproof MantleIceproof Mantle
Effect Reduced ice damage and nullifies iceblight. Also minimizes movement reduction and effects of snow and cold.
How to Unlock Complete Delivery: Armory R&D: Weatherizing
How to Upgrade Complete Quest: Duet of Rime
Effect Duration 180 Recharge Time 210
Jewel Slots ②②
Needs to be upgraded

Advanced Tips on the Iceproof Mantle

Use Against Enemies That Use Ice

With the introduction of Iceborne, there are now several enemies that use Ice attacks and can inflict Ice Blight. Velkhana in particular, can be defeated much more easily if you use this mantle to negate their frost attacks.

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

List of Mantles

Apothecary MantleApothecary Mantle AssassinAssassin's Hood Bandit MantleBandit Mantle Challenger MantleChallenger Mantle
Dragonproof MantleDragonproof Mantle Evasion MantleEvasion Mantle Fireproof MantleFireproof Mantle Ghillie MantleGhillie Mantle
Glider MantleGlider Mantle Iceproof MantleIceproof Mantle Immunity MantleImmunity Mantle Impact MantleImpact Mantle
Rocksteady MantleRocksteady Mantle Temporal MantleTemporal Mantle Thunderproof MantleThunderproof Mantle Vitality MantleVitality Mantle
Waterproof MantleWaterproof Mantle


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