Monster Hunter World (MHW)

Fulgur Anjanath Weakness and Strategy Guide

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Learn how to beat Fulgur Anjanath in the Iceborne expansion for Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Fulgur Anjanath's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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Fulgur Anjanath Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Fulgur Anjanath Characteristics

Monster Hunter World Fulgur Anjanath
Roar Wind Tremor Blight Status
Small Low Small Thunder None
Breakable Parts
Head, Left Leg, Right Leg, Tail

Locations and Areas Visited

Map Starting Area Visited Areas Rest Spot
Ancient Forest ImageAncient Forest 3 / 8 Coming soon! Coming soon!
Coral Highlands ImageCoral Highlands 8 Coming soon! Coming soon!
Rotten Vale ImageRotten Vale 2 / 3 / 4 Coming soon! Coming soon!
ElderElder's Recess 8/2 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 9
Hoarfrost Reach ImageHoarfrost Reach 6 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 6

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
65 60(60) 55 15 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
20(35) 0 30(20) 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60(55) 60(55) 45 10 Red
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15(25) 0 25(15) 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30(23) 30(23) 10 5 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15(20) 0 20(15) 5


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
65(55) 45(40) 55(50) 15 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
20(35) 0 30(20) 10


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30(23) 30(23) 45(40) 5 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10(15) 0 15(10) 0


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
30(35) 30(35) 10(15) 5 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
10(15) 0 15(10) 0

Legs [Broken]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
45 45 50 5 White
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15 0 15 0


Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60(55) 60(55) 75(70) 10 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15(20) 0 15 5

Tail [Broken]

Sever Break Bomb Fire Extract
60 60 75 10 Orange
Water Thunder Ice Dragon
15 0 15 5

Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison Flash ★★
Paral ★★ Shock ★★
Sleep ★★ Pitfall ★★
Stun ★★ Ivy ★★
Blast Dung ★★★
Exhaust Meat ★★
Mount ★★★ Screamer

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Countermeasures against Fulgur Anjanath

Recommended Weapon Element and Armor Skills

Recommended Weapon Element
Ice Weapon Fulgur Anjanath is weakest against ice when not enraged (charged).
Water Weapon Fulgur Anjanath is weakest against water when enraged.
Recommended Armor Skills
Thunder Resistance Building Thunder Resistance can be helpful against Fulgur Anjanath since a lot of his attacks have thunder damage. The +10 Defense boost that comes with Lvl 3 will not hurt either.
Blight Resistance Blight Resistance will completely negate Thunderblight at Lvl 3, and thus making you less susceptible to getting stunned.
Stun Resistance If you do not have Blight Resistance, you can always opt to stack Stun Resistance to Lvl 3 to just completely delete the possibility of getting stunned.
Health Boost Having a maxed out health pool is good for Fulgur Anjanath, especially since his Lightning Rush attack can cart you if your health is not full.
Earplugs Fulgur Anjanath has a small roar, so Earplugs Lvl 3 should be enough.
Clutch Claw Boost Attacking him on the head can force him to go out of his enraged mode. But this can be difficult as it is also his toughest body part, so keep it tender to keep the damage numbers up!

How to Beat Fulgur Anjanath

Attack From the Sides

How to Beat - Fulgur Anjanath 1.png
When Fulgur Anjanath is fully charged, he will sometimes hurl a mucus projectile in front of him. It is best if you stay on his sides and move away from its mouth as much as possible.

Attacking the Head

Attacking Fulgur Anjanath's head can also force him to release his charged state. However, this can be difficult since the head is his toughest part when he is charged. Try using a Clutch Claw to soften it up before using your strongest attacks.

Using Nullberries

If you ever get hit by Fulgur Anjanath's lightning attacks, you will be inflicted with Thunderblight. This will make you more vulnerable to stun attacks and it can last for a minute or until you get stunned. Always use a Nullberry when this status ailment is present to immediately counter its effect.

Stacking Thunder Resistance

It is recommended that you build up your thunder resistance by raising your Thunder Resistance Skill to level 3. This will not only boost your thunder resistance by 20 but it will also boost defense by 10 which can be extremely helpful during long fights.

Lightning Rush

How to Beat - Fulgur Anjanath 2.png
Fulgur Anjanath will only use his lightning rush attack when he is charged. This attack can instantly cart you or take a huge chunk of your health if Fulgur Anjanath hits you. Always check his movements to predict the attack, Fulgur Anjanath will always charge up his lightning before executing this attack. Use this as a signal to prepare yourself to dodge.

In addition, once Fulgur Anjanath uses this move. Fulgur Anjanath will release all his lightning energy and return to its normal state.

Fulgur Anjanath Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Weak Bite 30(40) 35(50)
90 Degrees Bite 30 0(10)
180 Degrees Bite 65 30(35)
Continuous Bite 55(60) 30(40)
Restrain Atack 50 Guard Up 0
Bite Grab 120 50
Strong Claw Scratch 20 0(10)
Claw Scratch Impact 10 0
Tail Attack 35 30
Body Slam 30 30(40)
Lightning Breath 50 30
Headbutt Rush 60 30
Jump Attack 50(65) 30(40)
Lightning Rush 90(70) 50
Charge Bite 45(55) 30(40)
Consecutive Weak Bite 50(55) 30
Consecutive Weak Bite (Charged) 50(55) 30
Headbutt Rush (Charged) 60 40
Forward Lunge 50 40
Head Attack 40 40(50)
Lightning Bite 50(60) 40(50)
Mucus 30(20) ---
Mucus (Charged) 30(20) 20
Mucus (Fully Charged) 30(20) 30(20)
Discharge Bite 10 0
Earthquake 0 0
Roar 0 0

Fulgur Anjanath Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
MR Fulgur Anjanath Lash / Tail 72
Fulgur Anjanath Shard / Body 35, Tail 25
Fulgur Anjanath Thickfur / Body 26
Fulgur Anjanath Mantle / Body 2, Tail 3
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / Body 16
Heavy Fulgur Anjanath Nosebone / Body 15

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
MR Fulgur Anjanath Shard / Legs 100
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / Head 62
Heavy Fulgur Anjanath Nosebone / Head 35
Fulgur Anjanath Mantle / Head 3

Breakable Body Parts

- Defense Value How to Break
Head 200 Set durability to 0, twice.
Torso 280 ---
Wings 160 Set durability to 0, twice.
Hind Legs 240 ---
Forelegs 200 ---
Tail 100 Reduce durability by 300 using cut damage.

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Lightning Sac / 50
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Fulgur Anjanath Thickfur / 29
Fulgur Anjanath Shard / 24
Lightning Sac / 21
Heavy Fulgur Anjanath Nosebone / 15
Fulgur Anjanath Lash / 11
Fulgur Anjanath Lash / 23
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / 19
Heavy Fulgur Anjanath Nosebone / 19
Fulgur Anjanath Thickfur / 16
Fulgur Anjanath Shard / 13
Fulgur Anjanath Mantle / 10
Fulgur Anjanath Shard / 9
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / 21
Heavy Fulgur Anjanath Nosebone / 21
Fulgur Anjanath Lash / 19
Fulgur Anjanath Mantle / 18
Fulgur Anjanath Thickfur / 12

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Fulgur Anjanath Shard / 40
Fulgur Anjanath Thickfur / 33
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / 26
Fulgur Anjanath Mantle / 1


Obtain Rate (%)
MR Fulgur Anjanath Shard / 50
Fulgur Anjanath Hardfang / 28
Large Wyvern Tear / 22

Quests Where Fulgur Anjanath Appears

Type Quest Name
Assigned M★2 - Ready to Strike
Assigned M★3 - Blizzard Blitz
Assigned M★4 - The Thunderous Troublemaker
Optional M★1 - Ice Catch!
Optional M★2 - Analysis Creates Paralysis
Optional M★2 - Poison and Paralysis Pinch
Optional M★2 - You Scratch Our Backs...
Optional M★2 - Pink Power Grab
Optional M★3 - Remember That One Time?
Optional M★3 - Red and Black Aces
Optional M★3 - A Line in the Sand
Optional M★3 - The Black Wind
Optional M★3 - Runnin', Rollin', and Weepin'
Optional M★3 - Begone Uragaan
Optional M★3 - Festival of Explosions!
Optional M★3 - Proud White Knight
Optional M★4 - Tundra Troublemaker
Optional M★4 - These Azure Eyes See All
Optional M★4 - In the Heat of the Moment
Optional M★4 - The Purr-fect Room: Light Iron
Optional M★4 - Blue Rathalos Blues
Optional M★4 - Trap the Thunder Jaw
Optional M★4 - Piercing Black
Optional M★4 - Special Arena: Mr Fulgur Anjanath
Event M★4 - In the Depths of the Forest
Event M★6 - Rotten Canzone
Challenge M★4 - Challenge Quest 2: MR Intermediate

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