Metroid Dread (Switch)

Dizzean Enemy Guide and How to Beat

This is a guide on the Dizzean enemy in Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn where to encounter Dizzean and how to beat Dizzean.

Dizzean Basic Information

Metroid Dread Dizzean Boss
Description A sea creature that resembles a small jellyfish. Individually weak but can be overwhelming in large numbers.
Location Artaria, Burenia

How to Beat Dizzean

Tips and Tricks

Rapid fire your power beam at a group of them to quickly eliminate their numbers. You may also walk up to them and press X to swing your arm and swat them away.

Metroid Dread Related Guides

Enemies Partial Banner.png
List of Enemies

List of Enemies
Metroid Dread Enemy - Quetzoa.pngQuetzoa Metroid Dread Enemy - Yampa.pngYampa Metroid Dread Enemy - Klaida.pngKlaida Metroid Dread Enemy - Muzby.pngMuzby
Metroid Dread Enemy - Dizzean.pngDizzean Metroid Dread Enemy - Ply.pngPly Metroid Dread Enemy - Batalloon.pngBatalloon Metroid Dread Enemy - Slaaga.pngSlaaga
Metroid Dread Enemy - Vulkran.pngVulkran Metroid Dread Enemy - Autclast.pngAutclast Metroid Dread Enemy - Obsydomithon.pngObsydo-mithon Metroid Dread Enemy - Autsharp.pngAutsharp
Metroid Dread Enemy - Autsniper.pngAutsniper Metroid Dread Enemy - Armadigger.pngArma-digger Metroid Dread Enemy - Hecathon.pngHecathon -


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