
Mimi Builds: Best Runes and Team Comps


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MementoMori's Mimi is an Amber Soul Warrior-type SR Rarity Witch. Learn about her basic info, skills, arcana, or which gacha you can get her!

MimiMimi Icon
Best Builds How to Beat
Story and Profile

Mimi Basic Info

Mimi Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - S Icon
MementoMori - A Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR MementoMori - Amber Icon Amber MementoMori - Warrior Icon Warrior Attacker

Mimi Analysis

Good Secondary Attacker

Memento Mori - Wild Claw Icon
Wild Claw
Memento Mori - Feline Waltz Icon
Feline Waltz

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Wild Claw Icon
Wild Claw
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Deals 4 physical attacks equal to 275% of her ATK to enemies at random. Each time a target is defeated by this skill, the number of attacks it deals increases by 1 (8 total attacks max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
The physical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 315% of her ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The number of initial physical attacks becomes 5, and the max total number of attacks becomes 9.
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Feline Waltz Icon
Feline Waltz
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Deals 1 physical attack equal to 260% of her ATK to 3 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage increases by 40% of Mimi’s ATK for each buff she is enhanced with (420% of her ATK max). This skill grants Mimi [Shield]equal to 20% of this skill’s total damage for 4 turns.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 290% of her ATK, and the increase in damage for each buff she is enhanced with becomes equal to 60% of her ATK (530% of her ATK max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The targets of this skill become 5 random enemies.
Level 4 (Unlocks by leve 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 350% of her ATK (590% of her ATK max).

Mimi's Active Skills, particularly 'Wild Claw' work very similarly to how Florence's skills do. This makes her a great secondary Attacker if you want to add more damage to your party.

Meanwhile, 'Feline Waltz' gives her some damage reduction, as well as a more powerful attack the more buffs she gets. If you don't have a main Attacker yet, consider another unit as Mimi's not powerful enough to be an Attacker on her own in the long run. She should get you through the game early on, however, provided that you have good Buffers to back her up with.

Inflicts Resonance on Particularly Tough Enemies

Memento Mori - Dancing Paw-tners Icon
Dancing Paw-tners

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Dancing Paw-tners Icon
Dancing Paw-tners
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
At the start of the battle, Mimi inflicts [Resonance]on the enemy with the highest DEF and the enemy with the lowest DEF (cannot be dispelled). [Resonance]deals 50% of the damage one target takes to the other target. This skill is dispelled when a target afflicted with [Resonance]is defeated.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The damage one target takes from[Resonance]becomes equal to 60% of the damage the other target takes.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The damage one target takes from[Resonance]becomes equal to 80% of the damage the other target takes.

Another great feature Mimi has is her ability to inflict Resonance on enemies with the lowest and highest DEF ratings.

This is particularly useful if you're coming up against enemies that can soak up a lot of punishment, as you'll simply have to attack the enemy with the weakest DEF to damage them. If you are coming up against particularly tough enemies in terms of DEF, Mimi could be a good witch to bring along.

Mimi Best Runes

Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Recommended Runes
ATK Rune ImageATK Rune PM. DEF Break Rune ImagePM. DEF Break Rune CRIT Rune ImageCRIT Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
HP Rune ImageHP Rune EVD Rune ImageEVD Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune Debuff RES Rune ImageDebuff RES Rune
Recommended Runes
STR Rune ImageSTR Rune ACC Rune ImageACC Rune Debuff ACC Rune ImageDebuff ACC Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
HP Rune ImageHP Rune EVD Rune ImageEVD Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune Debuff RES Rune ImageDebuff RES Rune

Give Mimi PM. DEF Break, SPD, EVD, CRIT RES, and Debuff RES Runes

Since Mimi works as a secondary attacker, you'll need to prioritize PM. DEF Break, and CRIT Runes to be effective throughout the game. SPD runes are nice to have and increases her chances of attacking before her opponents, but these come only after you've leveled your PM. DEF Break runes to Lv. 11 or 12. Don't forget ATK runes too since these will boost the damage of her attacks and active skills.

For defensive runes, prioritize giving her EVD and HP runes to increase her survivability, as well as CRIT RES and Debuff RES runes.

Mimi Best Team Comps

Secondary DPS Team (PvE)

Buffer Attacker Buffer Attacker/
MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Olivia IconOlivia MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor

If you're starting out, Mimi can increase your party's firepower and open up opportunities for Florence to exploit with her Resonance debuff. With Olivia and Hathor, she can also give the party a Soul Bonus, though you're free to replace either one of them with Buffers like Mertillier or Primavera if you don't particularly need the bonus.

Mimi Skills and Stats

Wild Claw

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Wild Claw
Physical Attack
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Mimi moves as quick as a stray cat, dealing 4 physical attacks equal to 275% of her ATK to enemies at random. The more enemies Mimi defeats, the more her animal instincts are awakened. Each time a target is defeated by this skill, the number of attacks it deals increases by 1 (8 total attacks max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
The physical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 315% of her ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The number of initial physical attacks becomes 5, and the max total number of attacks becomes 9.

Feline Waltz

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Feline Waltz
Physical Attack/Buff
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Mimi copies the purr-ty dancer she admires, and performs the dance moves she just memorized. Deals 1 physical attack equal to 260% of her ATK to 3 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage increases by 40% of Mimi’s ATK for each buff she is enhanced with (420% of her ATK max). This skill grants Mimi [Shield]equal to 20% of this skill’s total damage for 4 turns.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 290% of her ATK, and the increase in damage for each buff she is enhanced with becomes equal to 60% of her ATK (530% of her ATK max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The targets of this skill become 5 random enemies.
Level 4 (Unlocks by leve 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 350% of her ATK (590% of her ATK max).

Dreaming Alley Cat

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Dreaming Alley Cat
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
Mimi performs her favorite dance routine. Her moves are full of energy and she feels really paw-some. Starting from the 3rd turn, at the start of each turn, if Mimi has not taken any damage for 2 turns, this skill increases her ATK by 40% for 3 turns (cannot be dispelled).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The amount her ATK increases by becomes 60%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The amount her ATK increases by becomes 80%.

Dancing Paw-tners

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Dancing Paw-tners
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
Dance connects two people together. Those captivated by its allure start dancing, becoming paw-tners in crime. At the start of the battle, Mimi inflicts [Resonance]on the enemy with the highest DEF and the enemy with the lowest DEF (cannot be dispelled). [Resonance]deals 50% of the damage one target takes to the other target. This skill is dispelled when a target afflicted with [Resonance]is defeated.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The damage one target takes from[Resonance]becomes equal to 60% of the damage the other target takes.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The damage one target takes from[Resonance]becomes equal to 80% of the damage the other target takes.

Mimi Stats and Potential

Max Stats (Lv. 240)

HP 4843189
DEF 10
DEF Break 0
SPD 3328
PM. DEF Break 1
P. DEF 701912
M. DEF 589606
ACC 350956
EVD 298312
CRIT 298309
CRIT RES 242159
CRT DMG Boost 0
Debuff ACC 294803
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0
HP Drain 0

Max Potential (Lv. 240)

STR 701912
MAG 589606
DEX 596625
STA 484319

LR+5 Rarity Stats

These are the LR+5 Stats for Player Rank 132 at Max Lvl 255. These stats may still improve with Player Ranking, Party Level Link and Gear and Rune Enhancement.

HP 8094906
ATK 1162731
DEF 10
DEF Break 0
SPD 3328
PM. DEF Break 1
P. DEF 1125795
M. DEF 945668
ACC 562897
EVD 478463
CRIT 478460
CRIT RES 388399
CRT DMG Boost 0.00%
P. CRIT DMG Cut 7.00%
M. CRIT DMG Cut 0.00%
Debuff ACC 483847
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0.00%
HP Drain 0.00%

LR+5 Potential Stats

STR 1125795
MAG 945668
DEX 956926
STA 776799

Mimi Exclusive Weapon

Cat Paws - MementoMori.jpg
Cat Paws
Level 1 (Unlocked by getting Mimi's Unique Weapon)
Strengthens Wild Claw. The physical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 340% of her ATK.
Level 2 (Unlocks at UR rarity)
Strengthens Feline Waltz. The targets who are granted[Shield]become Mimi and the ally with the lowest remaining HP percentage.
Level 3 (Unlocks at LR rarity)
Strengthens Feline Waltz. The size of[Shield]becomes equal to 30% of this skill’s total damage.

Mimi Available Gachas

Mimi Invoke Banners

List of Gacha Banners
MementoMori - Prayer of The Fleeting
Prayer of The Fleeting
MementoMori - Prayer of The Cursed
Prayer of The Cursed
MementoMori - Prayer of Soul
Prayer of Soul
MementoMori - Prayer of Beginnings
Prayer of Beginnings

Mimi Arcana

Lynx Dance

MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor

Pisces's Sanctuary

MementoMori - Veela IconVeela MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi MementoMori - Nina IconNina

Reticulum's Secret

MementoMori - Gil’uial IconGil’uial MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor

Vulpecula's Mischief

MementoMori - Tama IconTama MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi

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Mimi - MementoMoriMimi Tropon - MementoMoriTropon Hathor - MementoMoriHathor
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All SR (Limited) Rarity Character Builds

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Cerberus - MementoMoriCerberus Fortina - MementoMoriFortina Armstrong - MementoMoriArmstrong
Ophelia - MementoMoriOphelia A.A. - MementoMoriA.A. Valeriede - MementoMoriValeriede
Witch Illya - MementoMoriWitch Illya


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