
Claudia Builds: Best Runes and Team Comps


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MementoMori's Claudia is an Emerald Soul Warrior-type SR (Limited) Rarity Witch. Learn about her basic info, skills, arcana, or which gacha you can get her!

ClaudiaClaudia Icon
Best Builds How To Beat
Story and Profile

Claudia Basic Info

Claudia Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - B Icon
MementoMori - A Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) MementoMori - Emerald Icon Emerald MementoMori - Warrior Icon Warrior Attacker

Claudia Analysis

Single-Target PvP Attacker

Memento Mori - Rampaging Dragon!! Icon
Rampaging Dragon!!
Memento Mori - Dragon
Dragon's Cross!!

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Rampaging Dragon!! Icon
Rampaging Dragon!!
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Deals 2 physical attacks equal to 600% of her ATK to enemies at random. The lower her remaining HP percentage is decreased, the higher the physical attacks' damage is increased (1350% of her ATK max). However, the decision to increase Claudia’s ATK based on her remaining HP percentage is made with each individual attack this skill deals.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally restores HP equal to 5% of this skill’s total damage to her.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The physical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 800% of her ATK (1800% of her ATK max).
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Dragon
Dragon's Cross!!
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 21)
If Claudia’s remaining HP percentage is below 50%, this skill decreases the chance to evade of the enemy with the highest ATK by 50% and inflicts [Fainted] on them for 2 turns. These 2 effects are treated as 1 debuff. Afterwards, regardless of whether the debuff is inflicted on the target or not, this skill deals 1 physical attack equal to 500% of Claudia’s ATK to them. If Claudia is enhanced with [Ready to Die], this skill restores HP equal to 15% of this skill’s total damage to her.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 41)
Additionally, if she is not enhanced with [Ready to Die], the physical attack’s damage is multiplied by 2.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
Additionally, if the target is not defeated by this skill, before restoring HP, the debuff infliction and physical attack reactivate (1 reactivation max).
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 900% of her ATK.

Right off the bat, both of Claudia's active skills show that she's a dueler who packs a heck of a punch in PvP with how powerful her attacks are, and may even be useful in PvE with her debuffs.

Rampaging Dragon!! hits two enemies at random and becomes powerful the less HP Claudia has (up to a whopping 1350% of her ATK). The only setback to this skill is that its targeting is 'Random'.

Meanwhile, Dragon's Cross inflicts a 2-turn Faint debuff and decreases the EVD of the enemy's main attacker by 50%, potentially making her useful as a support unit in PVE even with low investment. This can also make her a good unit for PvP when facing off against units that rely on EVD to survive, like Nina.

Uses HP to Pump ATK, But Becomes Tanky With Damage Cuts

Memento Mori - I
I'm Ready to Die
Memento Mori - My Way of Life Icon
My Way of Life

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - I
I'm Ready to Die
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
At the start of the battle, this skill grants [Ready to Die] to her for 40 turns. [Ready to Die] increases Claudia’s ATK by 40%, and each turn, at the start of the action phase, she deals damage equal to 20% of her current HP to herself (this damage will not exceed 100% of the enhanced target’s ATK). These 2 effects are treated as 1 buff.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
The amount her ATK increases by becomes 60%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The amount her ATK increases by becomes 80%.
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - My Way of Life Icon
My Way of Life
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
Increases Claudia’s max HP by 30% (cannot be dispelled). When she is attacked, the attack’s damage is cut by 5%. The lower her remaining HP percentage is, the more the potency of damage cutting is increased (20% max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The damage from the enemy’s attack is cut by 10%. The lower her remaining HP percentage is, the more the potency of damage cutting is increased (40% max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The amount her max HP increases by becomes 60%.

Claudia's passives essentially trade her HP for ATK boosts, though she comes with abilities that keep her alive for as long as possible with decreased damage taken as well as a bit of healing.

Her 'I'm Ready to Die' has her damage herself by 20% of her HP in exchange for up to an 80% increase in ATK. The drawback to this is that she may need another witch to protect her just so she doesn't die immediately in battle.

But two of Claudia's skills tie in with this passive: her second passive 'My Way of Life' as well as the Dragon's Cross active skill. My Way of Life increases her HP by up to 60% and decreases the damage she takes by up to 40% (the lower her HP, the more effective the damage cut becomes.)

Meanwhile, if Claudia has 'I'm Ready to Die' as a buff, Dragon's Cross heals her with 15% equal to the damage caused by that skill. It may not heal her completely, but it may also be enough to keep her fighting for as long as possible.

Claudia Best Runes

Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Recommended Runes
STR Rune ImageSTR Rune ATK Rune ImageATK Rune PM. DEF Break Rune ImagePM. DEF Break Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
HP Rune ImageHP Rune EVD Rune ImageEVD Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune Debuff RES Rune ImageDebuff RES Rune
Recommended Runes
STR Rune ImageSTR Rune ATK Rune ImageATK Rune PM. DEF Break Rune ImagePM. DEF Break Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
HP Rune ImageHP Rune P. DEF Rune ImageP. DEF Rune EVD Rune ImageEVD Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune

Give Claudia PM. DEF Break, ATK, HP, and EVD Runes

Since Claudia's an attacker, prioritize getting PM. Def Break runes for her, and whatever ATK and STR runes you can give to bring her ATK stat up further. If you're using her as a main attacker, give her SPD runes but ensure that your team is properly speed-tuned.

If you're using her as a secondary attacker, those PM. Def Break runes can go to your main attacker instead.

For defensive runes, we recommend getting HP runes for Claudia first because she'll need every bit of HP she can get, followed by EVD and CRIT Res. Give her Debuff RES runes too if you have any of them to spare.

Claudia Best Team Comps

Claudia Faint Support Team (PvE)

Buffer Attacker Attacker/
MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Claudia IconClaudia MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera

Claudia's ability to inflict a 2-turn Faint debuff on the enemy with the highest ATK is a valuable support skill, which makes her easy to put in various teams. Here we matched her up with a standard PvE team, where she'll make good use of her Faints and EVD debuff (provided that she's still alive by the second turn).

Claudia Skills and Stats

Rampaging Dragon!!

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Rampaging Dragon!!
Physical Attack
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Claudia’s slashes evoke the image of a dragon god consumed by fury. Deals 2 physical attacks equal to 600% of her ATK to enemies at random. The sand in Claudia’s hourglass does not stop trickling down. Thus, she will continue fighting until the last grain drops. The lower her remaining HP percentage is decreased, the higher the physical attacks' damage is increased (1350% of her ATK max). However, the decision to increase Claudia’s ATK based on her remaining HP percentage is made with each individual attack this skill deals.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally restores HP equal to 5% of this skill’s total damage to her.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The physical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 800% of her ATK (1800% of her ATK max).

Dragon's Cross!!

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Dragon's Cross!!
Physical Attack / Debuff
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 21)
“I can’t afford to go down just yet!” If Claudia’s remaining HP percentage is below 50%, this skill decreases the chance to evade of the enemy with the highest ATK by 50% and inflicts [Fainted] on them for 2 turns. These 2 effects are treated as 1 debuff. “Time for your sun to set... Dragons’ Cross!!” Afterwards, regardless of whether the debuff is inflicted on the target or not, this skill deals 1 physical attack equal to 500% of Claudia’s ATK to them. If Claudia is enhanced with [Ready to Die], this skill restores HP equal to 15% of this skill’s total damage to her.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 41)
Additionally, if she is not enhanced with [Ready to Die], the physical attack’s damage is multiplied by 2.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
Additionally, if the target is not defeated by this skill, before restoring HP, the debuff infliction and physical attack reactivate (1 reactivation max).
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 900% of her ATK.

I'm Ready to Die

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
I'm Ready to Die
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Claudia is prepared to burn her life away to conquer the enemy. This resolve enhances her power. At the start of the battle, this skill grants [Ready to Die] to her for 40 turns. The less time Claudia has left, the sharper and more brilliant her blades become. [Ready to Die] increases Claudia’s ATK by 40%, and each turn, at the start of the action phase, she deals damage equal to 20% of her current HP to herself (this damage will not exceed 100% of the enhanced target’s ATK). These 2 effects are treated as 1 buff.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
The amount her ATK increases by becomes 60%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The amount her ATK increases by becomes 80%.

My Way of Life

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
My Way of Life
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
“Undefeated, unrivaled, and all-powerful. That’s the founder—no. That’s me.” Increases Claudia’s max HP by 30% (cannot be dispelled). When she is attacked, the attack’s damage is cut by 5%. The lower her remaining HP percentage is, the more the potency of damage cutting is increased (20% max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The damage from the enemy’s attack is cut by 10%. The lower her remaining HP percentage is, the more the potency of damage cutting is increased (40% max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The amount her max HP increases by becomes 60%.

Claudia Stats and Potential

Max Stats (Lv. 240)

HP 4435170
DEF Break 0
SPD 3056
PM. DEF Break 0
P. DEF 732155
M. DEF 598396
ACC 366077
EVD 299198
CRIT 299198
CRIT RES 221758
CRT DMG Boost 0
Debuff ACC 299198
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0
HP Drain 0

Max Potential (Lv. 240)

STR 732155
MAG 598396
DEX 598396
STA 443517

LR+5 Rarity Stats

These are the LR+5 Stats for Player Rank 132 at Max Lvl 255. These stats may still improve with Player Ranking, Party Level Link and Gear and Rune Enhancement.

HP 7516967
ATK 1234725
DEF Break 0
SPD 3056
PM. DEF Break 1
P. DEF 1174301
M. DEF 959765
ACC 587150
EVD 479882
CRIT 479879
CRIT RES 359502
CRT DMG Boost 0.00%
P. CRIT DMG Cut 0.00%
M. CRIT DMG Cut 0.00%
Debuff ACC 479882
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0.00%
HP Drain 0.00%

LR+5 Potential Stats

STR 1174301
MAG 959765
DEX 959765
STA 719005

Claudia Exclusive Weapon

Twin Dragons - MementoMori.jpg
Twin Dragons
Level 1 (Unlocked by getting Claudia's unique weapon)
Strengthens Rampaging Dragon!! The amount her HP is restored by becomes equal to 15% of this skill’s total damage.
Level 2 (Unlocks at UR rarity)
Strengthens My Way of Life. The damage from the enemy’s attack is cut by 20%. The lower her remaining HP percentage is, the more the potency of damage cutting is increased (80% max).
Level 3 (Unlocks at LR rarity)
Strengthens Dragons’ Cross!! The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 1000% of her ATK.

Claudia Available Gachas

Claudia Invoke Banners

List of Gacha Banners
MementoMori - Prayer of The Fleeting
Prayer of The Fleeting

Claudia Arcana

Ophiuschus's Duality

MementoMori - Claudia IconClaudia MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie

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## All Limited SR Rarity Character Builds

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MementoMori - Apostle Rosalie IconApostle Rosalie MementoMori - Morgana IconMorgana MementoMori - Eir IconEir
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MementoMori - Sonya IconSonya MementoMori - Summer Cordie IconSummer Cordie MementoMori - Belle IconBelle
MementoMori - Priscilla IconPriscilla MementoMori - Artie IconArtie MementoMori - Chiffon IconChiffon
MementoMori - Summer Sabrina IconSummer Sabrina MementoMori - Fia IconFia MementoMori - Lea IconLea
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