
Prayer of The Fleeting Banner Guide


★ Version Updates: Version 3.4.0 Update
★ New Events: Guild Raid on the Holy Night Event
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters: Winter Lunalynn, Winter Soltina, Asahi, and Apostle Rosalie
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

Pull new and returning characters here for a limited time in MementoMori's Prayer of The Fleeting Banner! Read on to see its pull rates and which characters you can get in this banner!

Prayer of The Fleeting Banner Guide

Prayer of The Fleeting Banner Guide

MementoMori - Prayer of The Fleeting
Prayer of The Fleeting
Name Prayer of The Fleeting
Duration 11/29/2024, 00:30 ~ 12/28/2024, 22:29
Status Always Active
Main Feature Winter Soltina is here for a limited time!
How to Unlock Clear the Tutorial

Should You Pull From the Prayer of The Fleeting Banner?

Only pull from this banner when you have not yet unlocked the Invocation of Chance and wish to get the featured characters.

The Prayer of The Fleeting Banner employs Guaranteed Appearance, which ensures you get the featured character in the Prayer of Fleeting banner after 99 pulls without them.

Guaranteed Appearance only counts pulls within the specific character's banner, and it resets when the banner ends.

Current Character Gacha Available

Best Characters to Pull From Prayer of The Fleeting

Apostle Rosalie ImageApostle Rosalie Asahi ImageAsahi Winter Soltina ImageWinter Soltina
Winter Lunalynn ImageWinter Lunalynn

Prayer of The Fleeting Pull Rate

Rarity Pull Rate
N 51.77%
R 43.77%
SR 4.46%

Prayer of The Fleeting Bonus Rewards

20th Pull
Mystery Rune Lv 3 - Memento Mori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 3) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 3 rune of a random type.
50th Pull
Mystery Rune Lv 5 - MementoMori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 5) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 5 rune of a random type.
Mystery Rune Lv 3 - Memento Mori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 3) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 3 rune of a random type.
100th Pull
Witch's Letter
(SR/Any Soul) x1
Use to obtain 1 random SR character with the Soul of your choice.
120th Pull
Mystery Rune Lv 3 - Memento Mori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 3) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 3 rune of a random type.
150th Pull
Mystery Rune Lv 5 - MementoMori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 5) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 5 rune of a random type.
Mystery Rune Lv 3 - Memento Mori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 3) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 3 rune of a random type.
200th Pull
Witch's Letter
(SR/Any Soul) x1
Use to obtain 1 random SR character with the Soul of your choice.
220th Pull
Mystery Rune Lv 3 - Memento Mori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 3) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 3 rune of a random type.
250th Pull
Mystery Rune Lv 5 - MementoMori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 5) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 5 rune of a random type.
Mystery Rune Lv 3 - Memento Mori
Mystery Rune (Lv. 3) x 1
A rune that hides infinite possibilities within. Use to obtain 1 Lv. 3 rune of a random type.
300th Pull
Witch Witch's Invitation x1 Use to select 1 character to obtain.

Please note that Bonus rewards are additional items based on your total pulls across multiple banners (Prayer of The Cursed, Prayer of Souls, and Prayer of Fleeting). Bonus rewards do not include the featured character itself, and it carries over until all rewards are claimed.

Prayer of The Fleeting Available Characters

Prayer of The Fleeting Available SR Characters by Soul

SR Characters

Available Characters
Apostle Rosalie ImageApostle Rosalie Asahi ImageAsahi Winter Soltina ImageWinter Soltina
Winter Lunalynn ImageWinter Lunalynn
Available Characters
Lunalynn ImageLunalynn Natasha ImageNatasha Primavera ImagePrimavera
Olivia ImageOlivia Mimi ImageMimi Mertillier ImageMertillier
Nina ImageNina Cordie ImageCordie Merlyn ImageMerlyn
Ivy ImageIvy Dian ImageDian Rean ImageRean
Amour ImageAmour Freesia ImageFreesia Sabrina ImageSabrina
Florence ImageFlorence Fenrir ImageFenrir Amleth ImageAmleth
Soltina ImageSoltina

R Characters

Available Characters
Soteira ImageSoteira Cherna ImageCherna Skuld ImageSkuld
Libra ImageLibra Rosalie ImageRosalie Zara ImageZara
Petra ImagePetra Theodora ImageTheodora Arianrhod ImageArianrhod
Loki ImageLoki Iris ImageIris Illya ImageIllya

N Characters

Available Characters
Garmr ImageGarmr Shizu ImageShizu Charlotte ImageCharlotte
Monica ImageMonica

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