
Richesse Builds: Best Runes and Team Comps


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MementoMori's Richesse is an Amber Soul Warrior-type SR (Limited) Rarity Witch. Learn about her basic info, skills, arcana, or which gacha you can get her!

RichesseRichesse Icon
Best Builds How to Beat
Story and Profile

Richesse Basic Info

Richesse Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - B Icon
MementoMori - A Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) MementoMori - Amber Icon Amber MementoMori - Warrior Icon Warrior Debuffer

Richesse Analysis

Enhancing Team Resilience

Memento Mori - Special Service Icon
Special Service

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Special Service Icon
Special Service
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Grants Richesse and the ally with the lowest SPD[Shield]equal to 300% of Richesse’s ATK for 1 turn.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally increases all targets’ chance to resist a debuff by 50% for 1 turn.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The numbers of turns of[Shield]and[Increased Chance to Resist a Debuff]each become 3.

Richesse's Special Service offers a solid defensive boost that strengthens the team's resistance to debuffs and shields the ally with the lowest SPD. Richesse's ATK grows with the shield's effectiveness, and its enhanced debuff resistance guards against a variety of crippling effects.

Maximizing Her Silence-Inflicting Skill

Memento Mori - FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE! Icon
FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE!

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE! Icon
FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE!
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Deals 1 physical attack equal to 490% of Richesse’s ATK to 2 random enemies. While FlabbyCaptain’s stuck onto the enemies’ faces, this skill has a 20% chance to inflict[Silence]on all targets for 1 turn.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The targets of this skill become 3 random enemies.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The chance to inflict[Silence]becomes 55%.
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 540% of her ATK.

Richesse's skill deals a devastating physical blow to a single target while having a good chance of inflicting [Silence], a debuff that stops opponents from utilizing abilities for a turn. Richesse's ATK stat and skill level boost the skill's efficacy, giving it a valuable tool for undermining enemies' plans and winning the battle.

Richesse Best Runes

Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Recommended Runes
STR Rune ImageSTR Rune ATK Rune ImageATK Rune ACC Rune ImageACC Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
STA Rune ImageSTA Rune HP Rune ImageHP Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune Debuff RES Rune ImageDebuff RES Rune
Recommended Runes
STR Rune ImageSTR Rune ATK Rune ImageATK Rune
Recommended Runes
STA Rune ImageSTA Rune HP Rune ImageHP Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune Debuff RES Rune ImageDebuff RES Rune

Maximizing Offensive Defense

Equipping ATK, STR, SPD, and ACC Runes in order of priority will enhance Richesse's offensive capabilities. These increase her attack power, essential to the potency of her shield defense and her ability to hit a single target. Her debuffs and hits land with precision thanks to her speed and accuracy, which also let her control the battlefield.

Give priority to runes that increase HP, STA, Crit RES, and Debuff RES Runes to strengthen Richesse's defenses. While Crit RES and Debuff RES runes increase her survivability and guarantee that her shield activates consistently, they boost her HP pool and improve her survivability and shield efficacy.

Richesse Best Team Comps

Balanced Offense and Defense Team

Buffer Attacker Buffer Debuffer Debuffer
MementoMori - Richesse IconRichesse MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi MementoMori - Olivia IconOlivia MementoMori - Rusalka IconRusalka MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor

Rusalka may debuff and deal damage, and Richesse's single-target attacks and defensive buffs work well together. Olivia's shields enhance Richesse and Rusalka's skills, and Mimi's tank-countering prowess lends extra assistance. Rusalka deals more damage to weaker enemies thanks to Hathor's debuffs. Since they also mostly belong to the Amber Soul Affinity, they will be able to get the maximum bonus effect.

Richesse Skills and Stats

Special Service

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Special Service
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
“Time for some special service!♪” No one’s as thoroughly equipped as this battlefield merchant. Richesse prepares her allies for battle by unveiling a plethora of secret tools of the trade that will protect them. Grants Richesse and the ally with the lowest SPD[Shield]equal to 300% of Richesse’s ATK for 1 turn.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally increases all targets’ chance to resist a debuff by 50% for 1 turn.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The numbers of turns of[Shield]and[Increased Chance to Resist a Debuff]each become 3.

FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE!

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE!
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
“Go get ’em!” On Richesse’s signal, the captain of the flabbycatties, FlabbyCaptain, charges in for the attack. Deals 1 physical attack equal to 490% of Richesse’s ATK to 2 random enemies. While FlabbyCaptain’s stuck onto the enemies’ faces, this skill has a 20% chance to inflict[Silence]on all targets for 1 turn.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The targets of this skill become 3 random enemies.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The chance to inflict[Silence]becomes 55%.
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 540% of her ATK.

Inseparable Presence

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Inseparable Presence
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
“The two of us will overcome it all. Sins, pain—everything.” That inseparable presence saves Richesse’s heart from breaking, giving her the courage to stand up and fight. Increases Richesse’s DEF by 25% (cannot be dispelled).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
The targets of this skill become Richesse and the ally with the lowest SPD.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The amount all targets’ DEF increases by becomes 50%.

Battlefield Merchant

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Battlefield Merchant
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
Having a merchant on the battlefield will save the lives of many. If an ally is attacked, and their remaining HP percentage becomes 50% of lower, this skill grants that ally[Shield]equal to 300% of Richesse’s ATK for 1 turn. This skill activates 1 time every 5 turns.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
This skill now activates 1 time every 4 turns.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The size of[Shield]becomes equal to 500% of Richesse’s ATK.

Richesse Stats and Potential

Max Stats (Lv. 240)

HP 5693915
DEF 12
DEF Break 0
SPD 3596
PM. DEF Break 0
P. DEF 664290
M. DEF 576688
ACC 332145
EVD 281045
CRIT 281045
CRIT RES 284695
CRT DMG Boost 0
Debuff ACC 288345
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0
HP Drain 0

Max Potential (Lv. 240)

STR 664290
MAG 576691
DEX 562091
STA 569391

LR+5 Rarity Stats

These are the LR+5 Stats for Player Rank 132 at Max Lvl 255. These stats may still improve with Player Ranking, Party Level Link and Gear and Rune Enhancement.

HP 9459372
ATK 1102386
DEF 12
DEF Break 0
SPD 3696
PM. DEF Break 0
P. DEF 1065453
M. DEF 924950
ACC 532726
EVD 457143
CRIT 450768
CRIT RES 456622
CRT DMG Boost 0.00%
P. CRIT DMG Cut 0.00%
M. CRIT DMG Cut 0.00%
Debuff ACC 462476
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0.00%
HP Drain 0.00%

LR+5 Potential Stats

STR 1065453
MAG 924953
DEX 901537
STA 913245

Richesse Exclusive Weapon

Hermes's Guidance
Level 1 (Unlocked by getting Richesse's Unique Weapon)
Strengthens Special Service. The size of[Shield]becomes equal to 500% of Richesse’s ATK.
Level 2 (Unlocks at UR rarity)
Increases Special Service. The increase in all targets’ chance to resist a debuff becomes 100%.
Level 3 (Unlocks at LR rarity)
Strengthens FlabbyCaptain! CHARGE! The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 590% of her ATK.

Richesse Available Gachas

Richesse Invoke Banners

List of Gacha Banners
MementoMori - Prayer of The Fleeting
Prayer of The Fleeting

Richesse Arcana

Felis's Intuition

MementoMori - Richesse IconRichesse MementoMori - Dian IconDian

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1 Anonymous8 months

Richesse is very niche in PVP, but excels with certain units - such as Elfriede. Shes also very good in amber tower even at low rarity as enemies typically do low damage in those towers and her shields are on 4 turn cooldowns allowing for survival of dps units.


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