
How to Beat Mimi


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MementoMori's Mimi is one of the witches players will frequently encounter across the game. Read on to learn how to make use of the game's witches and mechanics to defeat them in battle.

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How to Beat Mimi

How to Beat Mimi Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - S Icon
MementoMori - S Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR MementoMori - Amber Icon Amber MementoMori - Warrior Icon Warrior Attacker

One of the top debuffers in the game, Mimi's premier ability is inflicting the "Resonance" debuff on the enemy with the highest DEF and the enemy with the lowest DEF. Resonance deals 50% of the damage one target takes to the other target.

This amplifies the damage dealt by a team's main attacker, and it also helps wear down enemies with shields, multi-barriers, and other defensive buffs. Because of this, Mimi is a popular support witch and secondary attacker in many teams.

Mimi Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
• Resonance ability makes her a damage amplifier, which is useful in many teams.
• A good secondary attacker in her own right
• Has a defensive option in the form of a shield from her second active skill
• Her Resonance skill can be mitigated by getting a tank in your team and pumping them with DEF (keeping it away from your main attacker)
• Deals insufficient damage as a main attacker; needs to work in conjunction with other units to be effective

Mimi Skill Analysis

Resonance Ability Amplifies Damage Caused by Allies

Memento Mori - Dancing Paw-tners Icon
Dancing Paw-tners

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Dancing Paw-tners Icon
Dancing Paw-tners
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
At the start of the battle, Mimi inflicts [Resonance]on the enemy with the highest DEF and the enemy with the lowest DEF (cannot be dispelled). [Resonance]deals 50% of the damage one target takes to the other target. This skill is dispelled when a target afflicted with [Resonance]is defeated.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The damage one target takes from[Resonance]becomes equal to 60% of the damage the other target takes.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The damage one target takes from[Resonance]becomes equal to 80% of the damage the other target takes.

Mimi's Resonance helps your party cause even more damage to an enemy team by increasing the number of damage recipients (either the witch with the highest or lowest DEF in the enemy party).

If you're coming up against enemies that can soak up a lot of punishment, Mimi also helps soften them up because they'll still get 50 percent of the damage dealt to the enemy with the weakest DEF. This can also help chip away at an enemy's Shield if they have it.

Good Secondary Attacker

Memento Mori - Wild Claw Icon
Wild Claw
Memento Mori - Feline Waltz Icon
Feline Waltz

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Wild Claw Icon
Wild Claw
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Deals 4 physical attacks equal to 275% of her ATK to enemies at random. Each time a target is defeated by this skill, the number of attacks it deals increases by 1 (8 total attacks max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
The physical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 315% of her ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The number of initial physical attacks becomes 5, and the max total number of attacks becomes 9.
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Feline Waltz Icon
Feline Waltz
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Deals 1 physical attack equal to 260% of her ATK to 3 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage increases by 40% of Mimi’s ATK for each buff she is enhanced with (420% of her ATK max). This skill grants Mimi [Shield]equal to 20% of this skill’s total damage for 4 turns.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 290% of her ATK, and the increase in damage for each buff she is enhanced with becomes equal to 60% of her ATK (530% of her ATK max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The targets of this skill become 5 random enemies.
Level 4 (Unlocks by leve 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 350% of her ATK (590% of her ATK max).

Mimi's Wild Claw skill increases the number of attacks whenever she manages to beat an enemy. This can lead to her doing up to 9 attacks in total. Meanwhile, Feline Waltz does more damage the more buffs she has. It also gives her a Shield.

This makes her great to pair up with main attackers to clean up whatever enemy they haven't defeated yet. However, Mimi is not strong enough to take out enemies on her own for the most part, so she can't be relied upon as a main attacker.

Witches to Beat Mimi

Mimi Hard Counters

MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina

Soltina's multi-barrier ability and high DEF allow her to draw Mimi's Resonance away from your main attacker.

MementoMori - Carol IconCarol

Carol provides DEF buffs to her allies, which can mess with how Mimi's Resonance will target your witches (it will prioritize who has the lowest and highest DEF).

MementoMori - Ophelia IconOphelia

Ophelia is not only a tank that self-heals, but she also debuffs an enemy unit's ATK, making any damage she gets from Resonance relatively minuscule.

Mimi General Counters

MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Artie IconArtie MementoMori - Amour IconAmour
MementoMori - Fortina IconFortina MementoMori - Luke IconLuke MementoMori - Tainted Iris IconTainted Iris
MementoMori - Richesse IconRichesse MementoMori - Asahi IconAsahi MementoMori - Rusalka IconRusalka

Mimi Sample Counter Teams

Soltina Counter Team

Buffer Attacker Debuffer /
Debuffer Debuffer
MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi

Soltina can draw Mimi's Resonance away from your main attacker (in this case, Cordie), protecting her from any additional damage. You can reposition Primavera as needed (and consequently Merlyn and Cordie). Mimi meanwhile will be in the team to give Cordie more damage.

Eventually, Soltina or Primavera can be replaced with other witches like Carol to further prevent Mimi from targeting your main attacker with Resonance.

Witches Not To Use Against Mimi

MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence Other witches that can serve as main attackers.

What we mean to say in this section is to not use these characters without any counter to Mimi. That's because they're prime targets for her Resonance Skill otherwise.

MementoMori - Dian IconDian

Dian herself has low DEF and may end up on the receiving end of a Resonance link between her and your main attacker.

Tips for Beating Mimi

Field Units With High DEF and Low DEF

This is so you can make Mimi's Resonance link between them instead of one character and your main attacker.

Tune Your Team's DEF with Runes

You can use DEF runes to tune your team's DEF in such a way that there's a separate character with low DEF, a character that will soak up Mimi's Resonance with high DEF, and your main attacker's DEF being somewhere in the middle of these two. The point is to prevent your main attacker from being linked in Mimi's Resonance chain.

Field Witches Composed of All Attackers or Mostly Made Up of Tanks

In PvP where you may encounter many teams with Mimis in them, you can try fielding a party of all attackers (overwhelm the party with damage) or a party made up of mostly tanks (four tanks and a main attacker). These will either dissipate the Resonance chain (even if two attackers are linked, the other three can still deal damage), or prevent the main attacker from getting Resonance (it'll instead be shared between two tanks).

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Dian - MementoMoriDian Ivy - MementoMoriIvy Merlyn - MementoMoriMerlyn
Cordie - MementoMoriCordie Nina - MementoMoriNina Mertillier - MementoMoriMertillier
Mimi - MementoMoriMimi Tropon - MementoMoriTropon Hathor - MementoMoriHathor
Olivia - MementoMoriOlivia Primavera - MementoMoriPrimavera Natasha - MementoMoriNatasha
Lunalynn - MementoMoriLunalynn
## All SR (Limited) Rarity Character Builds
Artoria - MementoMoriArtoria Liselotte - MementoMoriLiselotte Matilda - MementoMoriMatilda
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Aine - MementoMoriAine Serruria - MementoMoriSerruria Tama - MementoMoriTama
Meria - MementoMoriMeria Festive Natasha - MementoMoriFestive Natasha Eureka - MementoMoriEureka
Winter Soltina - MementoMoriWinter Soltina Winter Lunalynn - MementoMoriWinter Lunalynn Eirene - MementoMoriEirene
Winter Tropon - MementoMoriWinter Tropon Gil’uial - MementoMoriGil’uial Fenny - MementoMoriFenny
Sonya - MementoMoriSonya Stella - MementoMoriStella Sivi - MementoMoriSivi
Summer Cordie - MementoMoriSummer Cordie Priscilla - MementoMoriPriscilla Artie - MementoMoriArtie
Chiffon - MementoMoriChiffon Belle - MementoMoriBelle Summer Sabrina - MementoMoriSummer Sabrina
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Rusalka - MementoMoriRusalka Cerberus - MementoMoriCerberus Fortina - MementoMoriFortina
Armstrong - MementoMoriArmstrong Ophelia - MementoMoriOphelia A.A. - MementoMoriA.A.
Witch Illya - MementoMoriWitch Illya Valeriede - MementoMoriValeriede


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