
Tillie Builds: Best Runes and Team Comps


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Tillie is an Emerald Soul Sorcerer-type SR (Limited) Rarity Witch in MementoMori. Learn more about this Witch's basic info, skills, which gacha you can find her in, and her lament below!

Tillie Basic Info

Tillie Overview

PvE Rank PvP Rank
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) MementoMori - Emerald Icon Emerald MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon Sorcerer Buffer/Tank

Tillie Analysis

ATK and CRIT Hit Chance Buff For Ally

Memento Mori - Golden Azure Blessing Icon
Golden Azure Blessing
Memento Mori - Flash of Caerula Icon
Flash of Caerula

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Golden Azure Blessing Icon
Golden Azure Blessing
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Increases both the ATK and chance to deal a critical hit of the ally with the highest ATK by 10% for 4 turns. Afterwards, this skill deals 1 magical attack equal to 180% of Tillie’s ATK to 5 random enemies.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
If this skill activates on the 7th turn and onwards, the increases in the ally target’s ATK and chance to deal a critical hit each become 40%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The magical attack’s damage becomes equal to 330% of her ATK.
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Flash of Caerula Icon
Flash of Caerula
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Deals 3 magical attacks equal to 180% of her ATK to enemies at random. These attacks prioritize attacking enemies who are enhanced with [Multi-Barrier].
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The number of magical attacks becomes 4.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The magical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 240% of her ATK.
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The number of magical attacks becomes 5.

Golden Azure Blessing offers a good combination of offensive and supportive effects. The 10% ATK and CRIT hit chance increase for the highest ATK ally can significantly enhance their damage output, especially in the early game. The follow-up magical attack hits 5 random enemies providing decent AoE damage, and it scales damage on its higher levels.

On the other hand, Flash of Caerula is an unique ability to prioritize enemies with [Multi-Barrier] to enhance its effectiveness against specific enemy compositions. The increasing number of attacks at higher levels makes it a potent AoE skill. While damage per attack is lower than Golden Azure Blessing at higher levels, the multiple attacks ensure consistent damage output.

Self-Healing for Tanking

Memento Mori - Aura of Golden Grace Icon
Aura of Golden Grace

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Aura of Golden Grace Icon
Aura of Golden Grace
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
When Tillie is attacked, this skill restores HP equal to 30% of the damage taken to her. If she is defeated by the attack, this skill will not activate.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
Additionally, at the start of the battle, increases her max HP by 80% (cannot be dispelled).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The amount her HP is restored by becomes equal to 60% of the damage taken.

Aura of Golden Grace significantly boosts Tillie's survivability by providing a healing mechanism directly tied to incoming damage which scales up at level 3. Her level 2 provides a substantial and undispellable increase to her maximum HP at the start of battle. This reinforces her tanking capabilities and making her a more durable frontline or damage-soaking unit. However, this skill only triggers when Tillie is attacked, and Tillie is the only one who benefits from this skill.

Critical RES Chance Buff for Allies

Memento Mori - Bluebird Memento Icon
Bluebird Memento

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Bluebird Memento Icon
Bluebird Memento
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
At the start of the battle, this skill increases the chance to resist a critical hit of the ally with the highest ATK by 30% (cannot be dispelled). At the start of each turn or when an enemy is defeated, if the number of enemies who are alive is 4 or less, [Increased Chance to Resist a Critical Hit] is dispelled.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The targets of [Increased Chance to Resist a Critical Hit] become the 2 allies with the highest ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The targets of [Increased Chance to Resist a Critical Hit] become the 3 allies with the highest ATK.

The initial 30% cirical hit resistance buff to the ally with the highest ATK provides a valuable defensive edge at the start of battles, especially against burst-heavy compositions. The Bluebird Memento improves significantly with levels, targeting more allies with the CRIT RES buff. However, its dispel condition is a double-edged sword. It allows the buff to remain active during crucial early phases of the fight, but if the enemy team had 4 or less members, the buff is dispelled.

This skill is most valuable if your team has multiple high-ATK damage dealers that are vulnerable to critical hits.

Tillie Best Runes

Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Offensive Runes
Defensive Runes
Recommended Runes
MAG Rune ImageMAG Rune ATK Rune ImageATK Rune CRIT Rune ImageCRIT Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
HP Rune ImageHP Rune M. DEF Rune ImageM. DEF Rune EVD Rune ImageEVD Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune
Recommended Runes
MAG Rune ImageMAG Rune ATK Rune ImageATK Rune CRIT Rune ImageCRIT Rune SPD Rune ImageSPD Rune
Recommended Runes
HP Rune ImageHP Rune M. DEF Rune ImageM. DEF Rune EVD Rune ImageEVD Rune CRIT RES Rune ImageCRIT RES Rune

Prioritize ATK, CRIT, HP and CRIT RES Runes

Tillie's runes selection should have ATK, CRIT, HP and CRIT RES Runes. ATK rune directly increases Tillie's attack power, which boosts the damage output of her skills. CRIT Rune further boosts the critical hit chance, making her attacks more likely to deal critical damage. For defensive runes, HP rune makes Tillie have a higher HP pool, allowing her to survive longer and recover more HP when attacked. CRIT RES rune increases the chance to resist a critical hit.

She may also have SPD rune to increase her movement in battles, or M.DEF Rune to enhance her M.DEF to help mitigate damge from enemy magical attacks.

Tillie Best Team Comps

Emerald High-Buffed Team

Tank/Buffer Attacker/Debuffer Buffer Buffer Buffer
MementoMori - Tillie IconTillie MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Meria IconMeria MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera

This team consisting of Tillie, Cordie, Merlyn, Meria, and Primavera has a solid foundation with a good damage potential, especially with Cordie benefitting from Tillie, Primavera and Meria's buffs. Tillie's Golden Azure Blessing directly buffs the ally with the highest ATK, which Cordie likely to be the prima target of this buff. Merlyn's utility is valuable for keeping the team healthy and free from debuffs. Meria adds more damage and some potential shielding. She also adds in SPD buffs to the whole team if she has her Unique Weapon.

Tillie Skills and Stats

Golden Azure Blessing

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Golden Azure Blessing
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Lights of azure and gold shine from Tillie’s staff. The azure strikes those who harbor malice towards her, while the gold gives her the power to protect her friends. Although this power belongs to Tillie, a faint trace of another witch’s power seems to be intertwined with it. Increases both the ATK and chance to deal a critical hit of the ally with the highest ATK by 10% for 4 turns. Afterwards, this skill deals 1 magical attack equal to 180% of Tillie’s ATK to 5 random enemies.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
If this skill activates on the 7th turn and onwards, the increases in the ally target’s ATK and chance to deal a critical hit each become 40%.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The magical attack’s damage becomes equal to 330% of her ATK.

Flash of Caerula

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Flash of Caerula
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
“I-I’m sorry... But, I just can’t stand seeing my friends get hurt...!” Tillie’s emotions ignite, unleashing brilliant blue flashes of light that obliterate even the enemy’s most fortified layers of protection. Deals 3 magical attacks equal to 180% of her ATK to enemies at random. These attacks prioritize attacking enemies who are enhanced with [Multi-Barrier].
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The number of magical attacks becomes 4.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The magical attacks’ damage becomes equal to 240% of her ATK.
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The number of magical attacks becomes 5.

Aura of Golden Grace

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Aura of Golden Grace
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
“Thank you for bringing me those flowers. If it’s not too much to ask, please stay with Rustica. She’s lonelier than she’d ever admit.” A wish a certain girl made long ago still protects Tillie to this day. When Tillie is attacked, this skill restores HP equal to 30% of the damage taken to her. If she is defeated by the attack, this skill will not activate.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
Additionally, at the start of the battle, increases her max HP by 80% (cannot be dispelled).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The amount her HP is restored by becomes equal to 60% of the damage taken.

Bluebird Memento

Skill Type Cooldown
Image File
Bluebird Memento
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
“Gran was strict, but kind. Even though the world is filled with endless conflict, the warm memories I have of her will always be in my heart...” At the start of the battle, this skill increases the chance to resist a critical hit of the ally with the highest ATK by 30% (cannot be dispelled). At the start of each turn or when an enemy is defeated, if the number of enemies who are alive is 4 or less, [Increased Chance to Resist a Critical Hit] is dispelled.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The targets of [Increased Chance to Resist a Critical Hit] become the 2 allies with the highest ATK.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The targets of [Increased Chance to Resist a Critical Hit] become the 3 allies with the highest ATK.

Tillie Stats and Potential

Max Stats (Lv. 240)

HP 6,161,319
DEF 10
DEF Break 0
SPD 3,074
PM. DEF Break 0
P. DEF 559,476
M. DEF 644,465
ACC 279,738
EVD 276,198
CRIT 276,197
CRIT RES 308,066
CRT DMG Boost 0
Debuff ACC 0
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0
HP Drain 0

Max Potential (Lv. 240)

STR 559,476
MAG 644,460
DEX 559,476
STA 616,132

Tillie Exclusive Weapon

Lacrimosa - MementoMori.jpg
Level 1 (Unlocked by getting Tillie's unique weapon)
Strengthens Golden Azure Blessing. The ally targets who are granted this skill’s buffs become the 2 allies with the highest ATK.
Level 2 (Unlocks at UR rarity)
Strengthens Bluebird Memento. The increase in all targets’ chance to resist a critical hit becomes 60%.
Level 3 (Unlocks at LR rarity)
Strengthens Golden Azure Blessing. The magical attack’s damage becomes equal to 360% of her ATK.

Tillie Available Gachas

Tillie Invoke Banners

List of Gacha Banners
MementoMori - Prayer of The Fleeting
Prayer of The Fleeting
MementoMori - Invocation of Chance
Invocation of Chance

Tillie Arcana

Acrux's Future

MementoMori - Tillie IconTillie

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