Monster Hunter World (MHW)

The Scorn of the Sun Quest and Rewards

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This is a guide for The Scorn of the Sun, a Quest appearing in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Learn about The Scorn of the Sun's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the Quest here.

Devil May Cry Collaboration Quests
code red quest.pngCode: Red the scorn of the sun quest.pngThe Scorn of the Sun

Basic Information

How to Unlock The Scorn of the Sun

Available from the Event start time

Quest Basic Information

Lv ★9 Destination Elder's Recess
Type  Event Research Points  -
Time Limit  50 minutes Reward Money 36000z
Objective Slay an Arch-Tempered Teostra
Other Conditions  HR50

All Low / High Rank Event Quests

Monster Information

Arch-Tempered Teostra

the scorn of the sun quest.png
Think that Teostra is too easy? Then you're in luck; in this quest, you will have to slay an Arch-Tempered Teostra.
Arch-Tempered Teostra Weakness and Strategy Guide


Main Rewards

Item Appearance Rate
Hard Armor Sphere %
Streamstone %
Gleaming Streamstone %
Sullied Streamstone %
Warped Feystone %
Shining Streamstone %
Teostra Ticket %

Monster Materials

Arch-Tempered Teostra

Fire Dragon Scale Teostra Carapace
Teostra Tail Teostra Powder
Teostra Gem Teostra Mane+

Teostra γ armor

teostra gamma (γ) armor.png
After defeating Arch-Tempered Teostra, you can get some brand new Teostra γ armor, with stats that can match master rank armor.

Dante α Layered Armor

dante alpha armor.png
You can also get the layered version of the Dante α armor from this quest! Now you can dress as Dante without having to worry about stats.

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Links

List of Quests and Quest Types

Quests Banner New.png

Quest Types

All Quests by Type

Assigned Quest Iceborne ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional Quests Iceborne ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Low/High Rank
Assigned Quests base game ENG.jpgAssigned Quests Optional QUests base game ENG.jpgOptional Quests
Event Quests
Iceborne EventsIceborne Events Low high rank eventsLow / High Rank Events
Other Quest Categories
Arch-Tempered Quests Collaboration Quests Gold Crown Quests
Arena Quests Challenge Quests Investigation Quests
How to Unlock All Quests
Low/High Rank Master Rank


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