FF7 Remake

How to Beat Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates | Shinra Combat Simulator Guide

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates Banner
This is a guide to beating the Shinra Combat Simulator challenge Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates in the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). This article explains what enemies you will face, recommended equipment and materia, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates Basic Information


Battle Number Enemy
Battle #1 Unknown Entity ×1
Enhanced Shock Trooper ×1
Battle #2 Zenene ×1
Battle #3 Sledgeworm×1
Battle #4 Armored Shock Trooper ×1
Battle #5 M.O.T.H. Unit ×1


Associated Character's Manuscript
Grab Bag

Best Equipment for This Battle



Twin Stinger Base Fully Upgraded
Twin Stinger Image Attack 46 73
Magic Attack 46 73
User Cloud
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +0 Magic Defense +0
Max HP +0 Max MP +35
A sword forged from two existing blades. Well suited for materia.


Purple Pain Base Fully Upgraded
Purple Pain Image Attack 51 82
Magic Attack 41 66
User Tifa
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +0 Magic Defense +0
Max HP +1150 Max MP +0
Leather gloves made from the hide of a ferocious beast.


Big Bertha Base Fully Upgraded
Big Bertha Image Attack 45 93
Magic Attack 30 62
User Barret
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +0 Magic Defense +0
Max HP +1250 Max MP +0
A firearm that boasts unrivaled destructive force. Found in the slums' black market.


Mythril Rod Base Fully Upgraded
Mythril Rod Image Attack 24 24
Magic Attack 92 164
User Aerith
Materia Slots
(Fully Upgraded)
Fully Upgraded Bonus Stats
Defense +0 Magic Defense +0
Max HP +400 Max MP +13
A rod made of mythril. Said to be a fabled mage's weapon of choice.


Chain BangleChain Bangle 0 0 50 50 ○-○○-○


Weapon (6 Slots)
Armor (4 Slots)

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates Battle Guide

Battle #1

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates 1.jpg

Unknown Entity ×1
Enhanced Shock Trooper ×1

Try to hit the Enhanced Shock Trooper as soon as you can with Firaga to quickly stagger it and take it down, then divert your attention to the Unknown Entity. Another Fira or Firaga will help stagger it unless it goes down before that. The Enhanced Shock Trooper's Twister can trip you up if it isn't handled quickly so watch out!

Battle #2

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates 2.jpg

Zenene ×1

The Zenene is quickly pressured by magic or Triple Slash, so if you keep up the assault it won't get a chance to do much at all.

Battle #3

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates 3.jpg


One of the more annoying fights in this challenge, this glorified game of whack-a-mole can end poorly if you aren't careful. Weak to Lightning magic, try to hit it with Thundara or Thundaga as soon as it pops out. Be careful with the timing, though, as you have a chance of missing and wasting your MP. A few good hits with magic should stagger it, allowing you to go to town on it.

Battle #4

Vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates 4.jpg

Armored Shock Trooper ×1

Incredibly weak to Lightning, a 2 shots of Thundaga should get the Armored Shock Trooper very close to stagger and death so you can swoop in for the kill.

Battle #5

M.O.T.H. Unit ×1

High in HP and a bit dangerous up close, once again hit this nuisance with Lightning magic to take down its HP. Having Elemental linked to Lightning will make is Shock, High Voltage, and Ultrahigh Voltage attacks either heal or do no damage to you depending on the materia level so go wild!

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Shinra Combat Simulator


4 Anonymousover 4 years

There is no reason to have ATB Assist Materia since these are one-on-one fights

3 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Fire and firaga are the same materia. Just leveled up.


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