Dead Space Remake Walkthrough Comments

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    27 Jerem52876 monthsReport

    Concernant le glitch fin chapitre 9 Si vous avez une sauvegarde sur le Valor, avant de récupérer le réacteur, faites demi tour et rebrousser chemin vers l’entrée du valor. Vous apercevrez (tout du moins pour moi il s’est passé ça) que l’ogive qui devait être larguée est revenue. Laissez là en place et continuez de revenir en arrière jusque dans l’ascenseur. La mission se débarrasser de l’ogive réapparaît de nouveau. Jetez l’ogive et continuez le jeu normalement. Ça a fonctionné pour moi

    26 EviLHuAi9 monthsReport

    My foot is broken on the ground, and the leg model is stretched all the time

    25 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    If you look closely some dead bodies are shaking. Is that a bug or a feature, like they are infected and transforming into monsters?

    15 Jeanabout 1 yearReport

    Chapter 6 don't get a log for killing the wheezers, so I'm missing a side mission as well,

    14 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    same here I got stuck on Chap 3 objective: activate control console. But the game doesn’t proceed even after I activated it multiple times. I’ve tried restarting games, console, listen to the audio log again but still stuck here

    13 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    I'm on my impossible run, and Dr Kyne is not showing up. PC

    12 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Chapter 11 Dr Kyne is not showing up in the hangar bay

    11 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Game+ don't work?

    10 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Le jeu gel à plusieurs endroits au dernier chapitre?

    9 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    On chapter 11 was unable to meet Kyne at the hanger bay, hanger bay door never opened to let the shuttle in when I entered. Reloading did not work. Xbox series X

    8 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Reporting on a new bug on Chapter 7 in the Mining room the Astroid disappears before you can go and launch it

    7 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    got to chapter 6 where you have to give the wheezers the enzyme and decided for fun and try som side quest and when leaving the that paticular station and trying to back i can't cause its saying that station locked weird bug

    6 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    have you found any solution ? I have the same issue in ch 10. Got the card and the UI keeps telling me that I don’t have it

    5 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I am at the end of chapter 3 and put the power source in but says it’s not in. The engine is running but it says I need to put power on… restarting game does nothing. Went back through entire level and nothing missed. Huge glitch and only way for me to move forward is start the game all over again….

    4 Xbox series s issue over 1 yearReport

    Xbox seems to have the same issue I can’t load up the loading screen after the agreement part and when trying to get the menu you up and start new game it freezes then ejects me out the the game this is a download Version of the game.

    3 Swizzlesover 1 yearReport

    Chapter 2 - heading into the research wing. There is a broken door (one that keeps opening and closing abruptly) and I can’t use stasis to stop it. I have to go through the door to progress, but it won’t let me do it. I can use stasis to move all the objects laying around the room - but it won’t let me use it to slow/ stop the door.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Got the crew deck key card in chapter 10 but the game keeps saying get the key card it won,t go further should be a cut scene starting there. Load it a few times saved a few times restarted game and ps5 but no luck! I deleted the game and now re-installing game if this don,t work also then dead space is dead to me! Had it also in shooting range same bug but worked after loading old save this time its helpless.. broken game!!

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I picked up Nicolea log from medical in the scientific methods side quest but it never completed that task

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