
Stone Pickaxe Recipe | How to Craft the Stone Pickaxe and Stats

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This is a guide to the Stone Pickaxe Weapon in Valheim. Learn the crafting recipe for the Stone Pickaxe, what materials are needed to craft and upgrade it, and all stats and information.

Stone Pickaxe Basic Information

Name Stone Pickaxe ImageStone Pickaxe
Weapon Type Pickaxe
Description A rock-breaker made of stone.
Associated Skill/s Pickaxes
Crafting Station Cannot be crafted.
# Hands Two-handed
Weight 2
Durability Level 1: 100
Pierce Level 1: 15
Block Power Level 1: 10
Parry Force Level 1: 0
Parry Bonus 2x
Knockback 50
Backstab 3x
Movement Speed -5%
Item Spawn Code PickaxeStone

Stone Pickaxe Recipe: How to Craft the Stone Pickaxe

Spawn with Console Command

The Stone Pickaxe has not been confirmed through normal gameplay. It's possible that the Stone Pickaxe will be added in a future update or DLC.

Currently, the only way to obtain the item is to turn on cheat codes by typing devcommands in the F5 console, and use the spawn PickaxeStone command to create the item.

All Cheats and Spawnable Items

How to Upgrade the Stone Pickaxe

This item currently cannot be upgraded.

Valheim Related Guides

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List of Weapons

All Pickaxe Weapons

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Stone Pickaxe


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