Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

August 1, 2022 Feh Channel Highlights | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

★ Latest Banner - Dust Storm Mercs
☆ New Units - Jehanna Ike, Jehanna Malice, Jehanna Tethys, Jehanna Marisa
☆ Free Units - Jehanna Saber

Feh Channel August 2022

This is a summary on the Feh Channel video released August 01, 2022. Read on to learn about Feh's Summer Celebration, the upcoming Hero Fest, a new Pirate banner, special orb packs, and other new updates announced in this video!

Latest Feh Channel Information - [8/01]

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Date and Time of Release

Release Date 08/01/2022 8:00PM PT
Stream Link YouTube: Feh Channel, August 1

Summary of Contents

  • Log-In Bonuses, Quests and Rewards
  • Grand Hero Battle Revivals
  • Hero Fest
  • Legendary and Mythic Remixes
  • New Special Heroes
  • Summoning Pool Changes
  • New Arena Maps
  • Binding Worlds, a new game mode!

Log-In Bonuses, Quests and Rewards

Lots of rewards and resources are either available from quests or given out as freebies will be available during August!

Quests for this month will give out these rewards. The Limited Aether Stones can be exchanged for limited-edition cosmetic buildings for Aether Raids!

Celebratory reward maps are also being added. If you clear them all, they will give a total of 20 Orbs. Make sure to get them since the Choose Your Legends 6 banner is this month. Every Orb counts.

Daily Skill Focus Revivals

Daily Focus Revival banners will also be released. Each banner will still have the free summon, giving players a lot of chances to obtain rare units for free!

Grand Hero Battle Revivals

Seven GHB Revivals will be available this month. For those who have already fought in these GHBs, quests will be available so you can get extra copies of the GHB units concerned.

Hero Fest!

Múspell - Flame God IconMúspell
Nifl - God of Ice IconNifl
Fjorm - Ice Ascendant IconAscended Fjorm
Laegjarn - Flame Ascendant IconAscended Laegjarn
Dates of Availability 08/02/2022 ~ 09/01/2022

Another banner to look forward to this August is the Celebratory Hero Fest. The heroes aren't the most powerful, but they pack some good fodder for your better units, and in the case of Ascended Fjorm and Ascended Laegjarn, grant you an Ascendant Floret each if this is the first time you've summoned either of them.

On the other hand, Múspell and Nifl are great in the roles they try to capture. They have scarce roles in the game as cavalry dragon units. They also hold tier 4 AR-D skills in AR-D Def/Res 4 and AR-D Atk/Spd 4 respectively.

For our analysis on whether you should spend orbs to pull on this Hero Fest, read our article here!

If you are a competitive player vying for the top ranks in Aether Raids or Summoner Duels, make sure you acquire a copy or two of Ascended Fjorm for her Hardy Fighter 3.

Hero Useful Skills

Skills that are available from this banner through Skill Inheritance.

Legendary and Mythic Remixes

Legendary Alm


Future Remix Heroes

These Legendary and Mythic heroes are scheduled to appear in future Legendary and Mythic Remix banners. Keep an eye out for their returns!

Risk and Reward, new Thief-themed Heroes!

Thief Cath

Cath returns from The Binding Blade as a Blue Tome Cavalry unit. She seems to be a typical speedy blue mage cavalry unit based on her skills.

Thief Leila

Leila returns from The Blazing Blade as a Red Tome Flying unit. The Feh Channel video did not reveal her stats and skillset, but the in-battle preview shows that she is a speedy attacker.

Thief Sothe

Sothe returns from Radiant Dawn as a Green Dagger Flying unit. Based on his skillset, he seems to be the demote unit of the banner.

Thief Nina

Finally, the Duo Hero in this Banner is Thief Nina!, a Colorless Dagger Flying unit. She is joined by Thief Kagero, a fan favorite. Both of them are from Fire Emblem: Fates.

The video shows that they have Lethality, a powerful Special, and Chill Def/Res 3, a Tier 4 B skill, the first of its kind. This will definitely raise the score ceiling in Arena!

Risk and Reward

There you have it! We still can't judge the banner because we don't have full details, but no matter how pretty this banner might appear, please be wary when pulling for it as, again, Choose Your Legends 6 is coming up. Sorry, we can't stress enough the imporance of pulling for CYL!

Tempest Trials+ reward, Thief Rickard

If you don't have Orbs for this banner, or if you do not wish to summon on it, fret not! Thief Rickard will be available from Tempest Trials+.

Summoning Pool Changes

The heroes listed here won't be available as 5★ units anymore, except for when they are focus units. They will be available as entries 4★ Special Rate instead. This means that, when you pull for them, they will appear as 4★, first, but they will be automatically promoted. This means that you can get them as a 5★ unit without using up your pity rate!

A notable hero added to this pool is Duo Ephraim. He is the first Duo Hero available as a 4★ Special Summon!

New Arena Maps

Five new maps are being added to the rotation for Arena. All of these maps have defense tiles, which will be crucial when fighting fully merged units!

Binding Worlds!

A new game mode! Looks like this one will be similar to Hall of Forms in the reward structure and in gameplay concepts.

Unlike Hall of Forms where you swap out skills post-battle, Binding Worlds lets you swap entire units during the battle! The images above show Sharena being swapped with a Legendary Micaiah upon stepping onto a special tile in the map.

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