Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

August 2020 Feh Channel Highlights

★ Latest Banner - Dust Storm Mercs
☆ New Units - Jehanna Ike, Jehanna Malice, Jehanna Tethys, Jehanna Marisa
☆ Free Units - Jehanna Saber

FEH Channel Banner August 14th.png

This is a summary on the Feh Channel video released August 14, 2020. Read on to learn about Trait Fruits, CYL 2020, Dragonflower changes, and other features announced in this update!

Latest Feh Channel Information - [8/14]

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Date and Time of Release

Release Date 8/14/2020 8:00PM PT
Stream Link YouTube: Feh Channel, August 14

Summary of Contents

  • Announcement of CYL Banners
  • Grand Hero Battle Announcement
  • New Event: Frontline Phalanx
  • Dragonflowers Upper Limit Increased
  • Change IVs Using Trait Fruits

Announcement of CYL Banners

CYL Banner JPG.jpg

Claude - AlmyraBrave Claude
Dimitri - King of Faerghus IconBrave Dimitri
Edelgard - Adrestian Emperor IconBrave Edelgard
Lysithea - Earnest Seeker IconBrave Lysithea
Dates of Availability 08/018/2020 ~

Free 5★ Focus Summon on CYL Heroes!

Not much has been revealed about the CYL Banner, but Feh has revealed that we get a free summon! Which means, we can get at least one of the CYL winners for this year.

4 Guaranteed 5★ Focus Summons

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The guaranteed 5★ Focus Summon implemented earlier this year is available 4 times in this banner! That means if you have enough orbs for 160 summons, then you are guaranteed to get all of the CYL winners for this year. Take note that you can only get one copy of each CYL winner once in all of the free summons. However, you can still get multiple copies of them in the summoning pool

Current Brave Heroes are getting Replaced!

Celica - Warrior Priestess IconBrave Celica
Hector - Brave Warrior IconBrave Hector
Ephraim - Sacred Twin Lord IconBrave Ephraim
Veronica - Brave Princess IconVeronica

The current line-up of Brave Heroes available upon starting the game will be replaced soon by the new CYL winners. If you want to start a new account or you have a friend thinking to start the game with the heroes above, they should start soon! They will be replaced after August 31.

Grand Hero Battle Announcement

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Jorge who ranked 12th in the CYL Male Divison will be featured in an upcoming Grand Hero Battle! He is wielding a rare blue bow that is made by his twin brother, Daniel. This allows him to fill in some specific niches in your team so make sure to get him. Watch out, Byleth, Rhea and Elincia!

September Update Announcement

New Event: Frontline Phalanx

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A new event, Frontline Phalanx, will be joining the mix! This event features Fire Emblem Characters trying to take down a big baddie. Its up to you to strategically manage resources and help balance the risks and rewards of each frontline to claim victory.

This event wil feature quests that give out the new Trait Fruits which are discussed below!

Dragonflower Upper Limit Increased!

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The number of dragonflowers that can be used on certain heroes will be incresed. Those that can be upgraded 10 times will now be eligible to take 15 and those who can take 5 can now take 10. Heroes that are released starting August 18, 2020 beyond can only take 5 dragonflower upgrades. This inlcudes the CYL units.

Change Unit IVs with Trait Fruits

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You can now change the IVs of your units using Trait Fruits! This item will be obtainable from various events. You will need 100 Trait Fruits for 1 change IV. Take note that ALL heroes can use Trait Fruits. This means that units from Grand Hero Battles, Tempest Trials and of course Alfonse, Sharena and Anna will now be able to access IVs!

Trait Fruits: How to Change IVs

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