Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments

Tier ListComment

Showing 1-20 of 162 entries


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    162 Anonymous@Game86 daysReport

    We agree with this and have promoted Xane and moved New Year Níðhöggr above Winter Edelgard. Winter Edelgard is still strong when given Emblem Celica Ring, but has indeed fallen out of favor due to Brave Felix being a better option for that role as well as being easier to obtain. We will revisit New Year Níðhöggr once she is out of her bonus weeks, but we expect her to retain her spot.

    161 FNC6 daysReport

    Xane Should be moved up to 9.0 i dont think he deserves an 8.0. His copy ability was improved and he has CC in his weapon. Seteth had a cracked refine and you moved him up, but why not Xane? And also I think that N!Y Nidhoggr is better than winter Edel. Winter Edelgard has almost died in this meta

    160 Anonymous@Game818 daysReport

    We decided to group up Emblem Lyn with the New Year and new Genealogy units all on one Tier List update. Emblem Lyn and all heroes released after her are now on the tier lists.

    159 Anonymous20 daysReport

    Emblem Lyn is tagged 9.9 but how not on the top green tier list? Any updates about this one?

    158 Anonymous21 daysReport


    157 Anonymous23 daysReport

    dead gaem

    156 FNCabout 1 monthReport

    Who do u think is the most controversial in this list

    155 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    she can kill with glacies but it's rare bc of flat dr in aether raids. I use the pavise build bc her melee is not the greatest

    154 twztid13 2 monthsReport

    by"anyone", i mean the units people use to attack in AR tier 31+. She obviously can get kills against lots of units elsewhere, nut not many in AR at the top ranks, from my experience. I probably need to go back to a defensive special & just try to keep her alive, cuz with all the true damage recently, she's not as sturdy as she was 1 month ago.

    153 twztid13 2 monthsReport

    Heidrun at 9.9 is definitely something i didn't see coming. I like her lots, & even have LF4 on mine, but i don't think she is at the same level as the other 9.9 units. She's great & I'm glad i have her, but she can't kill anyone, even w the glacies build. I would put a beast special, but then i couldn't use LF4, cuz CD would be too short.

    152 ...3 monthsReport

    Hold up ninian is 9.5 on her page but 9.9 here, wth

    151 twztid13 3 monthsReport

    Lastly, i can't believe brave chrom is 3rd in blue rankings. I must be missing something. I need to refine him & try him more (only got him recently, as I've only played FEH since Christmas 2023). He doesn't seem better than brave Bernadetta, emblem Sigurd, or even young robin (f) to me. I haven't tried using him competitively, cuz too many ppl steal visible bonuses or nullify them these days.

    150 twztid13 3 monthsReport

    Regarding the rankings (i hardly ever look at the top 3 of each color, only the overall rankings), it's crazy there's no colorless 9.9 hero. Also, i think brave Felix is better overall than emblem Ike now (more uses for felix,, especially with lots of units who can kill ike now, unlike closer to his release).

    149 twztid13 3 monthsReport

    wow good for them for making him 9.5. i had just criticized the ranking of him being at 9.0 when aided dagr is 9.5 (i think eikthynir is better, after testing them both), on dagr's page. Maybe that made them change their minds, lol? I doubt it, but the right decision is the right decision,, regardless of how they got there. There is lots of discrepancy with the rating on the lists vs a hero's individual pages. For whatever reason, it takes a while for the lists to be updated.

    148 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Hey, so uh Eikþyrnir is 9.5 on his page, but appears as 9.0 in here, Idk how that happend but it can cause confusion

    147 Anonymous3 monthsReport


    146 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    People do care and her support is not really used in this current meta, hence why she shouldnt be 9.9 in the first place. When she came out, she was amazing. We as players still need to see how here refine goes soon. She should ne 9.5 thoLyon >Micaiah tho

    145 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Who cares about what people use? Ninian has more to offer, hence she got bumped up on the ranking list. Lyon > Micaiah still tho

    144 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    But Micaiah is amazing

    143 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    now that is not true. Tell me how many times you see ninian in your sds run and how many times you see a!azura

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