Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments

Tier List(Page 3)Comment

Showing 4-23 of 156 entries


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    116 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    That's true

    115 twztid137 monthsReport

    sorry, remove the "if". Site needs an edit button.

    114 twztid137 monthsReport

    Wow, yes, 1 of if the others was 9.0, too when they launched (2 were 9.0, 2 were 9.5, IIRC). Sadly, I'm able to easily steal nergal's best abilities using tina, lol.

    113 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Maybe but its good to see that Fallen Nergal is 9.5 now, he was 9.0 last week

    112 twztid137 monthsReport

    i see Ash is now a 9.0, & she was 9.5 at least 2 months ago (haven't looked in about 2 months). The site needs to be transparent. It's a bad look to have a section that lists promoted/demoted section, yet also have lots of units stealth edited, which makes it looks like the site is either poorly updated, or trying to hide that they may have miscalculated when rating certain units (maybe...?).

    111 Anonymous8 monthsReport


    110 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    yeah they are, I also noticed they demoted the two normal alears from 9.5 to 9.0 without informing

    109 twztid13 8 monthsReport

    Now it shows brave corrin as 9.5 & i know it was 9.9 when i started playing in December. The updates show that summer thor was demoted to 9.5, but doesn't mention corrin, so stealth edits are definitely happening. Partial transparency sucks, IMO.

    108 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I cannot lie Nabata Igrene should be in 9.9, do you know how much her aoe is impacting the meta now because of emblem ike. Y!F!Robin at least deserves a chance of being tested again, she is literally the counter to emblem ike. She deserves a chance in 9.9

    107 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Hmm legend aryNinian maybe a 9.5 now, she is not really used often anymore and one of the only good things about her now is her dance.

    106 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Since the meta is changing so fast, due to powercreep, do you really think units like summer Edelgard or Valentine’s Chrom are on the same tier as say, Emblem Ike or Valentine’s Lyon? There’s quite a lot of 9.9 units, but most don’t last that long due to new units countering them way too hard that they become the problem they were trying to fix. I know you guys are working on an overhaul of the tier list, but just wanted to let you know when you’re considering the 9.9 list.

    105 twztid13 9 monthsReport

    they updated her to 9.9 (tho not sure if that numerical rating means anything except re rolling).

    104 twztid13 9 monthsReport

    I don't understand the rating system. Are the numerical ratings for reroll only, & i should be looking at the letter rankings (with inherit skill) if i want to evaluate new heros (to me), but not rerolling? It's strange that some have 9.5 & A, while others have 9.0 & S. Very confusing.

    103 Anonymous@Game810 monthsReport

    We've decided on 9.5 for Legendary Alear (M), and are currently playtesting the new Spring heroes. We will add them together on the next update coming this week. Additionally, we are still working on an overhaul for the entire rating system, since the tier list is rather bloated with 9.0 units using our old system. However, with over a thousand heroes on the roster, this will take some time before it's complete.

    102 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I am not seeing legendary hero Alear in this tier list. Are you currently playtesting him to see if he is 9.9 or 9.5?

    101 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    At this rate, why don't you guys just put every unit ever on the tier list? Seems like you're getting pretty close!

    100 Anonymous@Game810 monthsReport

    We used those skills as examples, but we agree that it could be misleading newer users. We have revised both the default description and the Winter Byleth article.

    99 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Winter Byleth (M) Weaknesses Weak to Armor Effective Weapons "Winter Byleth (M) takes 1.5x damage from armor-effective weapons like Slaying Hammer+, Randgríðr, or Thani, and one blow from this type of weapon will deal significant damage. Make sure you know what weapons you are up against before hopping too far into the line of battle!" This is very misleading, specially slaying hammer+ and thani does little to no damage, legendary chrom's weapon is the only one that can dent byleths

    98 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Thanks for explaining out. I will be looking forward to what ratings you give to them. Although Altina seems to offer different playstyles as well, apart from that you mentioned. Distant Counter(M) helps her to remove the ranged units who are not like L! Hinoka. Plus I remember that she defeated Ninja Sanaki of Lv. 40. So I guess that she might be getting S rating.

    97 Anonymous@Game811 monthsReport

    We will be releasing the next update of our Tier List today or tomorrow. We believe Nabata Altina is the best unit on her banner and have rated her a 9.5. We are still determining whether Nabata Igrene is a 9.5 or a 9.0. Emblem Marth and Mythic Lumera are tentatively rated 9.5 as well.

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