Demon's Souls PS5

5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

Dirty Colossus Archstone
This is the story walkthrough for 5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone in the Demon's Souls Remake (DS) for PS5. Keep reading for maps, tips on how to complete this stage, a list of NPCs, and items that can be found!

Archstone of the Chieftain
5-1: Valley of Defilement 5-2: Leechmonger Archstone 5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone

5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone Story Walkthrough


Walkthrough Chart

Make your way into the fog to immediately initiate the boss fight.
Note You'll want to bring a Widow's Lotus in case you fall into the swamp.
From here, you can either snipe Astraea. Doing so will cause her to heal continously so if you opt to this method, your damage needs to be higher than her healing. The normal way is to proceed down and go one on one with his guard, Garl Vinland.

Boss: Maiden Astraea

HP (NG) Dropped Items
3055 Pureblood Demon Soul
Defeat Garl Vinland

How to Beat Maiden Astraea

5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone Tips and Tricks

Tips Summary
checkmark.pngWatch Your Step!

Watch Your Step!

You can fall to the swamp and get plagued. Make sure to watch your step as the ledges in the area are extremely narrow.

5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone NPCs

Garl Vinland

Garl Vinland
HP Acquired Soul
1340 16750
Dropped Items
Dark Silver Armor Set and Dark Silver Shield

Where to Find Garl Vinland

Black Phantom Garl Vinland

black phantom garl vinland
HP Acquired Soul
2820 22800
Dropped Items
Bramd Upgrades, Crest of Vinland

5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone Items

Pure Suckertsone Pure Mercurystone Pure Marrowstone

Demon's Souls Remake Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Tutorial The Nexus
Archstone of the Small King
1-1: Boletarian Palace 1-2: Phalanx Archstone 1-3: Tower Knight Archstone 1-4: Penetrator Archstone
Archstone of the Burrow King
2-1: Stonefang Tunnel 2-2: Armor Spider Archstone 2-3: Flamelurker Archstone
Archstone of the Tower Queen
3-1: Tower of Latria 3-2: Fool's Idol Archstone 3-3: Maneater Archstone
Archstone of the Shadowmen
4-1: Shrine of Storms 4-2: Adjudicator Archstone 4-3: Old Hero Archstone
Archstone of the Chieftain
5-1: Valley of Defilement 5-2: Leechmonger Archstone 5-3: Dirty Colossus Archstone
Which Ending Should You Choose?



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