Demon's Souls PS5

Blueblood Build and Best Weapons

This is the guide to the Blueblood build for Demon's Souls for the PS5. Check here to find out what kind out of build Blueblood is, the stat alignment for the build, and our recommended weapons!

What is the Blueblood Build?

A build that specializes in the Blueblood Sword

The Blueblood warrior is a special build that uses the Blueblood Sword only. This weapon's destructive power is influenced by the Luck stat. Eventually, your entire stat allocation will have to be based around this weapon.

Blueblood Warrior Stats

Stat Alignment with Blueblood Warrior build (SL107)

Stat Level Important Points
Vitality 30 ・Increase your Vitality until 30
・Based on your skill, doing less than 30 is also possible
Intelligence 15 ・In order to use the Second Chance miracle
Endurance 40 ・Increase your Endurance to 40
・Altering this stat is fine
Strength 18 ・The minimum requirement for use
Dexterity 18 ・The minimum requirement for use
Magic 18 ・The minimum requirement
Faith 18 ・The minimum requirement
Luck 30 ・Your attack power scales greatly with Luck
・You will want to raise it until 50

Whichever starting class is fine

For the Blueblood Warrior build, there is no recommended starting class. Any class can create this build, so feel free to choose whichever class you like.

Using the Blueblood Warrior Build

Make use of weapon buffs

The Blueblood Sword also has magic attack power and is a special weapon that can be buffed. When paired with a specialty build, this is no ordinary sword. However, you can increase the damage to enemies even further by buffing your weapon.

Make use of Clever Cat's Ring and Morion Blade for those seeking even high firepower

For those seeking even greater attack power, try using the Clever Cat's Ring and Morion Blade strategy. Both items provide an attack boost when under 30% HP. If both are stacked, this strategy can provide a whopping 140% increase in attack power.

Recommended Weapons for the Blueblood Warrior Build

Blueblood Sword

Since this is a build around the Blueblood Sword, that will be your main weapon of choice. In order to create the weapon, you will need to complete the Defiled Valley area and you will need the Demon Soul of Astraea and the Broken Sword. Eventually a Red Hot Demon Soul will also be required, which even on the fastest route can be quite a long journey to obtain. This is a weak point of this build.

Related Links

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