Demon's Souls PS5

Online Multiplayer Guide

This is a guide about the online multiplayer elements in Demon's Souls Remake. Read further to know how to play with your friends online, as well as other multiplayer features.

New Online Features in the Remake

List of New Online Features
Check markServer Change Added
Check markUp to Six Players
Check markBloodstains, Messages, and Wandering Illusions Return
Check markWorld Tendency

Server Change Added

In Demon's Souls Remake, you can now swap servers to easily play with your friends or other people online. In addition, you can also use a password to more easily match up with whoever you'd like.

What Changed in Demon's Souls Remake?

Up to Six Players

In online multiplayer, players can either work together to challenge enemies or fight against each other. As with the PS3 version of the game, it is possible to play with up to six players with three allies and three intruders.

Bloodstains, Messages, and Wandering Illusions Return

Classic multiplayer features namely Bloodstains, Messages, and Wandering Illusions make a return in the remake.

Bloodstains appear in places where other players have died, Messages gives you the ability to read and send letters to other players, and Wandering illusions are shadows of other players who can follow you while playing.

World Tendency

In the PS3 version, World Tendency could change a lot when playing online. According to the game's producer, this will carry over into the remake as well. As the online servers in the original shutdown some time ago, this is good news for players.

Classic Online Features


Whenever any player in online mode gets killed, it leaves a bloodstain that any online player can interact with. By touching the bloodstain, you get to see the last few seconds of the player's game before he or she died.


You can also find glowing messages left by other players. These messages may be useful warning. If you want to thank someone who left you a helpful message, you can recommend the message. Your recommendation will cause the HP of the player who originally left the message behind to be instantly restored.

You can even use messages as beacons to guide you through the area. For example, if a message is left in an area that's usually pitch-dark,like the poisonous swamps in the Valley of Defilement, the light will actually illuminate to surrounding terrain.

Blue Eye Stones

When you are in living body form, you can summon up to two other human players as Phantoms to help you out. You can only summon players who have left blue soul signs for you. Using the soul sign, you can check out a player's rating and statistics before deciding to summon them. Once summoned, the Phantoms will appear near you.

Black Eye Stones

When playing in online mode in living body form, you will occasionally receive a message telling you that a Black Phantom has invaded your world. These Black Phantoms are other players who've used an item called the Black Eye Stone. A player who has become a Black Phantom is out to kill you in order to further their own ends.

If another player's Black Phantom is attacking you, it can be very helpful to have Phantoms on hand to act as allies. If you have to fight a Black Phantom solo, then be very careful. When you play as a Black Phantom, you'll notice you have lots of other advantages, too.

Red Eye Stones

If you want to challenge other players to battle, you can use a Red Eye Stone to leave a red soul sign on the ground. Then another player can summon you into his or her world as a Black Phantom for a one-on-one duel. The loser of the duel loses one soul level (and all of the souls used to obtain that level). These spoils are handed over to the winner as a reward.


In any game session where multiple players are interactive, items can be traded. If one player drops an item, the other player can opt to pick it up. Items gathered this way can be used to unlock Trophies without even keeping the item permanently.

For a trade meeting, it's best to designate a place not commonly used by other players as a meeting spot. Make sure that the soul levels of both of you are similar to ensure that the summoning will work. The host must be in living body form and the visitor in Soul form. The host will have to wait for the other party's blue soul sign to appear at the rendezvous point.

Once the other party is summoned, the host should drop the agreed-upon item and wait for the other party to pick it up. After holding it for about five seconds, any trophies you should earn for having that item will be unlocked. At this point the other party can drop said item back on the floor for the host to retrieve. The transaction ends when the host sends the other party back to their own world.

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