Demon's Souls PS5

Where to Find Yuria, the Witch | Yuria Magic List

Yuria the Witch
This guide will show you how to find Yuria, the Witch in Demon's Souls Remake. Read on to learn more about her location, how to rescue her, and what spells can be learned from her.

Yuria's Location

You can find Yuria, the Witch in 1-3: Boletarian Palace. Go straight from the area where you defeated the Tower Knight and enter a narrow alley. You will see a locked door that requires a Bloody Iron Key. This door will lead you to the tower where Yuria is being held captive.

How to Rescue Yuria

Get the Iron Keys and Official's Cap

Get the Iron Key Ring and Official's Cap by killing the two Fat Officials in the Tower Knight Archstone. Then, head to the area near Tower Knight boss fog and enter the room with the staircase going up to the tower. There, you will see a door that can be unlocked using the Iron Key Ring.

Fat Official That Drops the Iron Key

Iron Key Fat Official.jpeg

Get the Bloody Iron Key

Enter the room using the Iron Key Ring and this will lead you to a dungeon where there is another Fat Official. Kill him and take the Bloody Iron Key he drops.

Get the Full Fat Official Set

Unlike in the PS3 version where all you needed to equip was the Official's Cap in order to rescue Yuria, the remake now requires you to don the full Official's Set. The table below shows you where to find the remaining pieces:

Stonefang Tunnel

2-1: Bridge (Gloves)

2-1: Cellar (Leggings)

2-2: Elevator (Outfit)

Step-by-Step Overview of Rescuing Yuria

1 Defeat the Fat Officials in the Tower Knight Archstone
2 Get the Iron Key Ring and Official's Cap they drop
3 Unlock the door in the room near the Tower Knight boss fog using the Iron Key Ring
4 Enter the dungeon and kill the Fat Official to get the Bloody Iron Key
5 Go to the Stonefang Tunnel to look for the rest of the Fat Official's uniform
6 Return to 1-3: Boletarian Palace and enter a narrow alley in the courtyard until you reach the gate
7 Unlock the gate using the Bloody Iron Key
8 Enter the tower and equip the full set of the Official's uniform
9 Reach the top of the tower then climb the stairs that appears and defeat the Fat Official
10 Make sure to take off your Official's set first before talking to Yuria

Spells Taught by Yuria, the Witch

Teacher/Cost Effect
Yuria, the Witch
Steal the Soul of touched character
Yuria, the Witch
Heal HP and status of touched character
Soul Thirst
Yuria, the Witch
Slaying enemies yields more Souls when in effect
Curse Weapon
Yuria, the Witch
Strengthen & curse right-hand weapon
Yuria, the Witch
Generate large flame at one's fingertips
Yuria, the Witch
Generate a huge storm of fire

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