Demon's Souls PS5

What Does Endurance Do?

This is a guide for the Endurance attribute in Demon's Souls Remake. Read on to learn more about this attribute and how it can help build your character in the game.

Endurance Overview

With a higher Endurance stat you will have higher Stamina. As attacking, blocking, and doding all require Stamina to perform, higher Stamina is incredibly useful. You can reach a max of 60 Stamina with an Endurance level of 40.

Increasing your Endurance will also raise Fire Resistance at a higher rate as well as Equip Burden. If your currently equipped weight is less than 50% of your max Equip Burden then your movements will be quicker.

B Endurance + 29


End Stamina Equip Burden Bleed Resistance Poison Resistance
08 88 37 33 26
09 90 38 37 28
10 91 39 40 30
15 100 44 60 60
20 110 49 73 73
30 133 59 100 100
40 160 69 107 107
50 160 79 114 114
60 160 89 122 122
70 160 99 129 129
80 160 109 136 136
90 160 129 143 143
99 160 128 150 150

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