Demon's Souls PS5

Opening the Secret Door


Check here to find out how to open the secret door located in Demon's Souls for the PS5. Learn about how to obtain the Ceramic Coins, how to get the key to the door, and what's hidden behind it!

What is the Secret Door?

A new secret area has been added to the Demon's Souls remake. Bluepoint Games, the company behind the remake, has added an illusory wall in Boletarian Palace that leads to a secret locked door. The conditions for unlocking the door involve a series of tasks that can only be completed by manipulating your World Tendency.

What is World Tendency and Character Tendency? | How to Change World Tendency

Opening the Secret Door

  1. Gather Ceramic Coins
  2. Trade 26 Coins with Sparkly the Crow
  3. Find the Secret Door and use Key

Gather Ceramic Coins

Ceramic Coin

In order to open the secret door, you will first need to gather a new item added to the game called the Ceramic Coin. It will recover a very small of HP if used. You may have already encountered another similar new item, the Gold Coin. It is a rare drop that can slightly boost luck for a short time. However, the Ceramic Coins are much harder to come across.

Ceramic Coins can only be found in Fractured Mode, a new mode added that inverts everything. While in this mode, coins can be found scattered around all worlds. However, the coins will only appear in Pure Black Tendency and Pure White Tendency worlds. Also, their location will change depending on the world tendency. Gathering these coins is the first key to opening the door.

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List of all Ceramic Coin locations

Coin Location with Pure White World Tendency

    1. The first coin can be found in Boletarian Palace 1-1. Near the area where you first encounter Ostrava, there is a tower where two guards exit a small room. It is located just before the field with the Dreglings. If you destroy the table located in this room, the Ceramic Coin will appear.

1-1: Boletarian Palace Story Walkthrough and Map

    2. The next coin can be located in Boletarian Palace 1-3. Near the flaming boulder area, there is a ledge you can drop off of by a staircase. Drop down twice into the courtyard. After that, climb up a ladder and head straight and destroy a wooden crate located in the back corner to reveal the coin. It should be right by a wooden door.

1-3: Tower Knight Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

    3. Before unlocking the shortcut in Boletarian Palace 1-3, there will be an area with 2 crossbow soldiers. Enter the hallway and on the left there will be a lone barrell against the wall. Destroy this barrell to obtain the third coin.

1-3: Tower Knight Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

    4. The next coin can be found in Stonefang Tunnel 2-2. Warp to the Flamelurker Archstone and return back through the tunnels. Reach the lava area filled with Bearbugs and Flying Bearbugs. Keep to the right and keep going until you find a small island with some Bearbug husks on it. Head to the island and destroy the husk to reveal the coin. Be careful, you will have to roll through some lava to obtain the coin.

2-3: Flamelurker Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

    5. In Tower of Latria 3-1, head to the lowest floor with the Fluted Armor. Head down to the 3rd cell, and use the Prison of Hope 1F Cell Key to open the cell. Destroy the chair to reveal the coin.

3-1: Tower of Latria Story Walkthrough and Map

    6. The next coin can be found in the Shrine of Storms 4-1. Head to the underground tunnels where you meet Graverobber Blige. Destroy a wooden crate in the back left corner of the room to reveal the coin.

4-1: Shrine of Storms Story Walkthrough and Map

    7. The final Pure White World Tendency coin can be located in the Valley of Defilement 5-2. After killing to goblins with fire poles, there will be a small scaffold you can drop down to. Once you drop down to the scaffold, fall down the gap between it and the wall to land onto a rock that has a wooden crate. Break it to get the coin.

5-2: Leechmonger Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

Coin Location with Pure Black World Tendency

    8. The next coin can be found with Pure Black World Tendency in Boletarian Palace 1-3. From the Tower Knight Archstone, head upstairs to the room with the Crystal Lizard. There will also be a large wench device in the room. Destroy the table located behind it to reveal the coin.

1-3: Tower Knight Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

    9. In Stonefang Tunnel 2-1, go down the ramp where the water wheel is activated to cool the lava. After going down the ramp and killing the dogs, head straight towards a group of mining carts. There is a pile of wooden crates. Destroy them to get the coin.

2-1: Stonefang Tunnel Story Walkthrough and Map

    10. The next coin can be found in Tower of Latria 3-1. When going to deactivate the arrow-shooting statue, there will be a set of stairs heading down. To your left, there will be a black phantom Mind Flayer. On the right, there will be a pile of wooden crates. Destroy the crates to reveal the coin.

3-1: Tower of Latria Story Walkthrough and Map

    11. In the Shrine of Storms 4-2, head to the room where Patches the Hyena kicks you in. At the bottom, located behind a pillar in the back right corner, is a box containing the coin.

4-2: Adjudicator Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

    12. The final coin can be located in the Valley of Defilement 5-2. Head towards the swamp area from the Dirty Colossus Archstone. Head to the right and climb up to raised wooden platforms. Go up the ramp and inside the room is a wooden crate with the coin inside.

5-2: Leechmonger Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

    13. The final coin can be located in Boletarian Palace 1-3. Half way through the stage, there is a small courtyard with three archers on it. In that courtyard is a ledge that can be jumped over. Fall down below and break the wooden crate to obtain the last Ceramic Coin.

1-3: Tower Knight Archstone Story Walkthrough and Map

Trade Coins with Sparkly the Crow

Once you have gathered a number of coins, they can be traded with Sparkly the Crow in Shrine of Storms. As of now, trading 26 Ceramic Coins is the requirement to receive the Rusted Key. This key will be able to unlock the secret locked door in Boletarian Palace. There are only 13 coins per playthrough. This will mean that NG+ will be required to open the door.

Where to Find Sparkly the Crow

Find the Secret Door and use the Rusty Key

Next, head to the secret door. In the Tower Knight area, head to where Biorr of the Twin Fangs was held prisoner to obtain the keys from the Fat Official. You will need the Official's Key to get to this area. At the end of the alleyway that leads to Yuria, the Witch, there will be an illusory wall hidden behind some wooden crates. It is disguised as a normal brick wall. If you strike the wall, it will reveal the door. Use the Rusted Key to unlock it.

What's Behind the Door?

Once you finally open the door, there will be a small courtyard area with an item on a body. Pick it up to receive the Penetrator's armor set.

Penetrator's Armor Set Stats and How to Get

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