Demon's Souls PS5

Where to Find Upgrade Stones

This is a list of all Upgrade stones in Demon's Souls (DS) Remake for the Playstation 5. Read on to see all kinds of Upgrade Stones, The Stone's Variants, and their location.

Whare Are Upgrade Stones?

Used to Upgrade Weapons and Change Its Properties

As the name suggests, Upgrade Stones are primarily used to upgrade weapons. Upgrading a weapon causes its stats to rise and will get a + sign depending on what level it is. A weapon can also be upgraded with a different upgrade stone to change the weapon's specialty.

Obtained From Crystal Lizards

While there are enemies that drop certain upgrade stones, the rare ones you'll need are usually obtained from Crystal Lizards. These geckos are cowardly and elusive and have a limited spawn rate, so if one runs away you'll have to reenter the area for it to respawn. To learn how to hunt these Lizards, refer to our guide below.

Where to Find Crystal Lizards

Each Upgrade Offers Different Bonuses

Various upgrade stones can greatly affect the performance of your weapon depending on what upgrade path you choose. Planning and learning what to upgrade for each weapon is vital to your journey in Demon's Souls.

How to Upgrade Weapons

Upgrade Stone List

▼Jump to a Category
▼Hardstones ▼Sharpstones ▼Greystones
▼Bladestones ▼Dragonstones ▼Suckerstones
▼Clearstones ▼Moonshadestones ▼Moonlightstones
▼Faintstones ▼Cloudstone ▼Spiderstones
▼Marrowstones ▼Mercurystones ▼Meltstones

Where to Get Hardstones

Quality Location
Shard In Boletarian Palace, obtain it from the Hoplites
Can also be obtained from Scale Miners in Stonefang Tunnel
Purchase From the Filthy Man in Stonefang Tunnel
Dropped By Scale Miners with the Flame Weapons
Chunk Dropped By Hoplites (Boletaria 1-1 and 1-2)
Scale Miners
Large Crystal Lizards from Boletaria 2-2
Scale Miners with Flame Weapons in 2-1
Pure Crystal Lizards from Boletaria
Crystal Lizards from Stonefang Tunnel 2-1 and 2-2

Where to Get Sharpstones

Quality Location
Shard Hoplites from Boletarian Palace and Miners from Stonefang Tunnel
Purchased from the Filthy Man
Obtain from Scale Miners with Pickaxes
Chunk Obtain from Hoplites
Obtain from Crystal Lizards in Boletaria Palace 1-2
Purchase from the Filthy Man in 2-2
Large Obtain from Scaleminers with Pickaxes in 2-2
Pure Crystal Lizards from Boletaria
Crystal Lizards from Stonefang Tunnel

Where to Get Greystones

Quality Locatioon
Shard Obtain from Scaleminers in Stonefang Tunnel
Dropped by Rock Worms
Chunk Dropped by Rockworms in Stonefang Tunnel
Pure Given to you by Scirvir after showing him the Dragon Bone Smasher
Dropped by Rock Worms

Where to Get Bladestones

Quality Location
Shard Skeletons from Shrine of Storms
Chunk Skeletons from Shrine of Storms (Gold and Black)
Skeletons from Shrine of Storms 4-2 (Except Archers)
Pure Dropped by Black Skeletons in 4-2 Behind an Illusory Door

Where to Get Dragonstones

Quality Location
Shard Purchase from the Filthy Man
Dropped by Bearbugs (not dropped by Flying types)
Chunk Obtained from Medium and Large Bearbugs
Obtain from the Corpses in the area with lava in Stonefang Tunnel 2-2
Pure Dropped by Large Bearbugs
Dropped by the Dragon God
Obtainable in Stonefang Tunnel 2-2

Where to Get Suckerstones

Quality Location
Shard Dropped by the large slugs in the Valley of Defilement
Dropped by the Glowing Slugs in Shrine of Storms 4-2
Chunk Dropped by the large slugs in the Valley of Defilement
Dropped by the Glowing Slugs in Shrine of Storms 4-2
Pure Dropped by Giant Slugs
Obtained in the Valley of Defilement 5-2

Where to Get Clearstones

Quality Location
Shard Dropped by Imperial Spies in Boletarian Palace
Purchasable from the Filthy Man
Chunk Dropped by Imperial Spies in Boletarian Palace
Dropped by a Crystal Lizard in the Dragon God's Archstone
Pure Crystal Lizards in Stonefang Tunnel
Obtained from Ostrava after rescuing him in 1-3

Where to Get Moonshadestones

Quality Locations
Shard Dropped by Reapers in Shrine of Storms 4-2
Purchase from Blige
Chunk Obtain from Crystal Lizards in Latria 3-2
Dropped by Reapers in Shrine of Storms 4-2
Pure Obtain from Crystal Lizards in the Tower of Latria

Where to Get Moonlightstones

Quality Location
Shard Crystal Lizards in Tower of Latria
Purchase from the Former Noble's Wife
Obtained from Prisoners in Tower of Latria
Chunk Obtain from Crystal Lizards in Tower of Latria 3-2
Obtained from Prisoners
Pure Obtain from Crystal Lizards in the Shrine of Storms

Where to Get Faintstones

Quality Location
Shard Purchase from the Filthy Woman
Dropped by the Depraved Shamans
Chunk Dropped by the Depraved Shamans
Inside the house in front of the area you fight the Dirty Colossus
Dropped by Crystal Lizards in the Valley of Defilement 5-2 and 5-3
Pure Obtain from Crystal Lizards in the Valley of Defilement
Dropped by Depraved Ones in the Valley of Defilement 5-2
Given to you by the Worshipper of God in the Nexus.

Where to Get Cloudstones

Quality Location
Shard Obtain from the Stingrays in Shrine of Storms
Purchase from Blige
Chunk Obtain from the Stingrays in Shrine of Storms
Near the Cliff in the Archstone of the Storm King
Pure Dropped by Stingrays
Obtain from the Storm King

Where to Get Spiderstones

Quality Location
Shard Dropped by Scale Miners
Chunk Obtain from Crystal Lizards in Stonefang Tunnel 2-1
Obtain from Regular Scale Miners
Pure Dropped by the Armor Spider
Obtain from Crystal Lizards in Stonefang Tunnel

Where to Get Marrowstones

Quality Location
Shard Dropped by Giant Ticks in the Valley of Defilement 5-1
Dropped by Mosquitoes in the Valley of Defilement 5-2
Chunk Dropped by Giant Ticks in the Valley of Defilement 5-1
Dropped by Mosquitoes in the Valley of Defilement 5-2
Chunk Dropped by Giant Ticks in the Valley of Defilement
Obtained in the Valley of Defilement 5-3

Where to Get Mercurystones

Quality Location
Shard From Celebrity Vermins in Latria
Chunk On one of the prisons near Rydell's cell.
Behind the Prisoner Horde in Latria 3-2
From Celebrity Vermins in Latria
Pure Obtainable in the Valley of Defilement 5-3
Dropped by a Black Phantom Celebrity Vermin

Where to Get Meltstones

Quality Location
Shard Obtained from Salamanders in Stonefang Tunnel
On a corpse in Stonefang Tunnel

Demon's Souls Related Links

Tips and Tricks

Helpful Guides for Demon's Souls

Which Starting Gift Should You Choose? How to Upgrade Weapons
What Carries Over in New Game Plus? Best Way to Progress the Game
Trophy List and Guide Best Places to Farm Souls
Tips for Beginners How to Get Pre-Order and Digital Deluxe Bonuses
List of Unique Weapons Best Way to Use Demon's Souls
All Ring Locations All Spell and Miracle Locations
Can You Change Your Appearance? How to Level Up
How to Open the Secret Door Best Rings
How to Obtain An Additional Magic Slot Where to Find Upgrade Stones
Where to Find Crystal Lizards Where to Find Primeval Demons

Where to Find Characters

List of Characters and Merchants Where to Find Saint Urbain
Where to Find Yuria, the Witch Where to Find Sage Freke
Where to Find Sparkly the Crow Where to Find Biorr of the Twin Fangs
Where to Find Scirvir, the Wanderer Where to Find Yurt, the Silent Chief
Where to Find Mephistopheles

Demon's Souls Game Mechanics

What Does Soul Level Do? What Does Intelligence Do?
What Does Strength Do? What Does Endurance Do?
What Does Vitality Do? What Does Faith Do?
What Does Dexterity Do? What Does Luck Do?
What Does Magic Do? What is World Tendency?
What is Equipment Burden? Online Multiplayer Guide
Parry and Riposte Guide What is Fractured World?
List of Controls



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