Demon's Souls PS5

How to Beat Dragon God | Fists of Legend Trophy Guide

Dragon God

This is a guide on how you can beat the Dragon God boss in the Demon's Souls Remake for the Playstation 5. Read on to learn strategies, drops, and stats about the Dragon God.

Dragon God Stats

Basic Info

Stonefang Tunnel
Souls Drops Weakness
26800 Dragon Demon Soul None


HP 4340 Normal Def 206
Slash Def 206 Blunt Def 206
Pierce Def 206 Magic Def 206
Fire Def 273 Poison Res Immune
Plague Res Immune Bleed Res Immune

How to Beat the Dragon God

Boss Guide Video Walkthrough

How to beat the Dragon God using the Hands of God!

Battle Overview
checkmarkUse the Ballistas at the Edge of the Map

checkmarkBreak the Rubble to Make Way

checkmarkLook at the Dragon's Eyes Before You Move

checkmarkAfter Firing the 2 Ballistas, Finish It Off!

Use the Ballistas at the Edge of the Map

Dragon God - Ballistas
The Dragon God is damaged by using a large ballista located on the map. There is one on each end of the map. After using one to fire a javelin into the Dragon God, you will move across the map to the next one all while avoiding the attacks of the Dragon God.

When it roars, it is preparing to attack. Once you hear it, check your stamina and get ready to dodge.

Break the Rubble to Make Way

Dragon God - Break Rubble
You will need to break the rubble that is in your way while moving. This can be done with large shields or weapons, or you can also bait the Dragon God into punching and destroying the rubble.

Pick the best weapon that can destroy the rubble immediately

The number of attacks to destroy the rubble depends on your Strength and the weapon your using. Using a Kris Blade, for example, will take four attacks before it destroys the rubble. Meanwhile, a Dragon Long Sword +1 will only take two swings. It is recommended to use a weapon with high durability and Strength.

Look at the Dragon's Eyes Before You Move

Red-eyed Yellow-eyed

The color of the Dragon God's eyes determines if you are being seen or not. If it is red, it will attack you and may result to immediate death. You can avoid this by hiding and waiting until its eyes turn to yellow. Once it turns to yellow, this is when you can safely make your next move.

Hide behind the pillar

Once you destroy the rubble, the Dragon God's eyes will become red and attacks you. Hide behind a nearby pillay and wait for it to turn yellow.

After Firing the 2 Ballistas, Finish It Off

Dragon God - Ballista Finish
After firing the 2 ballistas, the Dragon God will not move for a brief time. There will be a little HP remaining on the Dragon God, so use this chance to attack and finish it off! This is a good chance to equip the Hands of God that can be found outside the Flamelurker's boss arena to get the Fists of Legend Trophy.

Be careful of its fire breath

Dragon God - Dragon Breath

Make sure to watch out for the Dragon God's fire breath while attacking its jaws. When its jaw becomes red, it will breath fire in front of you, so avoid it by dodge rolling. It is possible, however, to attack it from a safe distance by using a long distance weapon such as a bow or a Catalyst weapon.

Related Links

List of Bosses

Boletarian Palace
Phalanx Red Flying Dragon
Penetrator Tower Knight
Blue Flying Dragon Old King Allant
Old King Doran -
Stonefang Tunnel
Armor Spider Flamelurker
Dragon God -
Tower of Latria
Fool's Idol Maneater
Old Monk -
Shrine of Storms
Vanguard Adjudicator
Old Hero Storm King
Valley of Defilement
Leechmonger Dirty Colossus
Maiden Astraea -


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