Demon's Souls PS5

How to Beat the Fool's Idol | Not Fooled Trophy Guide


This is a guide on how you can beat the Fool's Idol boss in the Demon's Souls Remake for the Playstation 5. Read on to learn strategies, drops, and stats about the Fool's Idol.

Fool's Idol Stats

Basic Info

Tower of Latria
Souls Drops Weakness
8430 Doll Demon Soul None


HP 1863 Normal Def 97
Slash Def 97 Blunt Def 97
Pierce Def 97 Magic Def 121
Fire Def 82 Poison Res Immune
Plague Res Immune Bleed Res Immune

How to Beat the Fool's Idol

Boss Guide Video Walkthrough

How to defeat the boss without attacking her clones!

Battle Overview
checkmarkBefore Fighting the Boss, Take Out the Follower

checkmarkDefeat the Prisoners in the Boss Area

checkmarkTry to get as Many Hits as Possible when Attacking

checkmarkAfter Making Clones, the Real Body will Fire a Larger Soul Ray Spell

checkmarkApproach The Clones To Know if It's a Fake

Before Fighting the Boss, Take Out the Follower

Before entering the boss area, be sure to defeat her follower. The follower will continue to revive the Fool's Idol if not defeated, making defeating her impossible. If you continue to the boss area without killing the follower, after defeating the boss a voice can be heard. After this, you may exit the fog gate in order to go kill the follower and once again fight the boss.

Defeat the Prisoners in the Boss Area

It is dangerous to get close to the prisoners, so be sure to defeat them. However, when prisoners are present you will be able to determine the location of the magic circles that cause paralysis.

Try to get as Many Hits as Possible when Attacking

When attacking the boss, she will instantly teleport away after staggering. When landing blows make sure to start from max stamina and land as many hits as you can.

After Making Clones, the Real Body will Fire a Larger Soul Ray Spell

Compared to the other bodies who fire small magic attacks, her real body will fire a larger soul ray spell. Attack her real body while being careful of the magic circles as well as the incoming magic attacks. The real Fool's Idol will also not have a health bar above her head when locking on so search her out and take her down!

Approach A Clone To Know if It's a Fake

The Clones have their own health bar, fortunately, these healthbars appear when you proceed to melee range against the idol. Use this to make sure that you avoid accidentally hitting a clone which might deny you the “not fooled” trophy.

Related Links

List of Bosses

Boletarian Palace
Phalanx Red Flying Dragon
Penetrator Tower Knight
Blue Flying Dragon Old King Allant
Old King Doran -
Stonefang Tunnel
Armor Spider Flamelurker
Dragon God -
Tower of Latria
Fool's Idol Maneater
Old Monk -
Shrine of Storms
Vanguard Adjudicator
Old Hero Storm King
Valley of Defilement
Leechmonger Dirty Colossus
Maiden Astraea -


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