Demon's Souls PS5

Will the Demon's Souls Remake Come to PS4 or PC?

With Playstation 5's low in stock many might be wondering if they can get their hands on the Demon's Souls Remake some other way. If you're wondering if it'll show up on PS4 or PC any time soon then keep reading!

Will the Demon's Souls Remake Come to PS4 or PC?

Unfortunately No Demon's Souls on PS4

While a lot of people want to play the remake, it was unfortunately rebuilt from the ground up exclusively for PS5 so there isn't likely a chance we'll see it on PS4. As time goes on the PS4 will eventually lose support and fade out so there's a very low chance the remake will make it to PS4.

PC Remains to Be Seen

As for PC, there were initially rumors when the game was announced that it would come to PC at a later date, but this was later confirmed to be a mistake in the announcement video. Whether or not Demon's Souls will come to PC later is up in the air with no official announcement in sigh. Shadow of the Colossus, Bluepoint Games last remake, never made it to PC so the chances could be slim. If we hear anything else we'll be sure to update this article at a later date!

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