Demon's Souls PS5

Magic and Faith Build and Best Weapons

This is the guide to the Magic and Faith build for Demon's Souls for the PS5. Check here to find out what kind out of build Magic and Faith is, the stat alignment for the build, and our recommended weapons!

What is the Magic and Faith Build

A Magic and Faith specialist build

The Magic and Faith, as you could likely guess, is a build that specializes in both Magic and Faith stats. The strong point of this build is its ability to incorporate both spells and miracles into its attacks. Also, depending on how many points are put into Strength, some melee combat may also be possible.

Magic and Faith Build Stats

Stat Alignment with Royalty (SL86)

Stat Level Important Points
Vitality 30 ・Increase your Vitality until 30
・Based on your skill, doing less than 30 is also possible
Intelligence 30 ・5 spell slots
Endurance 8 ・Not needed
Strength 9 ・Not needed
Dexterity 12 ・Not needed
Magic 36 ・To raise spell power
Faith 36 ・4 miracle slots
Luck 7 ・Not needed

Invest into Magic and Faith

The Magic and Faith build stat aligntment will be a good balance of both Faith and Maigc. Depending on your Magic stat, this build may not be as destructive as the Pure Magic build with the Insanity Catalyst, but you have access to the various long-range spells but also the very convenient Second Chance miracle.

Using the Magic and Faith Build

Attack from a distance

While it is called the Magic and Faith build, most of your damage will be done with spells, so you will be attacking from a distance. Therefore, using the Magic and Faith build is not too different from the Pure Magic build.

Carry a sub-weapon

At the expense of some Magic points, you can invest in some points to carry around a weapon if melee becomes unavoidable.

Recommended Weapons for the Magic Faith Build

Make preparations to raise Magic power

As a Magic-based build, you will of course want to use weapons that scale with Magic. Kris Blade is an excellent weapon to pair with this build, but it can be truly complete with the addition of the rings and eqiupment below.

List of equipment for increasing Magic power

Kris Blade Monk's Head Collar
Ring of Magical Nature ※Morion Blade
※Clever Rat's Ring -

Large Sword of Moonlight

From Software's signature moonlight sword only scales with Faith. Its requirements are also only Faith. You can use this weapon without having to adjust any stats. Having this weapon as a backup will be a good idea.

Large Sword of Moonlight Upgrades and How to Get

Related Links

All Classes and Builds

List of Classes and Builds

Build Guides

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Pure Strength Dexterity Warrior
High Class Warrior Pure Magic
Magic and Faith Magic Swordsman
Vitality Warrior Blueblood

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Temple Knight Priest
Magician Soldier
Hunter Wanderer
Barbarian Thief

Best Starting Class


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