Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

How to Get Blizzard Blade and Effects

Blizzard Blade is a weapon in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Blizzard Blade, effects, and which class can equip it.

How to Get Blizzard Blade

Purchase from Stores

You can purchase the Blizzard Blade from the following shops:

Shops that Sell Blizzard Blade

Blizzard Blade Price

Buy Price Sell Price
34000 G 10200 G

How to Earn Gold Fast

Loot from Monsters

You can get the Blizzard Blade as a dropped item from the following monsters:

Monsters that Drop Blizzard Blade
One-Man Army

Blizzard Blade Stats and Effects

Stats Overview

Blizzard Blade Overview
Attack Power 101
Effect Casts Crackle when used as an item in battle.

Compatible Vocations

Hero Hero Warrior Warrior Martial Artist Martial Artist Mage Mage Priest Priest
Thief Thief Merchant Merchant Gadabout Gadabout Sage Sage Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler

◯ - Can Equip | ✕ - Cannot Equip

All DQ3 Classes: List of Jobs and Vocations

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Weapons
List of Weapons

List of All Weapons

List of All Weapons
Rubiss' Sword Conqueror's Axe Destructiball Orichalcum Claws
Double-Edged Sword Sword of Kings Poker Sword of Ruin
Hunter's Moon Godbird Sceptre Astraea's Abacus Gringham Whip
Aurora Staff Bastard Sword Headsman's Axe Stormlord's Sword
Beast Claws Metal Wing Boomerang Blizzard Blade Somatic Staff
Demon Spear Dragon Claws Empress's Whip Thunderbolt Blade
Dragonsbane Claws Sage's Staff Abracadabracus War Hammer
Fire Claws Siren Sword Scourge Whip Sandstorm Spear
Mountaincleaver Orochi's Sword Zombiesbane Battle-Axe
Flametang Boomerang Golden Claws Dragontail Whip Sledgehammer
Battle Fork Falcon Blade Assassin's Dagger Lightning Staff
Swallowtail Staff of Strife Sizeable Scissors Gusterang
Knuckledusters Staff of Sentencing Spiked Steel Whip Staff of Resurrection
Rune Staff Morning Star Iron Axe Beastly Bullwhip
Holy Lance Steel Broadsword Staff of Antimagic Slapstick
Snooze Stick Chain Whip Iron Claws Iron Lance
Edged Boomerang Wizard's Staff Thorn Whip Staff of Rain
Chain Sickle Divine Dagger Boomerang Copper Sword
Poison Needle Bronze Knife Oaken Club Cypress Stick


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