Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

Pressure Pointer Effects and Level Learned

Pressure Pointer is an Ability in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See the effects and MP cost of Pressure Pointer, and which classes can learn this Attack Ability in the game.

Pressure Pointer Effects

Pressure Pointer Overview

MP Cost 4
Target One Enemy
Effect Instantly kills one enemy. If the enemy is not killed instantly, deals half normal attack damage.

Pressure Pointer Classes and Level Learned

Classes and Level

Warrior Icon Warrior
(Lv. 21)

All DQ3 Classes: List of Jobs and Vocations

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

Spells and Skills
List of Spells and Skills

List of All Abilities

List of Abilities
Padfoot Eye for Distance Nose for Treasure Whistle
Service Call Dig Recall Remember
Recollect Forget Assassin's Stab Stone's Throw
Lightning Slash Gust Slash Critical Claim Flame Slash
Flame Breath C-c-cold Breath Wind Sickles Boulder Toss
Gigaslash Pressure Pointer Call to Arms Cutting Edge
Multislice Mercurial Thrust Shocking Slash Paralysing Gas
Double Up Knuckle Sandwich Sword Dance Roundhouse Kick
Flying Knee Sleepy Slap Multifists Falcon Slash
Hawkeye Claw Persecutter Propeller Blade Mist Me
Helichopter Harvest Moon Metal Slash Double-Edged Slash
Attack Attacker Hypnowhip Cop Out Backdraft
Egg On Whipping Boy Defending Champion Muster Strength
Forbearance Wild Side Channel Anger Dodgy Dance
Leg Sweep Ripple of Disruption War Cry Fog of War
Sandstorm Tongue Lashing Tongue Bashing Spooky Aura
Burning Breath Emergency Groom Focus Pocus Sobering Slap
Hustle Dance Meditation Kerplunk Dance Soothing Song
Call of the Wild Animal Instinct Lashings of Love Monster Pile-On

List of All Spells

List of Spells
Heal Midheal Fullheal Multiheal
Omniheal Zing Kazing Squelch
Tingle Cock-a-Doodle-Doo Sheen Frizz
Frizzle Kafrizz Sizz Sizzle
Kasizzle Crack Crackle Kacrack
Kacrackle Woosh Swoosh Kaswoosh
Bang Boom Kaboom Zap
Kazap Whack Thwack Kamikazee
Puff! Buff Kabuff Insulatle
Bounce Kaclang Oomph Acceleratle
Morph Hocus Pocus Sap Kasap
Dazzle Deceleratle Fuddle Snooze
Fizzle Drain Magic Poof Bazoom
Zoom Evac Holy Protection Safe Passage
Fade Tick-Tock Peep Click
Storyteller Snoop Magic Barrier Defizzle
Blasto Moreheal Zin Zapple


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