Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Where to Find The Crozier | Order of the Ancients

This is a guide for The Crozier in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn more about where to find and how to kill this Order of The Ancients member.

WARNING: This page contains spoilers regarding the Lincolnscire story arc. Read on if you do NOT mind spoilers.

How to Unlock The Crozier?

To unlock The Crozier, also known as Bishop Herefrith, in the Order tab, you'll need to obtain Three Clues. Two of these can only be found during The Lay of Hunwald saga.

The First Clue will be given by Hytham before beginning the story arc.

The Second Clue will by given by Hunwald during the quest A Noble Escort.

The reveal of the Third Clue, which unlocks the identity of The Crozier, is dependent on who you choose to be Ealdorman during the quest Where The Stone Falls.

If you choose anyone other than Bishop Herefrith, his identity is revealed and your quest to assassinate him immediately begins in A Sword-Shower in Anecastre.

If you choose Bishop Herefrith, you will have to complete The City of Greed story arc before you can unlock his identity.

Where to Find The Crozier?

Location Inside the Church of Anacastre during the quest Where The Stone Falls

How to Kill The Crozier?

The Crozier will be hiding inside Anacastre's church. In order to enter the church, you'll have to break open the window found above some scaffolding.

Once you finish off any remaining enemies guarding The Crozier, you'll be free to assassinate him and complete the quest.

For a more comprehensive guide on how to kill The Crozier, check out our quest walkthrough below!
A Sword-Shower in Anecastre Walkthrough

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