Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Where to Find The Sickle | Order of the Ancients

Order Target - The Sickle.png
This is a guide for The Sickle in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn more about where to find and how to kill this Order of The Ancients member.

How to Unlock The Sickle?

To Serve The Light - Order of The Ancients
To unlock The Sickle, also known as Heika of Friesland, in the Order tab, you'll need to obtain two clues.

You can get the First Clue by killing Woden, a Zealot.

The clue obtained from here will point you towards Maeldun's Saltern Camp in the region of Essexe. The Second Clue can be found in a barred building.

Maeldun's Saltern Camp Clue Location
Map View Overworld View

This will unlock The Sickle in the Order tab and will reveal their location.

Where to Find The Sickle?

Location At Colcestre in the region of Essexe

How to Kill The Sickle?

While you can spot The Sickle walking near the Colcestre market, it's best to wait until she enters her home before assassinating her.

There will be guards across the house but it will be easy to evade them. Sneak in using the front door and assassinate her to complete this objective.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides

Order of The Ancients Top Page

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The Scabbard The Seax The Sickle
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