Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Comments

Brave Alfonse Builds and Best IVsComment

Showing 1-8 of 8 entries


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    8 FNC13 daysReport

    I agree. He is still tanky and good to use in mult map battles. He isnt too reliable on his special but he can kill galeforce brave felixes and survives sigurd and lyn, and can sometimes kill the snakes one he has damaged them enough. He can get support from Duo M Alear's Divinely Inspiring, Seteth and Eikþhynir and he is good to go

    7 FNC13 daysReport

    thats if he isnt on terrain most of the case.

    6 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    i've had blue bernadetta with a dance unit be able to shoot him down safely every time. i think the point is to kill him as early as possible.

    5 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    9.0? This is the most controversial ranking on the site Not one of these units below is better than B!Alfonse and they are all 9.5 A!Dagr I!Thea R!Marianne B!Chrom (Base kit) H!Lucia W!Cordelia W!Eikpyrnir (Base kit) NY!Seidr B!Catria N!Igrene N!Altina Þjazi Seidr F!Maria Tina Alot of these are rated way too high for being 1 trick ponies that are only there to provide a bonus to an ally, namely Cordelia and Catria

    4 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    How on earth this guy is a 9.5 while Nabata altena is a 9.9 I can't fathom. Nothing can stop this man but b!Felix. He even bullies emblem Ike.

    3 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    That is fair. Plus Great Talent is new also we can't expect it to be the greatest. Felix is just amazing as a nuke galeforcee and tank. Thanks for replying.

    2 Anonymous@Game86 monthsReport

    We did consider Brave Alfonse for 9.9, but decided to rank him 9.5 instead due to Great Talent relying on either Alfonse entering combat or multiple turns to pass before becoming relevant. Alfonse can stall out a few turns in Arena to get extra stats before combat becomes inevitable, but he doesn't have this luxury in Aether Raids or Summoner Duels.

    1 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Alfonse 9.5 It makes sense If great talent doesn't get countered and b!,felix and spectrum skills do (if that happens), would you consider making him 9.9

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