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Lucia and Geoffrey Infernal Guide and Recommended Team (Bound Hero Battle)

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Fire Emblem Heroes - Lucia and Geoffrey Bound Hero Battle

This is a guide to clearing the Infernal and Lunatic maps for Lucia and Geoffrey in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To see strategy for defeating Lucia and Geoffrey, enemy information, as well as the best units and party to use, read on!

Lucia and Geoffrey Strategy Overview

Enemy Units Lucia - Tireless Advisor ImageLucia Geoffrey - RealmGeoffrey
Recommended Level Lv.40
Difficulty Infernal
Conditions Condition 1: All 4 units must survive.
Condition 2: You cannot use Light's Blessing
Dates Active 07/25/2024 - 08/02/2024

Initial Unit Placement

Infernal Lunatic
Fire Emblem Heroes - Lucia and Geoffrey Infernal Map Fire Emblem Heroes - Lucia and Geoffrey Lunatic Map

Infernal Enemy Information

A Green Mage IconGreen Mage HP
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
B Lucia - Tireless Advisor ImageLucia HP
Passive Skill B IconRepel 4
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
C Geoffrey - RealmGeoffrey HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconLuna
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
D Bow Flier IconBow Flier HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconDeadeye
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
E Green Cavalier IconGreen Cavalier HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
F Red Bat IconRed Bat HP
Special Skill IconGlimmer
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-

Lunatic Enemy Information

A Green Mage IconGreen Mage HP
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
B Lucia - Tireless Advisor ImageLucia HP
Passive Skill B IconRepel 4
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
C Geoffrey - RealmGeoffrey HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconLuna
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
D Bow Flier IconBow Flier HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconDeadeye
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-
E Green Cavalier IconGreen Cavalier HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-

Damage Calculator Tool

Lucia and Geoffrey Strategy

Use a Hit and Run Strategy!

This map has no reinforcements and no refresher foes, making a Hit and Run strategy viable.

Stay out of the range of the enemy units on the first turn while repositioning your team, as all of your units are quite spread out. Once ready, initiate on Geoffrey and defeat him with a ranged unit, and then use movement assists like Reposition and refresher assists to get your units out of the danger area.

The enemies will then advance, but be unable to reach your units. You can repeat this process over and over again until all the enemies are dead.

Lucia is the main concerning enemy due to her Queensblade forcing a true 1v1 and preventing Specials. Bring along a Blue ranged unit with high firepower to ensure you can deal the maximum amount of damage to her.

Ideally, your main attacker has an effect that can pierce through non-Special damage reduction to negate Lucia's Repel 4.

Alternatively, Use a Tanking Strategy!

You can also adopt a tanking strategy to clear this map, as none of the enemies in this map are too threatening except for Geoffrey and Lucia's pre-charged Specials.

Both Geoffrey and Lucia are physical melee units. Bringing along a Blue tank unit with high Def will be important in ensuring your units do not take unnecessary attacks, while the Blue tank unit soaks up damage.

Ideally, bring along a ranged attacker that can defeat both Geoffrey and Lucia on player phase. This unit's role is to take down enemies one at a time while the tank unit holds the frontline.

The other generic enemies aren't too concerning and can be dealt with when convenient.

Best Units for Lucia and Geoffrey

Player Phase Units With Multiple Actions

Unit Name
Edelgard - Snowfall Future ImageWinter Edelgard Lance Armored
Black Yule Lance creates 【Divine Vein (Flame)】 tiles, grants Special cooldown charges pre-combat, and cuts the effectiveness of enemy damage reduction skills.
Raging Tempest grants mobility and one additional action after combat.
Inheriting Galeforce can grant a third action per turn.
Edelgard - Sun Empresses ImageSummer Edelgard Sword Armored
Regal Sunshade's brave effect can quickly eliminate enemies.
Raging Storm can grant one additional action after combat.
Inheriting Galeforce can grant a third action per turn.
Edelgard - Flame Emperor ImageLegendary Edelgard Axe Armored
Raging Storm can grant one additional action after combat.
Inheriting Galeforce can grant a third action per turn.
Felix - Sword Savant ImageBrave Felix Sword Infantry
New Levin Sword accelerates Special by 2, opening up either area-of-effect spam or quick Galeforce.
Lone Wolf can grant up to three actions in one turn.
Sharena - Pillars of Peace ImageBridal Sharena Lance Cavalry
Incredibly mobile with United Bouquet granting movement+1 and Forever Yours granting 【Canto (Dist, +1; Max 4)】.
Both Forever Yours and Duo Skill generate additional actions while refreshing Canto.
Gullveig - Glittering Sunlight ImageSummer Gullveig Red Tome Cavalry
Can act up to four times in one turn with Golden Sunlight, Time and Light, and her Duo Skill.
Flared Sparrow leaves behind 【Divine Vein (Flame)】 terrain, softening up enemies for future engagements.
Sanaki - Dawnsworn Ninja ImageNinja Sanaki Red Tome Cavalry
Radiant Scrolls' brave effect can quickly defeat enemies.
Duo Skill grants herself an additional action.
Corrin (F) - Nightfall Ninja Act ImageNinja Corrin (F) Green Tome Cavalry
Ninjutsu Scrolls' brave effect can quickly defeat enemies.
Duo Skill grants herself an additional action.
Laegjarn - Flame and Frost ImageNinja Laegjarn Blue Bow Flying
Flamefrost Bow's brave effect can quickly defeat enemies.
Duo Skill grants herself an additional action.
Chrom - Fell Exalt ImageFallen Chrom Sword Cavalry
Arcane Devourer has Special acceleration, allowing an easy Galeforce trigger.
Fate Unchanged... allows a Reposition effect while inflicting 【Exposure】onto multiple foes.
Chrom - Fated Honor ImageBrave Chrom Lance Cavalry
Geirdriful grants bonus stats and Special cooldown charges in combat.
A Fate Changed! allows a Reposition effect while granting Brave Chrom an extra action and copies ally's bonuses, granting them to himself.
Leif - Unifier of Thracia ImageLegendary Leif Colorless Bow Cavalry
Meisterbogen's brave effect can quickly defeat enemies.
Njörun's Zeal II grants himself an additional action when triggered.
Gullveig - Golden Seer ImageGullveig Colorless Tome Cavalry
Quietus Gullveig and Time is Light grant herself additional actions after combat.
Flared Sparrow leaves behind 【Divine Vein (Flame)】 terrain, softening up enemies for future engagements.

Savior Tank Units

Byleth - Frosty Professors ImageWinter Byleth (M) Sword Armored
Holy Yule Blade decays foe's Specials and grants multiple stat bonuses.
Supreme Heaven deals bonus damage against dragons and beasts and also grants additional damage reduction.
Corrin - Silent Bloodline ImageBrave Corrin (F) Colorless Breath Armored
Multiple damage reduction effects and the 【Divine Vein (Stone)】 effect paired with high Spd allow her to survive multiple engagements.
Hector - Brave Warrior ImageBrave Hector Lance Armored
The king of blue tank units.
Can counterattack at a distance, deny enemy follow-ups, and has his own follow-up attack.
Idunn - Divine Demon ImageAscended Idunn Blue Breath Armored
Guaranteed follow-up attack.
Weapon is comparable to Brave Hector's refined Maltet.
Can neutralize penalties inflicted on her.
Edelgard - Adrestian Emperor ImageBrave Edelgard Axe Armored
High mobility for an armored unit.
Incredibly sturdy with refined Flower Hauteclere and Black Eagle Rule granting multiple defensive effects.
Caineghis - GalliaCaineghis Colorless Beast Armored
Refined Lion King Fang grants multiple defensive effects and guaranteed follow-up attacks on both phases.
Nullifies buffs from ranged units.

Support Units

Unit Name
Elimine - Scouring Saint ImageElimine Staff Flying
Grants damage reduction, healing, and can shut down "At start of turn" effects of foes in cardinal directions upon winning a Res check.
Flayn - Silly Kitty-Cat ImageHalloween Flayn Staff Cavalry
Kitty-Cat Parasol grants Special cooldown charges, 30% damage reduction, and "neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk" to nearby allies and can double as an offensive unit with high Atk and a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Flayn - Playing Innocent ImageFlayn Staff Flying
Grants damage reduction and healing.
Lucina - Brave Princess ImageBrave Lucina Lance Infantry
Grants bonus stats and Special acceleration to nearby allies.
Can double as an offensive unit with refined Geirskögul
Corrin - Fateful Prince ImageCorrin (M) Sword Infantry
Grants bonus stats to his Ally Support during combat.
Hilda - DeerSummer Hilda Staff Flying
Grants Atk+6 and Special acceleration to nearby allies during combat.

Refresher Units

Unit Name
Peony - Álfar Dream Duo ImageNew Year Peony Green Tome Flying
Grants additional Atk to allies in similar cardinal directions.
Can use her Duo Skill to grant another action to an adjacent ally.
Peony - Sweet Dream ImagePeony Blue Tome Flying
Grants additional Atk and Spd to allies in similar cardinal directions.
Azura - Vallite Songstress ImageLegendary Azura Blue Tome Flying
Grants additional bonuses equal to highest bonus on unit and +1 movement.
Azura - Hatari Duet ImageHatari Azura Green Tome Cavalry
Grants +6 to all stats and +1 movement to target unit and all adjacent allies.
Can use Harmonized Skill to grant extra actions to allies.

List of All Dancers | Heroes with Refresher Skills

User Submitted Units / Parties for Lucia and Geoffrey

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