Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Best Skills for Grand Conquests

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Best Skills for Grand Conquests Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide on the best skills for Grand Conquests in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To know which skills to give to your units to both defend themselves and to give them an edge in offense, read on!

Quick Reference Table for the Best Skills in Grand Conquests

Explanations for the Best Skills in Grand Conquests

Close Def 3/Distant Def 3

Sigurd Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Close Def 3 and Distant Def 3 are excellent skills to give a wide variety of units.

In Grand Conquests a unit will be attacked by several enemy units, so having these skills will increase their durability.

Smoke Dagger+

Merlinus Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

In the Weapon Refinery, you can refine Smoke Dagger+ to boost any of your unit's stats such as Def or Atk.

The important effect, however, is the debuff to enemies' Def and Res and their nearby allies through their next actions.

Since units in Grand Conquests are usually bunched together, your unit with Smoke Dagger+ will be able to spread these debuff to several units at once.


Silas Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Reposition is a very versatile Assist Skill that moves your ally to your unit's opposite side.

Similar to Draw Back, it could be argued that reposition is better for protecting allies as it moves them 2 spaces back instead of 1.

In some cases, you would want Draw Back, so it's up to you which Assist Skill you can use.


NY Keaton Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Smite is an Assist Skill that pushes an ally 2 spaces away from your unit. This skill is mostly recommended for Armor units so they can cover more area.

This skill is also usefull to push units over terrain that they cannot cross, except for units that cannot stand in rivers or mountains.


Lucius Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Martyr+ is a skill exclusive to Staff units.

This is the only skill that allows HP to be restored to its owner, so the unit it's equipped to could take damage and then restore HP to themselves and their allies.

It's highly recommended you equip this skill to healers with good bulk.

Heavenly Light

Lena Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Another skill exclusive to staff units, Heavenly Light is a Special that restores HP to all allies on the map regardless of distance.

Having at least one healer that has this Special will ensure all units will be kept healthy, no matter where they are on the map.

Wings of Mercy 3

Frederick Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Wings of Mercy is a skill that allows the unit that has it to warp to an ally with ≤ 50% HP.

Because of the amount of battles and the amount of damage happening in Grand Conquests, the HP threshold can easily be met and several units can use it to aid their ally and take out more enemy units.

Savage Blow 3

Nemesis Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Savage Blow 3 is a skill that deals 7 damage to nearby enemy units after combat.

If used in conjuction with the Savage Blow Sacred Seal, you can deal 14 damage to enemy units in one turn of combat, allowing your team to quickly take them out.

Guidance 3

Tana Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Guidance 3 is a skill that allows both Infantry and Armor units within 2 spaces to move to available adjacent spaces next to a unit.

This is very helpful in covering more ground with your allies, as Armor units can move up to 3 squares.

Allies will be able to move across rivers and mountains as well, as long as they can reach the unit that this skill is equipped to, which is very helpful in navigating the large, complicated maps in Grand Conquests.


These are some of the skills that will be very useful in any Grand Conquests maps as they provide good utility to help your team take out enemies quickly.

If you have any other skills that you would recommend for Grand Conquests, let us know in the comments!

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