Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

C4: How to Get and Use

C4 is a Lethal equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the C4 in the game!

C4 Overview

C4 Basic Info

C4C4 Type Lethal
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 23.
Description Large explosive that sticks to surfaces and can be detonated remotely when the equipment is depleted.

How to Use C4

Stick it to Surfaces

C4 is a heavy, large explosive that can be detonated manually to cause an explosion that is strong enough to destroy a light vehicle. It also sticks to surfaces, giving you more option on how to play C4 on the field.

C4 and Recon Drone Combo

You can create a makeshift Bomb Drone by sticking a C4 to a Recon Drone on the field. You can also ask your teammates to put more C4 for increased explosive power. Control the drone with C4 to the enemies and make it explode for easy kills!

Recon Drone: How to Get and Use

How to Counter C4

Equip Spotter Perk to Hack C4

How to Hack Proximity Mine Press and hold F key for PC
Press and hold PS4 - Square Button for PS

Press and hold XBOX - X Button for Xbox

You can hack a C4 if you have the Spotter Bonus Perk equipped. Just make sure the one who sticks it out won't see you, as they can detonate it from a distance to avoid dying. It can also help you spot other equipment on the field, assisting teammates in becoming aware of them!

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Equipment By Type

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