Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play Search and Destroy and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 2 - Search and Destroy

Search and Destroy is one of the multiplayer game modes available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to learn more about this game mode, how to play it, and the best loadouts you can equip.

How to Play Search and Destroy

Search and Destroy Overview

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Search and Destry

No. of Players 12 Players (2 Teams of 6)
Win Condition Win 6 Rounds to take the match.

Search & Destroy is a game mode that alternates between Attacking and Defending. Attackers have to plant the bomb and destroy one of two bomb sites (A or B), or kill all 6 of the enemy team to secure a round win.

Defenders, on the other hand, will either have to kill the entire enemy team or defuse a planted bomb to secure a round win. If you defuse a bomb while there are still live enemies, your team still wins the round. The first team to win 6 Rounds will take the match.

List of All Search and Destroy Maps

List of All Maps
Farm 18Farm 18 Mercado Las AlmasMercado Las Almas Breenbergh HotelBreenbergh Hotel
Al Bagra FortressAl Bagra Fortress Crown RacewayCrown Raceway El AsiloEl Asilo
EmbassyEmbassy Santa Sena Border CrossingSanta Sena Border Crossing Zarqwa HydroelectricZarqwa Hydroelectric
TaraqTaraq Shoot HouseShoot House ShipmentShipment

All Multiplayer Maps

Best Search and Destroy Loadouts

Double Primary Loadout

Primary Secondary
FSS HurricaneFSS Hurricane Expedite 12Expedite 12
Tactical Lethal
Stun GrenadeStun Grenade Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade
Perk Package: Assault
Overkill Scavenger Hardline Quick Fix
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Dead SilenceDead Silence Trophy SystemTrophy System
Kill Streaks

In a game mode where there are no respawns, you'll need to eliminate your enemies quicker than them. The FSS Hurricane is an excellent weapon for this purpose as its fast fire rate and high mobility lets players move around fast and hit hard.

Sneaky Loadout

Primary Secondary
M4M4 P890P890
Tactical Lethal
Stun GrenadeStun Grenade C4C4
Perk Package: Phantom
Battle Hardened Double Time Cold-Blooded Ghost
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Dead SilenceDead Silence Portable RadarPortable Radar
Kill Streaks

The M4 is another solid pick for a primary weapon given its accuracy in mid-close range fights as well as its fairly easy to control recoil. Activating Dead Silence when you have your Ultimate Perk makes for a slippery combo especially for players that like to lurk around maps and pick off wandering enemies.

Tips and Strategies for Search and Destroy

Avoid Playing For Yourself

Search and Destroy has no respawns so getting caught out and leaving your allies 1 teammate short can make things very difficult. Taking bombsites is easier when you work with your team as you can play off each other and get the necessary trades to win. Communicating and executing strategies as a team can make your chances of securing the round better.

Learn the Maps

Different maps require different strategies and this is important to remember when playing this game mode. Taking a bomb site on Santa Sena Border Crossing where the area is full of cars will be very different from taking sites in a more open map like Taraq. It's important to understand the layout of each map and approach them appropriately.

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