Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Denied Area Intel Locations and Spec Ops Mission Walkthrough

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Denied Area is a co-op Spec Ops mission featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022). Read on for a complete walkthrough of Denied Area including the locations of all 20 intel fragments, the list of weapons found in the mission, and the rewards obtained from completing the mission.

Denied Area Mission Walkthrough

No. Step
Head down the road just outside Target A's location. Snipe enemies from afar using the EBR-14.
Once the area is clear, plant a charge on the SAM Site Missile and wait for it to detonate. Afterwards, grab a PILA launcher near the ammo depot.
Get inside the nearby vehicle and drive down the road. Use the PILA to take down the enemy chopper that will pursue after you.
Drive down past the hostile-controlled town - becareful of mines on both sides of the road and avoid RPGs being shot at you.
You can resupply at the town's weapons depot if you need ammo and change vehicles if your current one is destroyed.
Once past the town, you have the choice to destroy the remaining three SAM Sites in any order.
Target B: You will be greeted with hostile RPGs and several enemies in the area. Clear the area first before planting charges.
In the middle of the farm/field, you will find the SAM Site. Plant the charges and wait for it to detonate.
Target C: Make your way to Site C; Climb on top of the guard post outside to easily snipe the enemies inside from afar.
A Juggernaut will also be guarding the SAM Site. Use grenades or the PILA launcher to wipe him out. You can then plant the charges safely afterwards.
Target D: Head to Site D; there will be several rooftops for you to use. Snipe down enemies from this position, they will come towards your position once compromised.
Plant the charges, resupply afterwards with PILA Launcher rockets at the nearby ammo depot.
For the final fight, take down the enemy chopper - You will have to fire multiple rockets to destroy it as it will use flares to misguide your rockets.
Get to the Exfil location; The plane's ramp will be open and you will have to drive towards it. Avoid the enemy vehicles that will try to ram you off the road.

Denied Area Intel Fragment Locations

Jump to a Section!
Intels 1 to 3 Intels 4 to 8 Intels 9 to 10
Intels 11 to 13 Intels 14 to 20 -

Target A Intel Locations

No. How to Get
Pick up the Geiger Counter at the guard's post near the starting area. Use the device to locate the crate within the vicinity of the post. You will know if you are near once the device reaches '9.00' and above.
Head to the tent near the SAM site area. The intel will be on top of a table beside the radios.
There is an open shed to the left of the SAM site. Collect the intel that is sitting on top of a wooden chair.

Town Area Intel Locations

No. How to Get
Grab a vehicle and drive to the town down the road. Go inside the building on the right side of the road. The intel is on top of the dining table on the first floor.
Go to the building with a large tower. The intel is on a bedside table in the room with several hospital beds inside.
Found on top of the tower of the same building. A Signal 50 Sniper Rifle can also be found here.
Go inside the building marked on the map. The intel is located on the second floor, in front of the TV.
Head to the building south of the previous one. Go to the second floor and head to the first room to the right to find the intel.

Target B Intel Locations

No. How to Get
Drive to Target B; The intel is plugged into a laptop next to the SAM Site, right beside the Ammo Refill depot.
Head to the Watchtower just South-East of you. There will be two random spawns for this intel - either the radio station with the tent or the station at the base of the tower.

Target C Intel Locations

No. How to Get
Go to the forest area between Targets C and D. Use your Geiger Counter to locate the intel crate.
Drive to Target C; There will be a Juggernaut in the area, make sure to take him down first. The intel is located at a shack with a parked cargo truck.
Go to the large house beside the entrance to the SAM site. The intel is located on the 2nd floor near a TV and potted plant.

Target D Intel Locations

No. How to Get
Drive to the north-east part of Target D. There is a house in the middle of two roads. Go upstairs to find the intel next to the TV.
Drive back to Target D's SAM Site area. Players can find a USB stick plugged in a laptop near the SAM Turret.
Head to the building to the east. Go up to the 2nd floor to find an open drawer containing the intel.
Go outside to the north, there will be a garden patch. Use the Geiger Counter to locate the crate. Becareful of mines in the area!
Go to the tiny shack south-west of the SAM Site. You'll find the intel on top of a table with a radio near it.
Drive south of Target D; The intel is located on the roof of the building near a water tank.
Drive to the desert area just south-west of the previous location. Once again, use the Geiger Counter to locate the last intel within the area.

Denied Area Weapons List

Type Weapons
Assault Rifle Kastov 545
SMG Kastov-74u, Vaznek-9K
Sniper Signal 50
Shotgun Lockwood 300
Handgun P890
Launcher PILA
Marksman Rifle EBR-14

List of All Weapons

List of Rewards on Denied Area


Operator Faction
Modern Warfare 2 - Zero

How to Unlock All Operators

Weekly Stars Requirements

Stars Unlock Conditions
(3 Stars)
Complete Denied Area in under 16:00 minutes.
(2 Stars)
Complete Denied Area in under 25:00 minutes.

(1 Star)
Complete Denied Area

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2 Denied Area
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5 High Ground


3 Paulover 2 years

You can also get the LM-S from the snipers at A spot on the roof

2 Anonymousover 2 years

top of the tower building


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