Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Play Invasion and Best Loadouts

Modern Warfare 2 - Invasion

Invasion is one of the multiplayer game modes available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to learn more about this game mode, how to play it, and the best loadouts you can equip.

How to Play Invasion

Invasion Overview

Modern Warfare 2 - Invasion

No. of Players 40 (2 Teams of 20; mix of Players & AI)
Win Condition Get a total of 1000 Points to win.

Invasion is a massive, 40-man deathmatch that pits 2 teams of 20 against one another. However, unlike Ground War, this game mode mixes Players & AI in the same teams, allowing for fast-paced combat and easier queue times despite the size of the lobby. Race the enemy team to 1000 Points in order to win the match.

List of All Invasion Maps

List of All Maps
Taraq (Invasion)Taraq (Invasion) SaSa'id (Invasion)
Sariff Bay (Invasion)Sariff Bay (Invasion)
Guijarro (Invasion)Guijarro (Invasion)

All Multiplayer Maps

Best Invasion Loadouts

Adaptive Combat Loadout

Primary Secondary
SP-R 208SP-R 208 TAQ-56TAQ-56
Tactical Lethal
Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade
Perk Package: Assault
Overkill Scavenger Hardline Quick Fix
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Munitions BoxMunitions Box Tactical InsertionTactical Insertion
Kill Streaks
UAV Care Package SAE

Given the size of the maps in this game mode, you'll need to be quick in adapting to how you approach a gunfight. Equipping this loadout lets you take all types of fights be it long distance or up close. Resources won't be a problem as Scavenger and Munitions Box will allow you to focus on the battle and not on your reserve rounds.

Push Forward Loadout

Primary Secondary
M4M4 P890P890
Tactical Lethal
Flash GrenadeFlash Grenade ThermiteThermite
Perk Package: Phantom
Battle Hardened Double Time Cold Blooded Ghost
Field Upgrade 1 Field Upgrade 2
Dead SilenceDead Silence Portable RadarPortable Radar
Kill Streaks
UAV Cruise Missle SAE

This loadout is for players that want to fight at the frontline. The M4 is a reliable weapon for fighting in mid-close range while your base perks make you more durable in battle. Once you get your Ultimate Perk, you can activate Dead Silence and to slip past enemies and catch them off guard.

Tips and Strategies for Invasion

Hold the Line

Due to the magnitude of the maps in Invasion, there will be a vast open area allows players to attack from various ways. Stay together and hold the line with your teammates for a better chance at racking kills and subsequently take control of the match. Make sure to stay within the playing area as staying out of bounds for too long can result in instant death.

Avoid Going Solo

Whether it be fighting a group of enemies or driving an APC into the battlefield, it is always better to do it with your teammates. Getting solo kills is certainly easier but having the numbers helps tremendously when taking control of an area on the map.

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All Multiplayer Game Modes

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